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<LI><IMG name='2' src="data:images/main_right_p.jpg">
<LI><IMG name='3' src="data:images/main_right_p.jpg">
<LI><IMG name='4' src="data:images/main_right_p.jpg">
<DIV >
<LI><IMG name='5' src="data:images/main_right_p.jpg">
<DIV >
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//var tempi=0;
function ZoomPic ()
this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
ZoomPic.prototype =
initialize : function (id)
var _this = this;
this.wrap = typeof id === "string" ? document.getElementById(id) : id;
this.oUl = this.wrap.getElementsByTagName("ul")[0];
this.aLi = this.wrap.getElementsByTagName("li");
this.spans = this.wrap.getElementsByTagName("label");
this.prev = this.wrap.getElementsByTagName("pre")[0];
this.next = this.wrap.getElementsByTagName("pre")[1];
this.timer = null;
this.aSort = [];
this.aSpan = [];
this.iCenter = 2;
this._doPrev = function () {return _this.doPrev.apply(_this)};
this._doNext = function () {return _this.doNext.apply(_this)};
this.options = [
{width:50, height:212, top:55, left:0, zIndex:1},
{width:90, height:252, top:35, left:50, zIndex:2},
{width:400, height:292, top:10, left:140, zIndex:3},
{width:90, height:252, top:35, left:540, zIndex:2},
{width:50, height:212, top:55, left:630, zIndex:1}
for (var i = 0; i < this.aLi.length; i++) this.aSort[i] = this.aLi[i];
for (var i = 0; i < this.spans.length; i++) this.aSpan[i] = this.spans[i];
this.addEvent(this.prev, "click", this._doPrev);
this.addEvent(this.next, "click", this._doNext);
this.timer = setInterval(function ()
}, 3000);
this.wrap.onmouseover = function ()
this.wrap.onmouseout = function ()
_this.timer = setInterval(function ()
}, 3000);
doPrev : function ()
this.aSort.unshift(this.aSort.pop());//删除数组最后一项,并且返回数组 获取最后一位
doNext : function ()
this.aSort.push(this.aSort.shift());//删除数组第一项,并且返回数组 删除第一位,然后把第一位push到最后一个上面
doImgClick : function ()
var _this = this;
for (var i = 0; i < this.aSort.length; i++)
this.aSort[i].onclick = function ()
{ //alert(this.index);
if (this.index > _this.iCenter)
for (var i = 0; i < this.index - _this.iCenter; i++) _this.aSort.push(_this.aSort.shift());
else if(this.index < _this.iCenter)
for (var i = 0; i < _this.iCenter - this.index; i++) _this.aSort.unshift(_this.aSort.pop());
var _this = this;
for (var i = 0; i < this.aSpan.length; i++)
this.aSpan[i].onclick = function ()
var cruuNum=_this.aSort[_this.iCenter].getElementsByTagName('img')[0].name;
// if (this.id > _this.iCenter)
// {
// for (var i = 0; i < this.id - _this.iCenter; i++) _this.aSort.push(_this.aSort.shift());//取
// _this.setUp()
for (var i = 0; i < this.id-cruuNum; i++) _this.aSort.push(_this.aSort.shift());//取
for (var i = 0; i < -(this.id-cruuNum); i++) _this.aSort.unshift(_this.aSort.pop());//取
//} //}
// else{
// for (var i = 0; i < -(this.id-cruuNum); i++) _this.aSort.push(_this.aSort.shift());//取
// _this.setUp()
// } // }
// else if(this.id < _this.iCenter)
// {
// for (var i = 0; i < _this.iCenter - this.id; i++) _this.aSort.unshift(_this.aSort.pop());
// _this.setUp()
// } // for (var i = 0; i <5; i++){
// _this.aSort.push(_this.aSort.shift());//取第一个
// alert(_this.aSort[_this.iCenter].getElementsByTagName('img')[0].name+'aaa'+this.id);
// if(_this.aSort[_this.iCenter].getElementsByTagName('img')[0].name==(this.id+1)){
// _this.setUp()
// break;
// }
// } }
setUp : function ()
var _this = this;
var i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < this.aSort.length; i++) this.oUl.appendChild(this.aSort[i]);//gebytagui0
