The leaders of the two countries are planning their summit meeting with a (pledge) to maintain and develop good ties.
Many youngsters have heard their parents say “You'll never (amount to) anything if you keep daydreaming that way!"
By advocating (moderate)reasonable change, they think that they can keep consumer costs low.
Nuclear power , with all its inherent problems , is still the only (option) to guarantee enough energy in the future.
The promised wage increase is being delay(held back) while it is examined by the government to see if it is greater than the law allows.
Safety officials have seriously(earnestly) questioned whether the increased use of synthetic materials heightens the risk of fire.
The book shifted her viewpoint(outlook) from social to spiritual,for its theme was that before you change other people you have to change yourself.
The Americans recognize that the UN can be the medium(channel) for greater diplomatic activity.
The growth of part-time and flexible working pattern allows more women to (take advantage of) job opportunities.

Nobody can help but be (fascinated) by the world into which he is taken by the science fiction.
Senator James Meeks has cancel(called off ) a boycott of Chicago Public Schools, organized to protest 抗议 Illinois education funding system.
I prefer chicken to fish because I am worried about (accidentally) swallowing a small bone.

The 16 percent fare increase would bring Chicago fares in agreement with (in line with) those of other big cities.

It is true that London is often sunless, moist(damp) and raw, though the occasional sunny days seem all the more attractive by contrast.

Like flowers that have been waiting all winter to bloom(blossom), tourists are eager to burst forth with their cameras.


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