Can you answer these queries?---hdu4027
不过如果仔细演算的话会发现一个2^64数的平方根开8次也就变成了 1,所以也更新不了多少次,所以可以每次更新到底。、
#define INF 0xfffffff
#define N 100010
using namespace std; #define Lson r<<1
#define Rson r<<1|1 struct SegTree
int L, R;
long long sum;
int mid()
return (L+R)>>;
int len()
return R-L+;
}a[N*]; void Update(int r, int L, int R)
return ;
if(a[r].L == a[r].R)//到达叶子节点;
a[r].sum = (long long)sqrt(a[r].sum);
return ;
Update(Lson, L, R);
else if(L > a[r].mid())
Update(Rson, L, R);
Update(Lson, L, a[r].mid());
Update(Rson, a[r].mid()+, R);
a[r].sum = a[Rson].sum + a[Lson].sum;
} void BuildSegTree(int r, int L, int R)
a[r].L = L, a[r].R = R;
if(L == R)
scanf("%I64d", &a[r].sum);
BuildSegTree(Lson, L, a[r].mid());
BuildSegTree(Rson, a[r].mid()+, R); a[r].sum = a[Rson].sum + a[Lson].sum;
long long Query(int r, int L, int R)
if(a[r].L == L && a[r].R == R)
return a[r].sum;
return Query(Rson, L ,R);
else if(R <= a[r].mid())
return Query(Lson, L, R);
long long ans1 = Query(Lson, L, a[r].mid());
long long ans2 = Query(Rson, a[r].mid()+, R);
return ans1 + ans2;
int main()
int n, m, L, R, op, t=;
while(scanf("%d", &n) != EOF)
BuildSegTree(, , n);
scanf("%d", &m);
printf("Case #%d:\n", t++);
scanf("%d%d%d", &op, &L, &R);
if(L>R)swap(L, R);//L和R的大小没说;
Update(, L, R);
long long ans=Query(, L, R);
printf("%I64d\n", ans);
return ;
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