leetcode@ [54/59] Spiral Matrix & Spiral Matrix II
Given a matrix of m x n elements (m rows, n columns), return all elements of the matrix in spiral order.
For example,
Given the following matrix:
[ 1, 2, 3 ],
[ 4, 5, 6 ],
[ 7, 8, 9 ]
You should return [1,2,3,6,9,8,7,4,5]
class Solution {
bool check(vector<vector<int> >& matrix, vector<vector<bool> >& vis, int x, int y) {
if(x< || x>=matrix.size() || y< || y>=matrix[].size() || vis[x][y]) return false;
return true;
vector<int> spiralOrder(vector<vector<int>>& matrix) {
vector<int> res; res.clear();
if(matrix.size() == ) return res; vector<vector<bool> > vis(matrix.size(), vector<bool>(matrix[].size(), false)); int dir[][] = {{,}, {,}, {,-}, {-,}};
int __dir = , sx = , sy = , tot = matrix.size() * matrix[].size(), cnt = ;
while(cnt <= tot) {
vis[sx][sy] = true;
if(!check(matrix, vis, sx+dir[__dir][], sy+dir[__dir][])) __dir = (__dir+)%;
sx = sx + dir[__dir][];
sy = sy + dir[__dir][];
} return res;
Given an integer n, generate a square matrix filled with elements from 1 to n2 in spiral order.
For example,
Given n = 3
You should return the following matrix:
[ 1, 2, 3 ],
[ 8, 9, 4 ],
[ 7, 6, 5 ]
class Solution {
bool check(int n, vector<vector<bool> >& vis, int x, int y) {
if(x< || x>=n || y< || y>=n || vis[x][y]) return false;
return true;
vector<vector<int>> generateMatrix(int n) {
vector<vector<int> > res; res.resize();
if(n == ) return res; res.resize(n);
for(int i=;i<res.size();++i) res[i].resize(n);
vector<vector<bool> > vis(n, vector<bool>(n, false)); int dir[][] = {{,}, {,}, {,-}, {-,}};
int sx = , sy = , __dir = , tot = n * n, cnt = ; while(cnt <= tot) {
res[sx][sy] = cnt;
vis[sx][sy] = true;
if(!check(n, vis, sx + dir[__dir][], sy + dir[__dir][])) __dir = (__dir + ) % ;
sx = sx + dir[__dir][];
sy = sy + dir[__dir][];
} return res;
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