- /************************************************************//**
- The following function is used to get the offset to the nth
- data field in an old-style record.
- @return offset to the field */
- ulint
- rec_get_nth_field_offs_old(
- /*=======================*/
- const rec_t* rec, /*!< in: record */
- ulint n, /*!< in: index of the field */
- ulint* len) /*!< out: length of the field;
- UNIV_SQL_NULL if SQL null */
- {
- ulint os;
- ulint next_os;
- ut_ad(len);
- ut_a(rec);
- ut_a(n < rec_get_n_fields_old(rec));
- if (rec_get_1byte_offs_flag(rec)) {
- os = rec_1_get_field_start_offs(rec, n);
- next_os = rec_1_get_field_end_info(rec, n);
- if (next_os & REC_1BYTE_SQL_NULL_MASK) {
- *len = UNIV_SQL_NULL;
- return(os);
- }
- next_os = next_os & ~REC_1BYTE_SQL_NULL_MASK;
- } else {
- os = rec_2_get_field_start_offs(rec, n);
- next_os = rec_2_get_field_end_info(rec, n);
- if (next_os & REC_2BYTE_SQL_NULL_MASK) {
- *len = UNIV_SQL_NULL;
- return(os);
- }
- next_os = next_os & ~(REC_2BYTE_SQL_NULL_MASK
- }
- *len = next_os - os;
- ut_ad(*len < UNIV_PAGE_SIZE);
- return(os);
- }
- /******************************************************//**
- Returns the offset of nth field start if the record is stored in the 1-byte
- offsets form.
- @return offset of the start of the field */
- ulint
- rec_1_get_field_start_offs(
- /*=======================*/
- const rec_t* rec, /*!< in: record */
- ulint n) /*!< in: field index */
- {
- ut_ad(rec_get_1byte_offs_flag(rec));
- ut_ad(n <= rec_get_n_fields_old(rec));
- ) {
- );
- }
- return(rec_1_get_prev_field_end_info(rec, n)
- }
Returns the offset of n - 1th field end if the record is stored in the 1-byte
offsets form. If the field is SQL null, the flag is ORed in the returned
value. This function and the 2-byte counterpart are defined here because the
C-compiler was not able to sum negative and positive constant offsets, and
warned of constant arithmetic overflow within the compiler.
@return offset of the start of the PREVIOUS field, SQL null flag ORed */
const rec_t* rec, /*!< in: record */
ulint n) /*!< in: field index */
ut_ad(n <= rec_get_n_fields_old(rec));
return(mach_read_from_1(rec - (REC_N_OLD_EXTRA_BYTES + n)));
- /******************************************************//**
- Returns the offset of nth field end if the record is stored in the 1-byte
- offsets form. If the field is SQL null, the flag is ORed in the returned
- value.
- @return offset of the start of the field, SQL null flag ORed */
- ulint
- rec_1_get_field_end_info(
- /*=====================*/
- const rec_t* rec, /*!< in: record */
- ulint n) /*!< in: field index */
- {
- ut_ad(rec_get_1byte_offs_flag(rec));
- ut_ad(n < rec_get_n_fields_old(rec));
- )));
- }
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