实现 int sqrt(int x)
计算并返回 x 的平方根,其中 x 是非负整数。
示例 1:
输入: 4
输出: 2
示例 2:
输入: 8
输出: 2
说明: 8 的平方根是 2.82842...,
#include "_000库函数.h" //最简单想法,耗时长
class Solution {
int mySqrt(int x) {
if (x <= )return x;
double n = ;//防止int溢出
while (++n) {
if (n*n > x) {
return (int)n;
else if (n*n == x)
return (int)n;
return ;//力扣非得要在这里加一个return,无语了
}; //用对折法
class Solution {
int mySqrt(int x) {
if (x <= )return x;
double min = , max = , mid = (int)((min + max)/);//防止int溢出
while (min < max&&mid*mid != x) {
if (mid*mid < x)min = mid + ;
else max = mid - ;
mid = (int)((min + max)/);
if (mid*mid > x)--mid;
return (int)mid;
}; //同样折半,更简洁
class Solution {
int mySqrt(int x) {
if (x <= ) return x;
int left = , right = x;
while (left < right) {
int mid = left + (right - left) / ;
if (x / mid >= mid) left = mid + ;
else right = mid;
return right - ;
}; //更牛逼的方法
//因为要求x2 = n的解,令f(x)=x2-n,相当于求解f(x)=0的解,可以求出递推式如下:
//xi + 1 = xi - (xi2 - n) / (2xi) = xi - xi / 2 + n / (2xi) = xi / 2 + n / 2xi = (xi + n / xi) / 2 class Solution {
int mySqrt(int x) {
long res = x;
while (res * res > x) {
res = (res + x / res) / ;
return res;
void T069() {
Solution s;
cout << "2: " << s.mySqrt() << endl;
cout << "8: " << s.mySqrt() << endl;
cout << "0: " << s.mySqrt() << endl;
cout << "9: " << s.mySqrt()<<endl;
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