The Atmel® ATSHA204 is a full turnkey security device. It includes a 4.5Kb EEPROM divided into 16 slots. This array can be used for storage of keys, miscellaneous read/write, read-only, password or secret data, and consumption tracking. Access to the various sections of memory can be restricted in a variety of ways and then the configuration locked to prevent changes.

Access to the chip is through a standard I²C interface at speeds up to 1Mb/sec. The chip also supports a single-wire interface that can reduce the number of GPIOs required on the system processor and/or reduce the number of pins on connectors. It is compatible with most UART or serial I/O controllers. System integration is eased with a wide supply voltage range and an ultra-low sleep current of less than 100nA.

参数                                值
Operating Voltage (Vcc): 2.0 to 5.5
Interface Type: Single-wire; I2C
Density: .5Kb
Algorithm Type: NIST SHA-
Key Size:

爱特梅尔公司(Atmel Corporation)发布具有增强的硬件安全特性和更大灵活性的易于使用的新型加密认证(cryptographic authentication) 器件。

具有超低功耗的Atmel ATSHA204是首款带有4.5Kbit EEPROM和硬件SHA-256加速器的经优化的交钥匙认证器件,

其经过全面测试的ASF软件库可用于基于Atmel AVR  和 ARM的微控制器 ,并集成在全新集成式开发环境AVR Studio 5 中。


全新爱特梅尔 CryptoAuthentication器件具有保护EEPROM内容的增强安全特性,包括有源金属护罩、内存加密、安全测试模式、

干扰保护(glitch protection)和电压篡改检测。其设计采用与爱特梅尔Common Criteria Certified TPM相同的方法和组件,并内置高质量随机数据发生器,

可用于加密协议以防止重放攻击(replay attack)。ATSHA204还结合了许多其它的内部硬件保护特性,极大地增加了针对OEM电池、


爱特梅尔CryptoAuthentication系列 的新成员具有专门设计的经优化的硬件安全特性,以鉴别目标、控制OEM供应链、防止软件或其它知识产权(IP)的盗窃。



爱特梅尔公司加密产品业务部总监Kerry Maletsky表示:“爱特梅尔致力于提供易于使用,且集成最新NIST加密算法以实现具最高级别可靠性的加密产品。





ATSHA204 加密认证芯片数据格式

Atmel ATSHA204是带有4.5Kbit EEPROM和硬件SHA-256加速器的安全认证器件,包括有源金属护罩、内存加密、安全测试模式、

干扰保护(glitch protection)和电压篡改检测。其设计采用与爱特梅尔Common Criteria Certified TPM相同的方法和组件,

并内置高质量随机数据发生器,可用于加密协议以防止重放攻击(replay attack)。






C9,04,11,33,43 {C9:读,04:count,11:wake token 33,43:Checksum }

C8,03,0B,12,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,A7,BF {C8:写,03:Command ,0b:count, 12:write , A7,BF: Checksum }

C9,04,03,83,42 {C9:读,04:count,03:Parse Error, 83,42:Checksum }

C8,02 {C8:写,02:Idle }


1,SHA-256 Hash算法
2,有保证的唯一的72-bit序列号; 不仅有软件加密,内部还有高质量硬件加密。
3,16个槽口的4kbits EEPROM:  4Kbits / 8 = 512Bytes 每个槽口32bytes
4,I2C接口, 单线接口
5, 和Atmel AT88SA102S,AT88SA10HS
6, i2c 地址默认为0xc8; 还可以configuration zone改变地址。

开发环境: s5pv210 linux,  imx51 linux



芯片使用之前可导入个性化文件,配置slot/otp data的读写权限以及验证方式。配置完成后再lock住 config zone和data zone;


SlotConfig (32bytes,  2bytes per slot):

ReadKey - 该slot数据的读,用指定ReadKey的slot加密起来;

CheckOnly - 该slot是否只适用CheckMac and GenDig Command;

SingleUse - single-use keys,若enable,使用次数限制后会返回出错;

EncryptRead, slotconfig.IsSecret都为0,此slot才能被读写。然后OTP/data zone必须locked,才能读写。

UseFlag  -  对应single-use keys, 表示该key可以使用多少次;只针对keys #0~7设置。

OTPmode = 0xAA, OTP zone locked: 写被禁止,读任意。


1, wakeup device: 6.1.1 -- chip is asleep.

