In this brief tutorial, we will be discussing how to install development tools in popular Linux distributions like Arch Linux, CentOS, RHEL, Fedora, Debian, Ubuntu, and openSUSE etc. These development tools includes all necessary applications, such as GNU GCC C/C++ compilers, make, debuggers, man pages and others which are needed to compile and build new softwares, packages.


Install Development Tools In Linux

The developer tools can be installed either individually one by one or all at once. We are going to install all at once to make things much easier.

1. Install Development Tools In Arch Linux and derivatives

To install development tools in Arch Linux and its derivatives like Antergos, Manjaro Linux, just run:

sudo pacman -Syyu
sudo pacman -S base-devel

There are 25 members in the Arch Linux development tools group, such as,

  1. autoconf
  2. automake
  3. binutils
  4. bison
  5. fakeroot
  6. file
  7. findutils
  8. flex
  9. gawk
  10. gcc
  11. gettext
  12. grep
  13. groff
  14. gzip
  15. libtool
  16. m4
  17. make
  18. pacman
  19. patch
  20. pkg-config
  21. sed
  22. sudo
  23. texinfo
  24. util-linux
  25. which

Just hit ENTER to install all of them.

2. Install Development Tools In RHEL, CentOS, Scientific Linux, Fedora

To install development tools in Fedora, RHEL and its clones such as CentOS, Scientific Linux, run the following commands as root user.

yum update
yum groupinstall "Development Tools"

The above command is going to install all necessary developer tools, such as:

  1. autoconf
  2. automake
  3. bison
  4. byacc
  5. cscope
  6. ctags
  7. diffstat
  8. doxygen
  9. elfutils
  10. flex
  11. gcc/gcc-c++/gcc-gfortran
  12. git
  13. indent
  14. intltool
  15. libtool
  16. patch
  17. patchutils
  18. rcs
  19. subversion
  20. swig

3. Install Development Tools In Debian, Ubuntu and derivatives

To install required developer tools in DEB based systems, run:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install build-essential

This command will all necessary packages to setup the development environment in Debian, Ubuntu and its derivatives.

  1. binutils
  2. cpp
  3. gcc-5-locales
  4. g++-multilib
  5. g++-5-multilib
  6. gcc-5-doc
  7. gcc-multilib
  8. autoconf
  9. automake
  10. libtool
  11. flex
  12. bison
  13. gdb
  14. gcc-doc
  15. gcc-5-multilib
  16. and many.

You now have the necessary development tools to develop a software in your Linux box.

4. Install Development Tools In openSUSE/SUSE

To setup development environment in openSUSE and SUSE enterprise, run the following commands as root user:

zypper refresh
zypper update
zypper install -t pattern devel_C_C++

Verifying Installation

Now, Let us verify the develop tools have been installed or not. To do so, run:

gcc -v
make -v

As you see in the above output, the development tools have been successfully installed. Start developing your applications!

That’s all for today! On behalf of OSTechNix, I wish you a very Happy New Year 2017. May the new year bring new hopes and opportunities for you!


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