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Flask-AppBuilder - Simple and rapid Application builder, includes detailed security, auto form generation, google charts and much more.
- * travis-ci: http://travisFlask-AppBuilder - Simple and rapid Application builder, includes detailed security, auto form generation, google charts and much more.
FlaskEx - UNKNOWNgourd - easy server framework. add flask's style route to tcp/udp server.kit - Flask, Celery, SQLAlchemy integration framework.Flask-WTF - Simple integration of Flask and WTFormsalchemist - A server architecture built on top of a solid foundation provided by flask, sqlalchemy, and various extensions.Flask-Mail - Flask extension for sending emailsga - make it easier to use pyga for web develop. and make pyga compatible with flask and django.flask-peewee - Peewee integration for flaskflask_util_js - flask's util in javascript. such as url_for etc.Flask-Security - Simple security for Flask appsFlask-RESTful - Simple framework for creating REST APIsFlask-SeaSurf - An updated CSRF extension for Flask.Flask-Cache - Adds cache support to your Flask applicationFlask-Admin - Simple and extensible admin interface framework for FlaskFlask-Slither - A small library between MongoDB and JSON API endpointsFlask-Bootstrap - An extension that includes Bootstrap in your project, without any boilerplate code.Flask-Script - Scripting support for FlaskFlask-GoogleLogin - Extends Flask-Login to use Google's OAuth2 authorizationFlask-Exceptional - Adds Exceptional support to Flask applicationsFlask - A microframework based on Werkzeug, Jinja2 and good intentionsINSTALLED: 0.10.1 (latest)clay-flask - Clay is a framework for building RESTful backend services using best practices.Flask-Classy - Class based views for FlaskShelfCMS - Enhancing flask microframework with beautiful admin and cms-like featuresFlask-DebugToolbar - A port of the Django debug toolbar to FlaskFlask-Actions - custom actions for flask to help manage your applicationFlask-Pypi-Proxy - A Pypi proxyFlask-LwAdmin - Flask-LwAdmin is minimalistic administrative interface building extension for the Flask frameworkFlask-MustacheJS - Mustache integration in Flask, with Jinja and client-side libraries.flask-easymode - Make Flask development even easierFlask-Restless - A Flask extension for easy ReSTful API generationFlask-Holster - Rigid MVC content negotiation for FlaskFlask-MongoAlchemy - Add Flask support for MongoDB using MongoAlchemy.Buro - A very simple Python-powered open-source web framework inspired by Flask, but following different design decisionsEve - REST API framework powered by Flask, MongoDB and good intentions.Flask-Login - User session management for FlaskFlask-uWSGI-WebSocket - High-performance WebSockets for your Flask apps powered by uWSGI.coaster - Coaster for FlaskFlask-Heroku-Cacheify - Automatic Flask cache configuration on Heroku.Flask-SQLAlchemy - Adds SQLAlchemy support to your Flask applicationtyron - Gevent redis/pubsub event notifier written in flask and geventFlask-WebCache - A Flask extension that adds HTTP based caching to Flask appsFlask-JinjaHelpers - Various helpers for Flask based Jinja2 templates.Erlenmeyer - Automatically generate Flask servers from Core Data.quorum - Quorum Extensions for FlaskFlask-Funnel - Asset management for Flask.mimerender - RESTful HTTP Content Negotiation for Flask, Bottle, web.py and webapp2 (Google App Engine)Frozen-Flask - Freezes a Flask application into a set of static files.Flask-OAuthlib - OAuthlib for FlaskFlask-Assets - Asset management for Flask, to compress and merge CSS and Javascript files.flask-heroku - Heroku environment variable configurations for FlaskFlask-Social - Simple OAuth provider integration for Flask-SecurityFlask-AutoIndex - The mod_autoindex for FlaskFlask-Sijax - An extension for the Flask microframework that adds Sijax support.Flask-MxitGA - Google analytics for flask and mxit.Flask-AlchemyView - Simple ModelView for auto-generating Flask Views based on SQLAlchemy modelsFlask-CuddlyRest - Flask restful API framework for MongoDB/MongoEngineFlask-Lastuser - Flask extension for Lastuserflask-appconfig - Configures Flask applications in a canonical way. Also auto-configures Heroku. Aims to standardize