The React team has an official Command Line Interface (CLI) for building React projects called "Create React App"; in this lesson, we show how to use this tool to quickly set up new projects using the create-react-app {project-name}command. We then use the npm scripts that are provided: npm start to develop, npm run build to ship, and npm run eject to opt out of the abstracted tooling.

The benefits of this tool are:
- It's officially maintained by the React team; this means best practices out of the box
- Zero config, one dependency
- Config is abstracted so React team can make improvements under the hood and you get the new goodness for free
- Clean command line output for errors
- You can "eject" at any time if needed


npm install -g create-react-app

Create a new app:

create-react-app react-start

Remove react-scripts:

npm run eject

This will remove the react-script and back to normal.

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