for (i = 0; i < this.aSort.length; i++)
this.aSort[i].index = i;
if (i < 5)
{ this.css(this.aSort[i], "display", "block");
this.doMove(this.aSort[i], this.options[i], function ()
_this.doMove(_this.aSort[_this.iCenter].getElementsByTagName("img")[0], {opacity:100}, function ()
_this.doMove(_this.aSort[_this.iCenter].getElementsByTagName("img")[0], {opacity:100}, function ()
_this.aSort[_this.iCenter].onmouseover = function ()//鼠标放上去
_this.doMove(this.getElementsByTagName("div")[0], {bottom:0})
_this.aSort[_this.iCenter].onmouseout = function ()
_this.doMove(this.getElementsByTagName("div")[0], {bottom:-100})
this.css(this.aSort[i], "display", "none");
this.css(this.aSort[i], "width", 0);
this.css(this.aSort[i], "height", 0);
this.css(this.aSort[i], "top", 37);
this.css(this.aSort[i], "left", this.oUl.offsetWidth / 2)
if (i < this.iCenter || i > this.iCenter)//
this.css(this.aSort[i].getElementsByTagName("img")[0], "opacity", 30)
this.aSort[i].onmouseover = function ()
_this.doMove(this.getElementsByTagName("img")[0], {opacity:100})
this.aSort[i].onmouseout = function ()
_this.doMove(this.getElementsByTagName("img")[0], {opacity:35})
//中间 一直是2
var ttSe=this.aSort[i].getElementsByTagName("img")[0].name;
var numbuts= document.getElementsByName('numBut');
//alert(numbuts.length); for(var t=0;t<numbuts.length;t++){
numbuts[t].className ='numbutLeftCen';
numbuts[t].className ='numbutLeft';
}else if(t==ttSe){
numbuts[t].className ='numbutCen';
}else if(t==numbuts.length){
numbuts[0].className ='numbutCen';
//var aObj = document.getElementById("a的ID");
// if(tempi==0){//alert(tempi);
// if (window.addEventListener) {//Mozilla系列
// numbuts[t].addEventListener('click', _this.addClick(t+1), false);
// } else if (window.attachEvent) {//IE
// numbuts[t].attachEvent('onclick', this.addClick(t+1));
// }
// }
this.aSort[i].onmouseover = this.aSort[i].onmouseout = null
},addEvent : function (oElement, sEventType, fnHandler)
return oElement.addEventListener ? oElement.addEventListener(sEventType, fnHandler, false) : oElement.attachEvent("on" + sEventType, fnHandler)
css : function (oElement, attr, value)
if (arguments.length == 2)
return oElement.currentStyle ? oElement.currentStyle[attr] : getComputedStyle(oElement, null)[attr]
else if (arguments.length == 3)
switch (attr)
case "width":
case "height":
case "top":
case "left":
case "bottom":
oElement.style[attr] = value + "px";
case "opacity" :
oElement.style.filter = "alpha(opacity=" + value + ")";
oElement.style.opacity = value / 100;
default :
oElement.style[attr] = value;
doMove : function (oElement, oAttr, fnCallBack)
var _this = this;
oElement.timer = setInterval(function ()
var bStop = true;
for (var property in oAttr)
var iCur = parseFloat(_this.css(oElement, property));
property == "opacity" && (iCur = parseInt(iCur.toFixed(2) * 100));
var iSpeed = (oAttr[property] - iCur) / 5;
iSpeed = iSpeed > 0 ? Math.ceil(iSpeed) : Math.floor(iSpeed); if (iCur != oAttr[property])
bStop = false;
_this.css(oElement, property, iCur + iSpeed)
if (bStop)
fnCallBack && fnCallBack.apply(_this, arguments)
}, 30)
},addClick:function (num){
// if (this.index > _this.iCenter)
// {
// for (var i = 0; i < this.index - _this.iCenter; i++) _this.aSort.push(_this.aSort.shift());
// _this.setUp()
// }
window.onload = function ()
new ZoomPic("box"); };
function tt(){
//alert(1); }


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OOOOOKKK 了,奇特的效果就要出来了 ,还有一些不完美的地方,懒得去改了,有高手可以改改看,但希望分享哦。



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