configuration.Flask-And-Redis - Simple as dead support of Redis database for Flask apps.flask-restful-swagger - Extrarct swagger specs from your flast-restful projectjac - A Jinja extension (compatible with Flask and other frameworks) to compile and/or compress your assets.Flask-Twitter-OEmbedder - Embedded tweets in Flask Jinja2 Templates with only the Tweet_IDFlask-Migrate - SQLAlchemy database migrations for Flask applications using Alembiclatexrender - A simple Flask app for rendering latex snippets into images.cheddar - PyPI clone with Flask and RedisPynuts - Pynuts is a Flask extension simplifying the implementation of the generic views of your app.Flask-Bcrypt - Brcrypt hashing for Flask.Flask-Principal - Identity management for flaskFlask-DebugToolbar-LineProfilerPanel - Panel for the Flask Debug toolbar to capture and view line-by-line profiling statsFlask-Dropbox - Dropbox Python SDK support for Flask applications.Flask-Mustache - Mustache for FlaskFlask-PyMongo - PyMongo support for Flask applicationsFlask-Testing - Unit testing for FlaskFlask-Gravatar - Small extension for Flask to make using Gravatar easyFlask-SuperAdmin - The best admin interface framework for Python. With scaffolding for MongoEngine, Django and SQLAlchemy.Flask-OpenID - OpenID support for FlaskFlask-KVSession - Transparent server-side session support for flaskFlask-Marcos - ERP apps Flask containerFlask-WePay - WePay API supportFlask-S3 - Seamlessly serve the static files of your Flask app from Amazon S3Flask-Snooze - Backend agnostic REST API provider for FlaskFlask-CouchDBKit - Flask extension that provides integration with CouchDBKit.GitHub-Flask - GitHub extension for Flask microframeworkFlask-Neo4j - Flask extension providing integration with Neo4j.flask-mongoengine - Flask support for MongoDB and with WTF model formsflask-mwoauth - Flask blueprint to connect to a MediaWiki OAuth serverFlask-Permissions - Simple user permissions for FlaskFlask-Genshi - An extension to Flask for easy Genshi templating.Flask-FlatPages - Provides flat static pages to a Flask applicationairbrake-flask - airbrake-flask - Airbrake client for Python FlaskFlask-Injector - Adds Injector, a Dependency Injection framework, support to Flask.simple_openid - Simple OpenID. One-line setup for OpenID login for Flask.Flask-Dogpile-Cache - Adds dogpile.cache support to your Flask applicationFlask-LazyViews - Registering url routes for Flask app and blueprints in lazy way.Flask-Celery - Celery integration for FlaskFlask-LDAP - Flask extension for LDAP auth and profile userFlask-Creole - Creole parser filters for FlaskFlask-Foundation - An extension that includes the Foundation css framework in your project, without any boilerplate code.Flask-Staticify - Looks for static files in the additional locations as a fallbackFlask-arrest - A small Flask extension to ease the creation of REST apis.Flask-Evolution - Simple migrations for Flask/SQLAlchemy projectsgoblet - Git web interface using libgit2 and flaskFlask-WebTest - Utilities for testing Flask applications with WebTest.flask_yamlpage - Flatpages in yaml syntaxFlask-Babel - Adds i18n/l10n support to Flask applicationsFlask-MongoKit - A Flask extension simplifies to use MongoKitFlask-Twip - twitter API proxy extension for Flask microframeworkFlask-JqueryUiBootstrap - Flask jQuery UI Bootstrap minimalistic fork of Flask-Bootsrap extensionFlask-Augment - Python decorators implementing contracts for flask frameworkFlask-Heroku-Auth - Flask Based Heroku Authentication.tahoe - A Flask-based framework that handles the tedious thingsflaskup - A simple Flask application to share files.Flask-Redtask - Redqueue integration for flasktestflask - Test flask applications easily.wfgfw - word filter for gfw, include plugin for flask. download keywords: https://github.com/observerss/textfilterFlask-Scrypt - Flask-Scrypt extension provides scrypt password hashing and random salt generation for Flask.Flask-SSLify - Force SSL on your Flask app.Flask-HTTPAuth - Basic and Digest HTTP authentication for Flask routesFlask-Limiter - Rate limiting for flask applicationsFlask-Nytro - Nytro is an extension to help the developers providing a set of useful tools giving even more facility to development apps with Flask.Flask-PageDown - Implementation of StackOverflow's "PageDown" markdown editor for Flask-WTF.flask-geokit - Geocoding toolkitFlask-Rauth - Adds OAuth 1.0/a, 2.0, and Ofly consumer support for Flask.Flask-Split - A/B testing for your Flask applicationFlask-BabelPkg - Adds i18n/l10n support to Flask applications and extensionsFlask-IdentityClient - PassaporteWeb connection for Flask applicationsFlask-Triangle - Integration of AngularJS and Flask.flask-whooshee - Flask - SQLAlchemy - Whoosh integrationFlask-Negotiation - Better content negotiation for flaskyell - User notification library with pluggable backends. Compatible with popular frameworks such as Django, Flask, Celery.Flask-Resize - Flask extension for resizing images in templatesFlask-Turbolinks - Turbolinks for Flask.Flask-Test - Various unit testing helpers for Flask applications.Flask-MakeStatic - Make for your flask app assetsFlask-Versioned - Add version info to file paths.Flask-Jasmine - Execution of Jasmine JavaScript tests within FlaskFlask-ReportableError - handle errors that can be reported to the web clientFlask-RedisConfig - Redis-backed config for Flask applicationsFlask-GoogleAuth - Super simple OpenID and Google Federated Auth for Flask apps.Flask-GoogleMaps - Small extension for Flask to make using Google Maps easylever - A tool for exposing SQLAlchemy models in Flask via RESTFlask-Auth - Auth extension for Flask.Flask-WeasyPrint - Make PDF in your Flask app with WeasyPrint.Flask-Github - Adds support for authorizing users with Github to FlaskFlask-Anyform - Flask application & extension for form integrationFlask-FedoraCommons - Library for manipulating Fedora Commons digitial repositoriesflaskle - bottle-like utility decorators for flaskFlask-Images - Dynamic image resizing for Flask.Flask-paginate - Simple paginate support for FlaskFlask-Gears - Gears for Flaskflask-skel - Basic Flask paster skeleton templateflask-server - UNKNOWNFlask-TwitterBootstrap - UNKNOWNflask_simplerest - A Flask extension for easy ReSTful API generationweber_utils - Utilities for the Weber flask templateFlask-MoreSQL - Call PostgreSQL stored procedures from FlaskFlask-MySQL - Flask simple mysql clientFlask-MVC - A framework to extend Flask to follow the model view controller, MVC, web application development pattern.Flask-CouchDB - Provides utilities for using CouchDB with FlaskFlask-Loopback - Library for faking HTTP requests using flask applications without actual network operationsFlask-Macro4 - flask/jinja2 templating toolsabilian-core - A framework for social business applications, based on Flask and SQLAlchemyflask-oauthprovider - A full featured and secure OAuth provider baseFlask-Fanstatic - Flask integration for the Fanstatic resource publishing system.Flask-Themes2 - Provides infrastructure for theming Flask applications (and supports Flask>=0.6!)Flask-Should-DSL - A flask extension for testing with should-dslFlask-Heroku-Env - Easily fetch Heroku environment variables.Flask-Themes - Provides infrastructure for theming Flask applicationsFlask-OAuth - Adds OAuth support to FlaskFlask-BrowserID - Flask support for BrowserID authenticationFlask-Administration - UNKNOWNmadame - RESTful API for MongoDB built on FlaskTornado-Restless - flask-restless adopted for tornadoFlask-Presst - REST API framework for Flask and SQLAlchemydraftin_a_flask - A simple Flask server that allows you to publish Pelican blags from http://draftin.comFlask-Mailgun - Adds Mailgun support to Flask applicationsFlask-Silk - Adds silk icons to your Flask application or blueprint, or extension.Flask-ErrorMail - Flask extension for sending administrators e-mails with stacktraces when internal server errors occur.fss - Compile Flask/Jinja2 site into static html contentFlask-Compressor - Compress your CSS and JS files.Flask-Dashed - Adds a way to easily build admin appsFlask-StatHat - StatHat extension for FlaskFlask-ShortUrl - Short URL generaotr for FlaskFlask-MAB - Multi-armed bandits for flaskFlask-LinkTester - Link tester for Flask applicationsFlask-Appcache - Semi-automagically sets up appcache for youapy - Pythonic API development with flaskFlask-Runner - A set of standard command line arguments for Flask applications built on top of Flask-ScriptFlask-Hopak - Admin interface for Flask that