bzoj 2424: [HAOI2010]订货 (费用流)
- type
- arr=record
- toward,next,cap,cost:longint;
- end;
- const
- maxm=;
- maxn=;
- mm=<<;
- var
- edge:array[..maxm]of arr;
- first,slack,d:array[..maxn]of longint;
- chose:array[..maxn]of boolean;
- n,maxflow,maxcost,s,t,tot,esum:longint;
- function min(x,y:longint):longint;
- begin
- if x<y then exit(x);
- exit(y);
- end;
- procedure add(i,j,k,l:longint);
- begin
- inc(esum);
- edge[esum].toward:=j;
- edge[esum].next:=first[i];
- first[i]:=esum;
- edge[esum].cap:=k;
- edge[esum].cost:=l;
- end;
- procedure addedge(i,j,k,l:longint);
- begin
- add(i,j,k,l);
- add(j,i,,-l);
- end;
- function aug(x,flow:longint):longint;
- var
- now,more,i,too,value:longint;
- begin
- if x=t then begin
- inc(maxflow,flow);
- inc(maxcost,flow*d[s]);
- exit(flow);
- end;
- chose[x]:=true;
- i:=first[x];
- now:=;
- while i>= do begin
- too:=edge[i].toward;
- value:=edge[i].cost;
- if (edge[i].cap>) and (not chose[too]) then
- if d[x]=d[too]+value then begin
- more:=aug(too,min(flow-now,edge[i].cap));
- dec(edge[i].cap,more);
- inc(edge[i xor ].cap,more);
- inc(now,more);
- if flow=now then exit(flow);
- end
- else
- slack[too]:=min(slack[too],d[too]+value-d[x]);
- i:=edge[i].next;
- end;
- exit(now);
- end;
- function rel:boolean;
- var
- i,spent:longint;
- begin
- spent:=maxlongint;
- for i:= to tot do
- if not chose[i] then spent:=min(spent,slack[i]);
- if spent>=mm then exit(false);
- for i:= to tot do
- if chose[i] then inc(d[i],spent);
- exit(true);
- end;
- procedure into;
- var
- i,j,k,m,sum:longint;
- begin
- esum:=-;
- fillchar(first,sizeof(first),);
- readln(n,m,sum);
- tot:=n+;
- s:=tot-;
- t:=tot;
- for i:= to n do begin
- read(j);
- addedge(i,t,j,);
- end;
- for i:= to n do begin
- read(j);
- addedge(s,i,maxlongint,j);
- end;
- for i:= to n- do
- addedge(i,i+,sum,m);
- end;
- begin
- into;
- fillchar(d,sizeof(d),);
- maxflow:=;
- maxcost:=;
- repeat
- fillchar(slack,sizeof(slack),$7f);
- repeat
- fillchar(chose,sizeof(chose),false);
- until aug(s,maxlongint)<=;
- until not rel;
- writeln(maxcost);
- readln;
- readln;
- end.
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