Key Classes


The CacheManager class is used to manage caches. Creation of, access to, and removal of caches is controlled by a named CacheManager.


A Cache is a thread-safe logical representation of a set of data elements, analogous to a cache region in many caching systems. Once a reference to a cache is obtained (through a CacheManager), logical actions can be performed. The physical implementation of these actions is relegated to the stores.


An element is an atomic entry in a cache. It has a key, a value, and a record of accesses. Elements are put into and removed from caches. They can also expire and be removed by the cache, depending on the cache settings.

Creating a CacheManager

Create a new CacheManager or return the existing one named in the configuration.
  CacheManager.newInstance(Configuration configuration)

Create a new singleton CacheManager with default configuration, or return the existing singleton.

Create a singleton CacheManager with the passed-in configuration, or return the existing singleton.
  CacheManager.create(Configuration configuration)

Create a new CacheManager, or throw an exception if the CacheManager named in the configuration already exists or if the parameter (configuration) is null.
  new CacheManager(Configuration configuration)

Create a singleton CacheManager with the passed-in configuration, or return the existing singleton.
  CacheManager.create(Configuration configuration)

Loading a Configuration

The following creates a CacheManager based on the configuration defined in the ehcache.xml file in the classpath.

  1. CacheManager manager = CacheManager.newInstance();

The following creates a CacheManager based on a specified configuration file.

  1. CacheManager manager = CacheManager.newInstance("src/config/ehcache.xml");

The following creates a CacheManager from a configuration resource in the classpath.

  1. URL url = getClass().getResource("/anotherconfigurationname.xml");
  2. CacheManager manager = CacheManager.newInstance(url);

The following creates a CacheManager from a configuration in an InputStream.

  1. InputStream fis = new FileInputStream(new File("src/config/ehcache.xml").getAbsolutePath());
  2. try {
  3. CacheManager manager = CacheManager.newInstance(fis);
  4. } finally {
  5. fis.close();
  6. }

Performing Basic Cache Operations

Obtaining a reference to a Cache

  1. Cache cache = manager.getCache("sampleCache1");

Putting an Element in Cache

  1. Cache cache = manager.getCache("sampleCache1");
  2. Element element = new Element("key1", "value1");
  3. cache.put(element);

Updating and Element in Cache

  1. Cache cache = manager.getCache("sampleCache1");
  2. cache.put(new Element("key1", "value1"));
  3. //This updates the entry for "key1"
  4. cache.put(new Element("key1", "value2"));

Getting an Element from Cache - The following gets a Serializable value from an element with a key of key1 .

  1. Cache cache = manager.getCache("sampleCache1");
  2. Element element = cache.get("key1");
  3. Serializable value = element.getValue();

Getting an Element from Cache - The following gets a NonSerializable value from an element with a key of key1 .

  1. Cache cache = manager.getCache("sampleCache1");
  2. Element element = cache.get("key1");
  3. Object value = element.getObjectValue();

Removing an Element from Cache

  1. Cache cache = manager.getCache("sampleCache1");
  2. cache.remove("key1");

Obtaining Cache Sizes - The following gets the number of elements currently in the cache.

  1. Cache cache = manager.getCache("sampleCache1");
  2. int elementsInMemory = cache.getSize();

Obtaining Cache Sizes - The following gets the number of elements currently in the MemoryStore.

  1. Cache cache = manager.getCache("sampleCache1");
  2. long elementsInMemory = cache.getMemoryStoreSize();

Obtaining Cache Sizes - The following gets the number of elements currently in the DiskStore.

  1. Cache cache = manager.getCache("sampleCache1");
  2. long elementsInMemory = cache.getDiskStoreSize();

Shutdown the CacheManager

The following shuts down the singleton CacheManager:

  1. CacheManager.getInstance().shutdown();

The following shuts down a CacheManager instance, assuming you have a reference to the CacheManager called cacheManager :

  1. cacheManager.shutdown();

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