uses Hopak modelsFlask-JSONPages - Provides static pages to a Flask application based on JSONFlask-Simon - Simple MongoDB Models for FlaskFlask-HTAuth - Easy to integrate basic HTTP authentication for Flask appsFlask-Collect - Flask-Collect -- Collect static files in Flask applicationFlask-GAE-Mini-Profiler - Flask integration of gae_mini_profilerFlask-Nicely - Pretty Flask JSON responses for API building.flask-command - flask-command - Run you flask+gunicorn app as a commandMicrobe - Micro Blog Engine inspired by Pelican and powered by FlaskGluino - port of web2py libs to bottle, flask, pyramid, tornado (includes copy of modules from the web2py framework)Flask-Views - Class based views for FlaskFlask-CDN - Serve the static files in your Flask app from a CDN.Flask-Moment - Formatting of dates and times in Flask templates using moment.js.Flask-MimeRender - RESTful resource variant rendering using MIME Media-Types, for the Flask Micro Web Frameworkflask-mongo-sessions - Server-side sessions for Flask with MongoDBFlask-Flarf - Flask request filteringsimpleapi - A simple API-framework to provide an easy to use, consistent and portable client/server-architecture (for django, flask and a lot more).Flask-Cors - A Flask extension adding a decorator for CORS supportFlask-Compress - Compress responses in your Flask app with gzip.kt-flask-sessions - Kyoto Tycoon backed sessions for FlaskFlask-SocketIO - Socket.IO integration for Flask applicationsFlask-Mitten - Adds security functions to Flask applications for preventing some of the basic threats.Flask-Track-Usage - Basic metrics tracking for the Flask framework.trappist - Mount your Flask or WSGI app in your Django app.flask-gae_tests - Flask Extension with base test cases to simplify testing Flask applications on App Engine.Flask-Coffee - Fill your flask with coffee.tinysmtp - Basically Flask-Mail without the Flask partFlask-Misaka - A pleasant interface between the Flask web framework and the Misaka Markdown parser.Flask-YAMLConfig - YAML configurator for Flask app.Flask-BasicAuth - HTTP basic access authentication for Flask.Flask-Scss - Adds support for scss files to Flask applicationsFlask-XML-RPC - Adds support for creating XML-RPC APIs to FlaskFlask-WeRoBot - Writing WeChat Robot by WeRoBot in Flask.Flask-Mako - Mako templating support for Flask applications.flask-lazyapi - A Simple, Restful MongoDB Server built on Flask and Flask-ClassyFlask-MetaRoute - Extra routing capabilities for FlaskFlask-OpenERP - OpenERP Connector for FlaskFlask-Pystmark - A Flask extension for Postmark API library PystmarkFlask-Split-JS - A JavaScript library for Flask-Split.Flask-FeatureFlags - Enable or disable features in Flask apps based on configurationFlask-Redis - Redis Extension for Flask Applicationsflask-coffee2js - A small Flask extension that adds CoffeScript support to Flask.flask-beans - A simple API for counting beans with Flask and Redis.flask-ypaginate - Pagination for Flaskrevise - Simple Schemas for Flask JSON ValidationFlask-Pigeon - Flask messages extension.flask-args - auto type convertion for flask.request.form/args/valuesFlask-Uploads - Flexible and efficient upload handling for FlaskFlask-RSTPages - Adds support for reStructuredText to a Flask applicationFlask-Upstatic - Opinionated library for working with CDNs in Flask.Mlask - manage.py for FlaskFlask-BabelEx - Adds i18n/l10n support to Flask applicationsFlask-ToyBox - Create somehow-RESTful HTTP APIs with FlaskFlask-Psycopg2 - postgresql adapter for Flaskflask-gae_blobstore - Flask extension module for working with the blobstore & files apis on App Engine.HipPocket - A wrapper around Flask to ease the development of larger applicationsFlask-Heroku-Helpers - Flask helpers for Heroku AppsFlask-ExtDirect - Adds Ext.Direct support to Flask.Flask-Heroku-RQify - Automatic RQ configuration for your Heroku Flask applications.Flask-MongoSet - Access MongoDB from your Flask applicationquokka - Flexible & modular CMS powered by Flask and MongoDBflask-gae_messages - Flask extension for working with messages using the mail & xmpp apis on App Engine.Flask-fillin - A flask extension that provides utilities to test forms.thunderdome-flask - Thunderdome Flask integrationflask-utils - Various Flask utilities.flask-csrf - A small Flask extension for adding CSRF protection.flask_locust - SQL-Migrations for your ApplicationFlask-MongoRest - Flask restful API framework for MongoDB/MongoEngineFlask-Breve - Breve templating with FlaskFlask-Failsafe - A failsafe for the Flask reloaderFlask-FlatPages-Pandoc - Pandoc rendering for Flask-FlatPagesFlask-Restdoc - Flask-Restdoc is a simple tool that generates RESTful API documentation automatically from python files.Flask-FlatPages-Knitr - Knitr rendering for Flask-FlatPageshappymongo - Python module for making it easy and consistent to connect to MongoDB via PyMongo either in Flask or in a non-flask applicationFlask-RQ - RQ (Redis Queue) integration for Flask applicationsFlask-Compass - Adds automatic Compass compilation to FlaskRESTfulEf - A generic restful api generator based on elixir and flaskFlask-Celery3 - Add Celery3 integration to your Flask apps.Flask-Components - A simple flask extension to discover files in a declared array of components.Flask-Zen - Flask-Script commands to integrate with PyZen.flask-heroku-mongoengine - Heroku environment variable configurations for FlaskFlask-API - A Flask extension which allow to build and publish an API for a Flask applicationFlask-Mandrill - Adds Mandrill support to Flask applicationsFlask-APIForm - A simple form validator for REST APIs in FlaskFlask-FormEncode - A form validation extension for Flask using the FormEncode package.Flask-Autodoc - Documentation generator for flaskFlask-NYC - New York Flask MeetupFlask-Reggie - Flask Regex Routes.Flask-UUID - UUID url converter for Flask routesflask_markdown2 - A flask extension that adds a {% markdown %} tag to templates.Flask-Router - Tuned flask's URL routing libraryFlask-Captain - Handle webhooks with FlaskFlask-Color - flask-color is an extension for Flask that improves the built-in web server with colors when debugging. Unnecessary clutter such as time or IP are hidden.Flask-Wdb - Integrate Wdb instead of Werkzeug debugger for Flask applicationsflask-lesscss - A small Flask extension that adds LessCSS support to Flask.Flask-Shorteners - Flask Extension for some popular shortenersFlask-Stache - Simple mustache templating for Flask applicationsFlask-Downloader - Allow a Flask web app to download files on behalf of the user.fl-static - Serve production static files with Flask.Flask-MarrowMailer - Marrow Mailer integration for Flask.flask_cm - Cloud Mesh: managing multiple virtual machines in CloudsFlask-WebSocket - Elegant WebSockets for your Flask app.Flask-API-Utils - Flask utils which help you to create API.Flask-ReqArg - The decorator that maps request arguments into function arguments.flask-xsrf - A Flask extension for XSRF/CSRF protection.flask-project-templates - Paster templates for creating Flask projectsflasker - FlaskerFlask-Pagination - Pagination Helpers for Flask AppsFlask-GeoIP - Flask-GeoIP-------------Simple Flask extension for pygeoip.Flask-FlatPagesCut - Flask-FlatPagesCut is fork Flask-FlatPages (Provides flat static pages to a Flask application)Flask-Config-Override - Override Flask configuration via Cookie at runtime.flask-gemoji - Add gemojis to your Flask appsFlask-Shelve - Shelve support for FlaskFlask-JsonSchema - Flask extension for validating JSON requetsFlask-Jigger - Web APIs for Flask, unintrusive.Flask-HTMLBuilder - Flexible Python-only HTML generation for Flaskflask-alchy - Flask extension for alchyFlask-Travis - Easily fetch Travis CI environment variables when testing.conmongo - A Flask microplugin based on pymongoFlask-REST - A simple REST toolkit for FlaskFlask-Jsonpify - A simple Flask extension extending Flask's core jsonify functionality to support JSON-Padded responses, using the callback specified in the querystringFlask-Heroku-Runner - Minimalist Heroku bootstrap for Flaskflask-itemshop - Simple flask blueprint (ItemBP) that you can mount in your app to get a basic purchase flow for a single item. Credit card processing is done with stripe.js and the stripe python API.Flask-Mobility - A Flask extension to simplify building mobile-friendly sites.Flask-StatsD - Access to statsd in your app.Flask-Cake - Flask extension to execute Cake on filesystem events.Flask-OlinAuth - A simple Flask extension implementing Olin's authenticationFlask-Sass - A small Flask extension that makes it easy to use Sass with your Flask application.Flask-Email - Flask extension for sending emailFlask-Redistore - Adds Redis support to your Flask applicationsFlask-FAS - Adds Fedora Account System support to Flaskflask-multiconfig - A simple extension to add advanced configuration source support.Flask-Quik - Quik for Flaskflask-urls - A collection of URL-related functions for Flask applications.Flask-DBConfig - Configure Flask applications from a local DBFlask-kale - Use kale models on a flask projectflask-xuacompatible - Sets X-UA-Compatible HTTP header in your Flask application.Flask-Environ - os.environ wrapper for flask configFlask-Braces -Flask-Kit - dependency injection (dip) using FlaskFlask-RBAC - RBAC support for Flaskflask-yeoman - UNKNOWNFlask-MongoMyAdmin - Simple MongoDB Administrative Interface for FlaskFlask-MenuBuilder - An easy way to create menus to use with flask.Flask-ACL - Access control lists for Flask.Zolenmeyer - Stupid personally customized FlaskFlask-Attest - Test Flask applications with AttestFlask-Bundle - Class based tool that behaves like blueprintsFlask-Cache-PyLibMC - PyLibMC cache for Flask-Cache, supports multiple operationsand other awesome things.Flasky - Lazy man's Flask ApplicationFlask-Headers - A Flask extension making adding headers one decorator awayFlask-Raptor - Raptor support for Flaskflask-init - UNKNOWNflask-resources -Flask-Storage - Flask upload and storage extensions.flask-samurai - Easily create Heroku addons in Flask.FlaskDeferredHandler - A Flask handler for the Google Appengine's deferred libraryflask_tryton - Adds Tryton support to Flask applicationtaz - taz is the base for full stack Flask applicationsFlask-Generic -Flask-DBMigrate - Database schema change management for Flask\SQLAlchemyFlask-Roughage - Very short descriptionFlask-HttpCaching - flask http cachingFlask-Sendmail - Flask extension for sendmailFlask-Tweepy - Tweet easily from Flask applicationsflask-memcache-session - Use memcache for store session dataFlask-Babel2 - Adds i18n/l10n support to Flask applicationsgit-golem - Git web interface using libgit2 and flaskFlask-Enterprise - Enterprise capabilities for FlaskFlask-MongoRest-Swagger - Swagger API generation for Flask-MongoRestFlask-Ink - Easily integrate Sapo Ink's framework in your Flask project.flask-revise -flask-mailer - A Flask extension for sending emailsflask-yamli18n - Use yaml files as translation files in flaskmead - [Work In Progress] Flask-based CMS Influenced by WordPressFlask-Cache-Latest - Adds cache support to your Flask applicationlogy - A flask based web application for central loggingplush_web - Micro framework inspirated by Sinatra, Express and Flask.Flask-Markdown - Small extension to make using markdown easyFunnel - Flask extension for BeakerFlask-thumbnails - A simple extension to create a thumbs for the FlaskFlask-Bridgekeeper - Manage the access control of a flask applicationLapin - A flask-based web frameworkWTCrud - CRUD forms for WTForms using Flask, Jinja2, SQLAlchemySlingr - Web development framework that builds and serves Cobs (deployable web applications), running on top of Flaskflask-codemirror - Use CodeMirror Javascript library with Flask-WTFFlask-NoExtRef - Support for hiding external URLFlask-DebugToolbar-Mongo - MongoDB panel for the Flask Debug ToolbarFlask-MakoTemplates - All future development will be done under the name Flask-Mako at <http://pypi.python.org/pypi/Flask-Mako>Flask-Negotiate - Content negotiation utility for Flask appsFlask-Modus - Flask Method Overriding Middleware.Flask-Tools - Command line interface for managing Flask projects.Flask-Beanstalk - Utilities for using Beanstalk with FlaskFlask-gzip - Compress responses in your Flask app with gzip.Flask-Sockets - Elegant WebSockets for your Flask apps.Flask-Environments - Environment tools and configuration for Flask applicationsrest-api-blueprint - Pedagogical blueprint of a REST API in Flask.flask_tlsauth - Flask extension implementing TLS Authentication - simple client certificate CA inclusiveFlask-Authority -Flask-ThriftClient - Adds thrift client support to your Flask applicationFlask-Pushrod - An API microframework based on the idea of that the UI is just yet another API