和芯片通信之前要确保它是awake。只能当chip asleep才能唤醒,芯片处于awake时忽略唤醒命令。



1),将SDA配成gpio口,给出60us低,然后拉高2.5ms;条件是clk较高:samsung 400KHz

2),利用标准i2c发送函数,发送0x00 byte给出60us,然后延时2.5ms;条件是clk较低:imx51 200KHz

sleep sequence:  sha204c_sleep()  已验证;

2,  read write:


config zone一直有读的权限,OTP zone通过设置也可任意读;

slot data由slotconfig决定读写的权限。可以直接读,认证读,认证写 ...

Read Command:
* read config zone简单,config zone的内容一直可读的;
* 读取data slots的内容有条件:(此步骤由烧录工具完成)
先通过lock command设置slotconfig unlocked 和 data zone locked;
然后通过write command配置SlotConfig(config zone的20~51字节,每个slot占用2个字节);
读写data zone的权限都是要设置slotconfig的。

Write Command:
* 通过写SlotConfig来设置读写data zone的权限。同时,写config zone的slotconfig区间前,
  需要确定slotconfig是unlocked(看Lock Command)。(此步骤由烧录工具完成)
* 写data slot;

Lock Command: (此命令由烧录工具调用的,驱动代码中无需调用)
* 设置slotconfig区间的写权限;写:unlocked详见config zone的 87 byte
* 设置OTP zone和data zone的写权限。读:locked;写:unlocked 详见config zone的 86 byte
只能unlocked -> locked,所以要先write,再read data zone。

Config zone: 88bytes   
格式: cnt + data + CRC
0~31: 参数 -- 0x80, 0x0000
1 23 6c 3e 0 4 5 0 94 9d e4 d2 ee 55 1 0 c8 0 55 0 |8f| 80 80 a1 82 e0 a3 60 94 40 a0 85
32~63:参数 -- 0x80, 0x0008
86 40 87 7 f 0 89 f2 8a 7a b 8b c 4c dd 4d c2 42 af 8f ff 0 ff 0 ff 0 ff 0 ff 0 ff 0
84~87byte:参数 -- 0x00 0x0015
0 0 55 55

OTP zone:64bytes

它的读写权限由OTPmode控制。0xAA -- read-only mode。 可以通过READ COMMAND读出。

Data zone:16 * 32bytes

3,i2c sync:





4, 认证:

MAC Command

* sha204m_execute() mode 决定了参与计算MAC的各种参数:

第一个32bytes:Key[KeyID] or TempKey,  第二个32bytes:user input challenge or Tempkey.

(1) 随机数认证:

mode=0, Key[KeyID] + challenge; 直接执行MAC Command命令; 得到SHA-256 MAC值。

user 通过SHA-256算法计算出的MAC和上述MAC对比来认证。

e.g.> MAC Command Sent: 27 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 BB 97

MacCommand Received: 23 84 09 C2 A7 31 81 83 51 16 EE E1 AD 5F 59 4B EC 63 B8 5E E6 D7 8A 3F EE 26 5E 90 AD 15 B7 D0 0A DC 60

/* user验证 */ 计算MAC并比较:slot data + challenge => MAC

(2) Tempkey认证: mode = 1 & tempkey.SourceFlag.Key[KeyID] + Tempkey

须先要执行Nonce Command生成Tempkey。然后执行MAC Command;得到SHA-256 MAC值。

Nonce Command:

user input challenge + chip internal Randout  => Tempkey

Tempkey register: 32bytes Data + Tempkey Config [ 理解SourceFlag ,  Valid 意义]

tempkey.SourceFlag 标志着; Tempkey.Valid 表示其是否可用:


