January 23 2017 Week 4 Monday
Knowledge is long, life is short.
I often feel that I have a lot of things to learn, nevertheless, it seems I always don't enough time to learn.
Actually, I often waste my time and energy on some meaningless things.
So, stop making useless efforts.
Give some time to think about my life and analyze where the real problem lies, distinguish between important things and minor things, spend my time and energy on those things that can really result in important changes.
Success is achieved and maintained by those who try and keep trying.
I try and keep trying, but it seems I am getting farther and farther away from success.
Others think I should be more powerful and be capable of achieving more things.
However, the results may be so disappointed and sometimes I was throughly demoralized by those setbacks.
The deadline is coming, and I am about to be fully swallowed by the panic inside my heart.
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