hdu4456 Crowd(二维树状数组)
#define lowbit(x) (x&(-x))
using namespace std ;
struct Operation {
int op , x , y , z ;
} p[88888] ;
int base = 100000 ;
const int N = 2222222 ;
vector<int> mp ;
int val[N] , tot , n , m ;
const int maxn = 22222 ; inline int get ( int x , int y ) {
x = x * base + y ;
y = lower_bound(mp.begin(),mp.end(),x) - mp.begin() ;
if ( y == tot || mp[y] != x ) return -1 ;
return y ;
} void update ( int x , int y , int z ) {
while ( x < n*2+100 ) {
int pos = y ;
while ( pos < n*2+100 ) {
int now = get (x,pos) ;
val[now] += z ;
pos += lowbit ( pos ) ;
x += lowbit ( x ) ;
} int sum ( int x , int y ) {
int ret = 0 ;
while ( x ) {
int pos = y ;
while ( pos ) {
int now = get ( x , pos ) ;
if (now != -1) ret += val[now] ;
pos -= lowbit ( pos ) ;
x -= lowbit ( x ) ;
return ret ;
} int query ( int x1 , int y1 , int x2 , int y2 ) {
int ret1 = sum(x1-1,y1-1) , ret2 = sum(x2,y2) , ret3 = sum(x1-1,y2) , ret4 = sum(x2,y1-1) ;
// printf ( "ret2 = %d\n" , ret2 ) ;
return ret1+ret2-ret3-ret4 ;
} int get_num () {
int n = 0 , flag = 1 ;
char c ;
while ( (c = getchar ()) && c != '-' && (c<'0'||c>'9') ) ;
if ( c == '-' ) flag = -1 ;
else n = c - '0' ;
while ( (c = getchar ()) && c >= '0' && c <= '9' ) n = n * 10 + c - '0' ;
return n * flag ;
} void add ( int t , int x , int y ) {
while ( x < n*2+100 ) {
int pos = y ;
while ( pos < n*2+100 ) {
// if ( tot == N - 1 ) while (1) ;
mp.push_back ( x * base + pos ) ;
pos += lowbit ( pos ) ;
x += lowbit ( x ) ;
} void read ( int i ) {
p[i].op = get_num () ;
p[i].x = get_num () ;
p[i].y = get_num () ;
p[i].z = get_num () ;
int x = p[i].x + p[i].y - 1 , y = n - p[i].x + p[i].y ;
if ( p[i].op == 1 ) add ( 1 , x , y ) ;
} int main () {
while ( scanf ( "%d" , &n ) && n ) {
scanf ( "%d" , &m ) ;
mp.clear () ;
memset ( val , 0 , sizeof ( val ) ) ;
for ( int i = 1 ; i <= m ; i ++ )
read ( i ) ;
sort ( mp.begin() , mp.end() ) ;
vector<int>::iterator it = unique(mp.begin() , mp.end()) ;
mp.erase(it,mp.end()) ;
// tot = unique ( mp + 1 , mp + tot + 1 ) - mp - 1 ;
tot = mp.size () ;
for ( int i = 1 ; i <= m ; i ++ ) {
int op , x , y , z ;
op = p[i].op ;
x = p[i].x ;
y = p[i].y ;
z = p[i].z ;
// printf ( "op = %d , x = %d , y = %d , z = %d\n" , op , x , y , p[i].z ) ;
int xx = x + y - 1 , yy = n - x + y ;
if ( op == 1 ) {
update ( xx , yy , z ) ;
} else {
int x1 = std::max ( 1 , xx - z ) ;
int y1 = std::max ( 1 , yy - z ) ;
int x2 = std::min ( 2*n-1 , xx + z ) ;
int y2 = std::min ( 2*n-1 , yy + z ) ;
printf ( "%d\n" , query ( x1 , y1 , x2 , y2 ) ) ;
return 0 ;
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