endpointFlask-Storages -Flask-FBLogin - Extends Flask-Login to use Facebook's OAuth2 authorizationFlask-GoogleFed - Google Federated Logins for Flask.Flask-SocialShare - Flask social sharing helpersFlask-Resource - Build resource-oriented Web apps with Flask.Flask-JSUtils - Flask utilities in your javascriptFlask-Whiteprint - An enhancement of flask blueprint.Flask-ZODB - Use the ZODB with Flaskskaffold - Flask/SQLAlchemy Admin Scaffoldflask-ratelimit -webargs - A utility library for parsing HTTP request arguments, with built-in support for popular web frameworks, including Flask and Django.Flask-RethinkDB - Adds RethinkDB support to FlaskFlask-Roots - Lightweight personal git server.Flask-mongobit - MongoBit support in Flaskflask-jade2underscore - A small Flask extension adds suppot to Jade2Underscore templates compiler (used in Backbone) to Flask.Flask-oDesk - Adds oDesk API support to FlaskFlask-Landing - Landing page for collecting emails.perfume - Simple Object Oriented layer for Flask.Flask-OldSessions - Provides a session class that works like the one in Flask before 0.10.Flask-ESClient - Flask extension for ESClient (elasticsearch client)Flask-Sixpack - Flask wrapper for Sixpackflatly - Pyramid scaffold that is flat. Kind of like Flask.flask-id -Flask-OtpAuth - One Time Password Authentication for FlaskFlask-MongoObject - Access MongoDB from your Flask applicationvuuvv - A web framework using flask, like ror.Flask-Forward - Flask-Forward extension provides auto discovery, prioritization and rendering of template for Flask based on endpointFlask-Fundatio - Flask extension to integrate the Foundation front-end frameworkdjango-kungfu - A Flasky approach to distributed Django configurationFlask-Validictory - Simple integration between Flask and Validictory.Flask-Async - A fork of Flask to support asyncioflask-cbv - Class based views for Flask.Flask-AYAH - Are you a Human? Flask ExtensionFlask-Passlib - Flask extension for passlibflask-canvas - A Flask extension for Facebook canvas-based appsflask-stylus2css - A small Flask extension that adds Stylus support to Flask.Flask-Beaker - Beaker session interface for Flask.Flask-WhooshAlchemy - Whoosh extension to Flask/SQLAlchemyflask_ample - basic setup of ample for flaskassentio - A minimal, lightweight flask-based blogFlask-MultipleBlueprint - Decorate function using multiple blueprints at once.flask-myapi - Flask-MyAPI - RESTful support library for FlaskFlask-Weixin - Weixin for Flask.flask_introspect - basic setup of ample for flaskFlask-Sandbox - ACL Route controls for FlaskFlask-ini - Allow Flask to be configured with ConfigParser ini filesflask-ab -Flask-JSONRPC - JSON-RPC implementation for Flaskflaskapi - In progress.Flask-RESTful-Fieldsets - Extension to Flask-RESTful to create fieldsetsflaskinit - Bootstraps Flask projectsflask-rst - Create a static website from simple reStructuredText fileswhs.utils.flask - Some Flask utils, targeting REST servicesFlask-Librato -flask-telegram - flask-telegramflask extension for delivering messages. send via the app engine mail or xmppapis, and/or other third party providers such as sendgrid.links:* docs: http://gregorynicholas.github.io/flask-telegram* source: http://github.com/gregorynicholas/flask-telegram* package: http://packages.python.org/flask-telegram* travis-ci: http://travis-ci.org/gregorynicholas/flask-telegramFlask-WebGlEarth - Simple extension for Flask to use WebGl EarthFlask-Static - Generates a static website from a Flask applicationflask-crossdomain - HTTP Access Control helper.flask_json_resource - UNKNOWNFlask-Lock -flask-bundle-system - Flask extension for work with blueprints as bundlesFlask-assets-compile - [Deprecated] Flask assets auto compile extensionFlask-PJAX - PJAX Templating for Flask ApplicationsFlask-HipPocket - A wrapper around Flask to ease the development of larger applicationsflask-block -Flask-SQLAlchemy-CRUD-Mixin -Flask-FluidDB - Fluiddb access for flaskFlask-JSON-Validation -buchner - Flask project template and helper libraryFlask-Flipper -Flask-MoSession - Mongodb based server side session management system for Flask
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一.开发背景 为了全面的熟悉Vue+Vue-router+Vuex+axios技术栈,结合V2EX的开放API开发了这个简洁版的V2EX. 在线预览 (为了实现跨域,直接npm run dev部署的, ...
