# Generic Makefile for C/C++ Program
# Usage:
# ------
# 1. Copy the Makefile to your program directory.
# 2. Customize in the "Customizable Section" only if necessary:
#    * to use non-standard C/C++ libraries, set pre-processor or compiler
#      options to <MY_CFLAGS> and linker ones to <MY_LIBS>
#      (See Makefile.gtk+-2.0 for an example)
#    * to search sources in more directories, set to <SRCDIRS>
#    * to specify your favorite program name, set to <PROGRAM>
# 3. Type make to start building your program.
# Make Target:
# ------------
# The Makefile provides the following targets to make:
#   $ make           compile and link
#   $ make NODEP=yes compile and link without generating dependencies
#   $ make objs      compile only (no linking)
#   $ make tags      create tags for Emacs editor
#   $ make ctags     create ctags for VI editor
#   $ make clean     clean objects and the executable file
#   $ make distclean clean objects, the executable and dependencies
#   $ make help      get the usage of the makefile

## Customizable Section: adapt those variables to suit your program.

# The pre-processor and compiler options.
# MY_CFLAGS = -ggdb3 -pipe -O2 -Wall -Wextra -fopenmp -march=native -mfpmath=sse -DLINUX -m64 -std=c++0x
MY_CFLAGS = -g -DLINUX -Itest1/include -Itest2/include -Itest1/include/test1 -Itest2/include/test2

# The linker options.
# MY_LIBS   = -lGLEW -lglut -lGLU -lGL -lX11 -lXmu -lXi -lm -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lgomp -lOpenThreads -lpthread
MY_LIBS   = -lm

# The pre-processor options used by the cpp (man cpp for more).

# The options used in linking as well as in any direct use of ld.

# The directories in which source files reside.
# If not specified, only the current directory will be serached.

# The executable file name.
# If not specified, current directory name or `a.out' will be used.

## Implicit Section: change the following only when necessary.

# The source file types (headers excluded).
# .c indicates C source files, and others C++ ones.
SRCEXTS = .c .C .cc .cpp .CPP .c++ .cxx .cp

# The header file types.
HDREXTS = .h .H .hh .hpp .HPP .h++ .hxx .hp

# The pre-processor and compiler options.
# Users can override those variables from the command line.
# CXXFLAGS= -std=c++0x
# The C program compiler.
CC     = gcc

# The C++ program compiler.
CXX    = g++

# Un-comment the following line to compile C programs as C++ ones.
#CC     = $(CXX)

# The command used to delete file.
RM     = rm -f

ETAGS = etags

CTAGS = ctags

## Stable Section: usually no need to be changed. But you can add more.
SHELL   = /bin/sh
ifeq ($(PROGRAM),)
  CUR_PATH_NAMES = $(subst /,$(SPACE),$(subst $(SPACE),_,$(CURDIR)))
  PROGRAM = $(word $(words $(CUR_PATH_NAMES)),$(CUR_PATH_NAMES))
  ifeq ($(PROGRAM),)
    PROGRAM = a.out
ifeq ($(SRCDIRS),)
SOURCES = $(foreach d,$(SRCDIRS),$(wildcard $(addprefix $(d)/*,$(SRCEXTS))))
HEADERS = $(foreach d,$(SRCDIRS),$(wildcard $(addprefix $(d)/*,$(HDREXTS))))
SRC_CXX = $(filter-out %.c,$(SOURCES))
OBJS    = $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(SOURCES)))
DEPS    = $(OBJS:.o=.d)

## Define some useful variables.
DEP_OPT = $(shell if `$(CC) --version | grep "GCC" >/dev/null`; then \
                  echo "-MM -MP"; else echo "-M"; fi )
DEPEND.d    = $(subst -g ,,$(DEPEND))

.PHONY: all objs tags ctags clean distclean help show

# Delete the default suffixes

all: $(PROGRAM)

# Rules for creating dependency files (.d).

    @echo -n $(dir {1}lt;) > $@
    @$(DEPEND.d) {1}lt; >> $@

    @echo -n $(dir {1}lt;) > $@
    @$(DEPEND.d) {1}lt; >> $@

    @echo -n $(dir {1}lt;) > $@
    @$(DEPEND.d) {1}lt; >> $@

    @echo -n $(dir {1}lt;) > $@
    @$(DEPEND.d) {1}lt; >> $@

    @echo -n $(dir {1}lt;) > $@
    @$(DEPEND.d) {1}lt; >> $@

    @echo -n $(dir {1}lt;) > $@
    @$(DEPEND.d) {1}lt; >> $@

    @echo -n $(dir {1}lt;) > $@
    @$(DEPEND.d) {1}lt; >> $@

    @echo -n $(dir {1}lt;) > $@
    @$(DEPEND.d) {1}lt; >> $@

# Rules for generating object files (.o).

    $(COMPILE.c) {1}lt; -o $@

    $(COMPILE.cxx) {1}lt; -o $@

    $(COMPILE.cxx) {1}lt; -o $@

    $(COMPILE.cxx) {1}lt; -o $@

    $(COMPILE.cxx) {1}lt; -o $@

    $(COMPILE.cxx) {1}lt; -o $@

    $(COMPILE.cxx) {1}lt; -o $@

    $(COMPILE.cxx) {1}lt; -o $@

# Rules for generating the tags.

ctags: $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES)

# Rules for generating the executable.
ifeq ($(SRC_CXX),)              # C program
    $(LINK.c)   $(OBJS) $(MY_LIBS) -o $@
    @echo Type ./$@ to execute the program.
else                            # C++ program
    $(LINK.cxx) $(OBJS) $(MY_LIBS) -o $@
    @echo Type ./$@ to execute the program.

#ifndef NODEP
ifdef NODEP
ifneq ($(DEPS),)
  sinclude $(DEPS)

    $(RM) $(OBJS) $(PROGRAM) $(PROGRAM).exe

distclean: clean
    $(RM) $(DEPS) TAGS
# Show help.
    @echo 'Generic Makefile for C/C++ Programs (gcmakefile) version 0.5'
    @echo 'Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 whyglinux <whyglinux@hotmail.com>'
    @echo 'Usage: make [TARGET]'
    @echo 'TARGETS:'
    @echo '  all       (=make) compile and link.'
    @echo '  NODEP=yes make without generating dependencies.'
    @echo '  objs      compile only (no linking).'
    @echo '  tags      create tags for Emacs editor.'
    @echo '  ctags     create ctags for VI editor.'
    @echo '  clean     clean objects and the executable file.'
    @echo '  distclean clean objects, the executable and dependencies.'
    @echo '  show      show variables (for debug use only).'
    @echo '  help      print this message.'
    @echo 'Report bugs to <whyglinux AT gmail DOT com>.'

# Show variables (for debug use only.)
    @echo 'PROGRAM     :' $(PROGRAM)
    @echo 'SRCDIRS     :' $(SRCDIRS)
    @echo 'HEADERS     :' $(HEADERS)
    @echo 'SOURCES     :' $(SOURCES)
    @echo 'SRC_CXX     :' $(SRC_CXX)
    @echo 'OBJS        :' $(OBJS)
    @echo 'DEPS        :' $(DEPS)
    @echo 'DEPEND      :' $(DEPEND)
    @echo 'COMPILE.c   :' $(COMPILE.c)
    @echo 'COMPILE.cxx :' $(COMPILE.cxx)
    @echo 'link.c      :' $(LINK.c)
    @echo 'link.cxx    :' $(LINK.cxx)

## End of the Makefile ##  Suggestions are welcome  ## All rights reserved ##

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