CheckMac Command:

e.g. >Nonce Command Sent:   1B 16 00 00 00 54 79 70 65 20 43 68 61 6C 6C 65 6E 67 65 20 48 65 72 65 00 17 13 //执行Nonce command

NonceCommand Received:  23 A6 5A D5 07 A9 81 D7 E1 B0 5F 2D 73 44 72 94 74 AE E6 BC BB 94 BF 73 47 5F 65 F8 A4 6B 47 B8 FB 59 06 //返回芯片内部的Randout; 此时,Tempkey已经生成

MAC Command Sent:     07 08 01 00 00 06 67 //执行MAC command:mode=1,keyid=0(slot0 data + tempkey)
MacCommand Received:  23 98 80 4C 73 13 2E 0F 89 BD A7 7C 69 28 C5 47 D1 BC DC 60 9A C1 A3 09 87 36 26 7C E9 D6 8B 19 10 56 F5 //返回SHA-256 MAC值

/* 下面的验证部分,实际需要由user完成的 */
CheckMac Command Sent: //执行CheckMac command验证   (方便分析,将数据分割下)

54 28 00 00 00   //mode=0, keyid=0
64 46 F3 95 6E FC 47 AF AC E6 E6 A8 67 09 16 F6 5B E1 F8 3A A0 4E 7B 79 67 9B A3 94 FF ED 9F B5      //user input challenge, 就是tempkey
98 80 4C 73 13 2E 0F 89 BD A7 7C 69 28 C5 47 D1 BC DC 60 9A C1 A3 09 87 36 26 7C E9 D6 8B 19 10  //sha-256 MAC
08 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  //other data:  和MAC command发送的“07 08 01 00 00 06 67” I/O block相同,补全13字节。
9E C6
CheckMacCommand Received: //返回匹配结果
04 00 03 40

/* user 验证 */

计算Tempkey: Nonce 命令的输入challenge(20bytes) + 其返回值Randout  => Tempkey

计算MAC并比较:slot data + tempkey => MAC

===>   疑问: 不知道slot 的配置是否影响到上述两种认证方式。


* Personalize the device as follows:

*- Slot 0  = Store read-only information e.g. model number, product name, product ID, manufacturer name, or ?? (teach me how).    <可用read command直接读到>
*- Slot 1  = Store authentication/encryption key.
*- Slot 2  = Store authentication/encryption key.
*- Slot 3  = Store fixed key with "single use" restrictions having 5 maximum uses.
*- Slot 4  = Store key that can be created in the field with 3 maximum authenticated updates. Use KeyID 1 for authentication
*- Slot 5  = Store key that can be rolled in the field with 6 maximum authenticated updates. Use KeyID 2 for authentication
*- Slot 6  = Store content that requires encrypted read/write using KeyID 3 for READ and KeyID 4 for write
*- Slot 7  = Make this slot write-only (Suggest possible use for this?)
*- Slot 8  = Make this a scratch pad e.g. unrestricted reads/writes
*- Slot 9  = Store content that requires encrypted reads using KeyID 1 but clear writes.
*- Slot 10 = Store content that requires encrypted writes using KeyID 2 but clear reads. 
*- Slot 11 = Store key that can be created in the field with MAC required for creation. Use KeyID 2 as parent key.
*- Slot 12 = Store key that can be created in the field by anybody i.e. without requiring MAC 
*- Slot 13 = Store key that can be rolled in the field with MAC required for rolling. Use KeyID 2 as parent key.
*- Slot 14 = Store key that can be rolled in the field by anybody i.e. without requiring MAC
*- Slot 15 = Store key with 33 maximum uses controlled by UseFlags.  Make it a CheckOnly Key


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