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Vuejs2.0全家桶结合ELementUI制作后台管理系统 0: 系统环境的介绍 1: Vuejs实例-01使用vue-cli脚手架搭建Vue.js项目 2: Vuejs实例-02Vue.js项目集 ...
- 已配置好的vue全家桶项目router,vuex,api,axios,vue-ls,async/await,less下载即使用
github 地址: https://github.com/liangfengbo/vue-cli-project 点击进入 vue-cli-project 已构建配置好的vuejs全家桶项目,统一管 ...
- 10分钟详解Spring全家桶7大知识点
Spring框架自2002年诞生以来一直备受开发者青睐,它包括SpringMVC.SpringBoot.Spring Cloud.Spring Cloud Dataflow等解决方案.有人亲切的称之为 ...
- 使用教育邮箱激活JetBrains全家桶
如果你还有在校时的邮箱,比如your_name@xxx.edu或者your_name@xxx.edu.cn的邮箱,那么你可以免费激活JetBrains全家桶. JetBrains Toolbox 专业 ...
- Vue2全家桶之一:vue-cli(vue脚手架)超详细教程
本文转载于:https://www.jianshu.com/p/32beaca25c0d 都说Vue2简单上手容易,的确,看了官方文档确实觉得上手很快,除了ES6语法和webpack的配置让你感到 ...
- Spring全家桶–SpringBoot Rest API
Spring Boot通过提供开箱即用的默认依赖或者转换来补充Spring REST支持.在Spring Boot中编写RESTful服务与SpringMVC没有什么不同.总而言之,基于Spring ...
- [转]vue全面介绍--全家桶、项目实例
慢慢了解vue及其全家桶的过程 原文http://blog.csdn.net/zhenghao35791/article/details/67639415 简介 “简单却不失优雅,小巧而不乏大匠”. ...
- react-music React全家桶项目,精品之作!
React-Music 全家桶项目,精品之作! 一.简介 该项目是基于React全家桶开发的一个音乐播放器,技术栈采用:Webpack + React + React-redux + React-ro ...
- JBOss 端口没占用!
打开exlipse ,启动服务器 后,报如下错误:
- android studio简易了解第一部分
1.如果还没下载 jdk,先把jdk下载,然后下载android studio 安装 百度 android studio ,百度软件中心可以下载. Android官网可以下载: 网址: htt ...
- 如何关闭UINavigationController 向右滑动 返回上一层视图
说明一下: 我的nav 设置的rootview 是 tabbarcontroller,登录界面是push进去的,所以,在登录界面,如果靠近最左边 向右滑动 会出现 tabbarcontroller的视 ...
- JavaScript toFixed() 方法
定义和用法toFixed() 方法可把 Number 四舍五入为指定小数位数的数字. 语法NumberObject.toFixed(num) 参数 描述num 必需.规定小数的位数,是 0 ~ 20 ...
- Codeforces Round #323 (Div. 2) C. GCD Table 暴力
C. GCD Table Time Limit: 1 Sec Memory Limit: 256 MB 题目连接 http://codeforces.com/contest/583/problem/C ...
- 让DataGridView显示行号
http://www.cnblogs.com/JuneZhang/archive/2011/11/21/2257630.html 为了表示行号,我们可以在DataGridView的RowP ...
- UIView上添加了一个按钮和一个单击手势的事件相应,互相不影响的处理方法。。
tapGesture.delegate = self; - (BOOL)gestureRecognizer:(UIGestureRecognizer *)gestureRecognizer shoul ...
- iOS利用视频做起始页
一个好的引导页会使得用户体验大大提升,利用视频来做,可以更简单的达到优雅的效果.使用MediaPlayer.framework框架下的AVPlayerLayer,它和Core Animation紧密地 ...
- android学习日记13--数据存储之File存储
4.文件存储File File即传统的I/O 流存储文件,Activity提供了openFileOutput()方法可以用于把数据输出到文件中,具体的实现过程与在J2SE环境中保存数据到文件中是一样的 ...
- Windows二进制文件的Python扩展包
http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/ https://pypi.python.org/simple/