Do one thing at a time, and do well.


Why is it that about 25% to 50% of people have ever reported that they felt overwhelmed or burned out at work?

According to my own experience, it is not just the number of hours we are working, but also the fact that we spend too many continuous hours juggling too many things at the same time.

What we have lost, above all, are stopping points, finish lines and boundaries.

Further more, technology has blurred life and work beyond our traditional recognition.

Wherever we go, our work follows us, on our digital devices, ever insistent and intrusive.

It is like an itch we can't resist scratching, even though scratching invariably makes it worse.

Just think about your answers for the following questions, remember to tell the truth:

Do you answer email during conference calls and sometimes even during calls with one other person?

Do you bring your laptop to meetings and then pretend you are taking notes while surfing the net?

Do you eat lunch at your desk?

Do you make calls while you are driving, and even send the wechat messages, though you know you shouldn't?

Remember, doing only one thing at a time is always a surprisingly way to become more productive.

And productivity isn't about how busy we are, or how fast we work, it's about how much we can accomplish.

That's what we are left with at the end of the day.

So, just concentrate on one thing that we are doing now, and do it well.

Maybe we can get somethng surprising at the end.

Be determined. Instead of intending to just try, do it.


From Star Wars.

If you are not determined, if you intend to just try, you probably won't put you all into your work.

Always commit fully, and if you are still conviced that there is a difference, then you may fail.

You must be certain that you can achieve it, or you will not be able to.

But how can one be certain of something he can't actually know?

Well, logically he can't, but he can use various of mental tricks to convince himself anyway.

The brain isn't a good tool for sorting logic from illogic, and truth has only a passing connection with what you can convince yourself of.

So, 'no try' just means 'no half-hearted attempts, only conviction can succeed.'

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