#include "MyBCP.h"
#include "odbcss.h" //1,Allocate an environment handle and a connection handle.
//2,Set SQL_COPT_SS_BCP and SQL_BHCP_ON to enable bulk copy operations.
void CMyBCP::Initialize()
SQLRETURN l_uiReturn;
if( l_uiReturn!=SQL_SUCCESS && l_uiReturn!=SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO ) return;
if( l_uiReturn!=SQL_SUCCESS && l_uiReturn!=SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO ) return;
if( l_uiReturn!=SQL_SUCCESS && l_uiReturn!=SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO ) return;
l_uiReturn=SQLSetConnectAttr(m_hConnection,SQL_COPT_SS_BCP,(void *)SQL_BCP_ON,SQL_IS_INTEGER);
if( l_uiReturn!=SQL_SUCCESS && l_uiReturn!=SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO ) return;
}; //3,Connect to SQL Server
void CMyBCP::ConnectToDB()
std::string dsn("DNS-MMLRESOLVE");
std::string user("sa");
std::string password("huawei123,");
SQLRETURN l_uiReturn;
}; //4,Call bcp_init to set the following information:
// .The name of the table or view to bulk copy from or to.
// .Specify NULL for the name of the data file.
// .The name of an data file to receive any bulk copy error messages(specify NULL
// if you do not want a message file).
// .The direction of the copy: DB_IN from the application to the view or table or
// DB_OUT to the application from the table or view.
void CMyBCP::call_bcp_init(std::string & tablename)
SQLRETURN l_uiReturn=bcp_init(m_hConnection,tablename.c_str(),NULL,NULL,DB_IN);
}; //5,Call bcp_bind for each column in the bulk copy to bind the column to a program variable
void CMyBCP::call_bcp_bind_char_field(char* pBlock, int colIndex)
RETCODE l_uiRETCODE=bcp_bind(m_hConnection,(LPCBYTE)pBlock, , SQL_VARLEN_DATA, (LPCBYTE)"\0", sizeof(WCHAR), SQLCHARACTER, colIndex);
printf("call_bcp_bind_char_field() ok!\n");
void CMyBCP::call_bcp_bind_int_field(int &iBlock, int colIndex)
RETCODE l_uiRETCODE=bcp_bind(m_hConnection,(BYTE *)&iBlock, , sizeof(DBINT), NULL, (INT)NULL, SQLINT4, colIndex);
printf("call_bcp_bind_int_field() ok!\n");
}; //6,Fill the program variables with data,and call bcp_sendrow to send a row of data.
void CMyBCP::call_bcp_sendrow()
RETCODE l_uiRETCODE=bcp_sendrow(m_hConnection);
printf("bcp_sendrow() ok!");
}; //7,After several rows have been sent,call bcp_batch to checkpoint the rows already sent.
//It is good practice to call bcp_batch at least once per 1000 rows.
void CMyBCP::call_bcp_batch()
DBINT l_uiDBINT=bcp_batch(m_hConnection);
}; //8,After all rows have been sent,call bcp_done to complete the operation.
void CMyBCP::call_bcp_done()
DBINT l_uiDBINT=bcp_done(m_hConnection);
}; CMyBCP::~CMyBCP()
SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, m_hConnection);
#include <Windows.h>
#include <sqlext.h>
#include <string> #pragma comment(lib,"odbc32.lib")
#pragma comment(lib,"odbcbcp.lib")
#pragma comment(lib,"odbcbcp.lib") class CMyBCP
~CMyBCP(); public:
//1,Allocate an environment handle and a connection handle.
//2,Set SQL_COPT_SS_BCP and SQL_BHCP_ON to enable bulk copy operations.
void Initialize(); //3,Connect to SQL Server
void ConnectToDB(); //4,Call bcp_init to set the following information:
// .The name of the table or view to bulk copy from or to.
// .Specify NULL for the name of the data file.
// .The name of an data file to receive any bulk copy error messages(specify NULL
// if you do not want a message file).
// .The direction of the copy: DB_IN from the application to the view or table or
// DB_OUT to the application from the table or view.
void call_bcp_init(std::string & tablename); //5,Call bcp_bind for each column in the bulk copy to bind the column to a program variable
//void call_bcp_bind();
void call_bcp_bind_char_field(char* pBlock, int colIndex);
void call_bcp_bind_int_field(int &iBlock, int colIndex); //6,Fill the program variables with data,and call bcp_sendrow to send a row of data.
void call_bcp_sendrow(); //7,After several rows have been sent,call bcp_batch to checkpoint the rows already sent.
//It is good practice to call bcp_batch at least once per 1000 rows.
void call_bcp_batch(); //8,After all rows have been sent,call bcp_done to complete the operation.
void call_bcp_done(); private:
HENV m_hEnvironment;
HDBC m_hConnection;
#include <iostream>
#include "MyBCP.h"

int main()
CMyBCP bcp;
std::string tablename("[p].[e_LOG_IOEXP]");

int int_BSCFlg;
int int_ObjFlg;
std::string str_BSCNAME("");
std::string str_IDENTITY("BXB001A");
bcp.call_bcp_bind_char_field(const_cast<char *>(str_BSCNAME.c_str()),3);
bcp.call_bcp_bind_char_field(const_cast<char *>(str_IDENTITY.c_str()),4);


return 0;


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