The C Programming language notes

一 基础变量类型、运算符和判断循环

        char                 字符型  character               --> char c = '\n' ;   [ASCII码 0-255]

  short int long    整数形  interger             --> int num = 120;[ unsigned 无符号表示]

       float double       浮点型(单精度,双精度)--> float celsius = 12.3;

       加减乘除取余, 与或非位运算, 赋值大于小于等于, if else,switch case, for do  while continue break goto


二 习题代码

   1.1 摄氏转华氏,华氏转摄氏以及逆序输出代码

#include <stdio.h>

#define LOWER 0   /* 下限 */
#define UPPER 300 /* 上限 */
#define STEP 20 /* 步长 */
typedef float ElementType; void fahrToCelsius()
ElementType fahr, celsius; fahr = LOWER;
// %o oct-8 | %x hex-16 | %c %s | %f %e(科学) | %d %i
printf("\nfahr to celsius:\n");
while ( fahr <= UPPER ) {
celsius = (5.0 / 9.0) * (fahr- 32.0);
// %6.2f 6个字符宽
printf("%6.2f\t%6.2f\n", fahr, celsius);
fahr = fahr + STEP;
} void celsiusToFahr()
{ /* 1.4 摄氏温度转华氏 */
ElementType fahr, celsius;
celsius = UPPER;
printf("\ncelsius to fahr:\n");
for ( ; celsius >= LOWER ; celsius -= STEP ) {
fahr = (9.0 / 5.0)*celsius + 32.0;
printf("%6.2f\t%6.2f\n", celsius, fahr);
} int main(int argc, char *argv[])
return ;

1.2 标准输入输出库的单个字符获取和输出

  getchar()从STDIN中获取单个字符并返回其值,如果到达文件尾则返回EOF, putchar( cha ) 将单个字符cha输出到STDOUT

    printf("This is:%d\n", EOF);  /* EOF define as -1 */

  gets()可获取包含空格的字符串,并返回 char *指针, puts()则将字符串输出


  int printf( const char *format, ... );
int scanf( const char *format, ... );

   字符获取输出程序如下: getchar()直到在WIndows上按下CTRL+Z产生EOF输入才停止

void getPutChar()
{ /* 1.5 字符输入输出 copy input to output */
int c; /* c要足够大,能存储任何getchar()的返回值 */
while ( (c = getchar())!= EOF ) {
// 赋值表达式的值为赋值后左边变量的值
putchar(c); /* EOF end of file */

1.3 标准输入输出库的单个字符获取和输出


void cntSpaceTable()
{ /* 1-8 count space table and newline chars */
int c; /* big volume */
int nl, nt, ns;
nl = ns = nt = ;
while ( (c = getchar()) != EOF ) {
if ( c == '\n' ) {
} else if ( c == '\t' ) {
} else if ( c == ' ' ) {
printf("num of space, table, newline: %d, %d, %d\n"
, ns, nt, nl);

1-9将字符流中的多个空格替换为一个空格,  1-10将字符进行替换

void spaceChange()
{ /* 1-9 alterante mutilple sapces into one space */
int c, cs = ; /* cs -> count space */
while ( (c = getchar()) != EOF ) {
if ( c == ' ' ) {
// print the first space, omit other space
if ( cs == ) {
putchar( c );
} else {
cs = ; // 恢复计数
putchar( c );
} void charChange()
{ /* 1-10 alterante table back and slash */
int c;
while ( (c = getchar()) != EOF ) {
switch( c ) {
case '\t': printf( "\\t" );
case '\b': printf( "\\b" );
case '\\': printf( "\\\\ ");
default: putchar(c);

1.4 统计单词数量

/* 1.5.4 count lines, words, and chars in input */
void countWords()
{ /* 单词计数,单词不包含空格、制表、换行符 */
int c, nl, nw, nc, state; state = OUT;
nl = nw = nc = ;
/* 每当遇到单词的第一个字符,就作为一个新单词计数 */
while ( (c = getchar()) != EOF ) {
++nc; /* count char */
if ( c == '\n' ) {
if ( c == ' ' ||
c == '\n' ||
c == '\t' ) {
state = OUT; /* not a word */
} else if ( state == OUT ) {
state = IN;
++nw; /* start count word */
} /* end of while */
printf("chars:%d, lines:%d, words:%d\n", nc, nl, nw);
} void showSingleWord()
{ /* 1-12 每个单词一行 */
int c, state; state = OUT;
printf("Print Single Word:\n");
while ( (c = getchar()) != EOF ) {
if ( c == ' ' || c == '\n' || c == '\t' ) {
if ( state == IN ) {
printf("\n"); /* end of a word */
state = OUT; /* not a word */
} else if ( state == OUT ) {
state = IN; /* start count word */
if ( state == IN ) {
putchar(c); /* print each char of word */
} /* end of while */


void printGraph( int num )
{ /* Histograph subprogram*/
int i;
for ( i = ; i < num; i++ ) {
} void countOtherChars()
{ /* 统计数字和字母以及空格和其他字符,打印直方图 */
int c, i, nwhite ,nother;
int ndigit[]; /* 0-9 */
int nalpha[]; /* A-Z */ nwhite = nother = ;
for ( i = ; i < ; ++i ) {
if ( i < ) {
ndigit[i] = ; /* init */
nalpha[i] = ;
} while ( (c = getchar()) != EOF ) {
if ( c >= '' && c <= '' ) {
++ndigit[c - ''];
} else if( c >='A' && c <= 'Z' ) {
++nalpha[c - 'A']; /* upper */
} else if( c >='a' && c <= 'z' ) {
++nalpha[c - 'a']; /* lower */
else if ( c == ' ' || c == '\n' || c == '\t' ) {
/* space */
} else {
} /* end of while */ for ( i = ; i < ; ++i ) {
printf("%d->", i); //printf(" %d", ndigit[i]);
printGraph( ndigit[i] );
printf("\n ");
for ( i = ; i < ; ++i ) {
printf("%c->", i+'a');//printf(" %d", nalpha[i]);
printGraph( nalpha[i] );
printf("\nwhite space->");

参考资料: 《C程序设计语言》



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