Indexing GROUP BY
SQL databases use two entirely different group by
algorithms. The first one, the hash algorithm, aggregates the input records in a temporary hash table. Once all input records are processed, the hash table is returned as the result. The second algorithm, the sort/group algorithm, first sorts the input data by the grouping key so that the rows of each group follow each other in immediate succession. Afterwards, the database just needs to aggregate them. In general, both algorithms need to materialize an intermediate state, so they are not executed in a pipelined manner. Nevertheless the sort/group algorithm can use an index to avoid the sort operation, thus enabling a pipelined group by
:SELECT product_id, sum(eur_value)
FROM sales
WHERE sale_date = TRUNC(sysdate) - INTERVAL '' DAY
GROUP BY product_id
Knowing the index on SALE_DATE
from the previous section, the sort/group algorithm is more appropriate because an INDEX RANGE SCAN
automatically delivers the rows in the required order. That means the database avoids materialization because it does not need an explicit sort operation—the group by
is executed in a pipelined manner.
|Id |Operation | Name | Rows | Cost |
| 0 |SELECT STATEMENT | | 17 | 192 |
| 1 | SORT GROUP BY NOSORT | | 17 | 192 |
|*3 | INDEX RANGE SCAN | SALES_DT_PR | 321 | 3 |
operation with the NOSORT
addendum. The execution plan of other databases does not mention any sort operation at all. group by
has the same prerequisites as the pipelined order by
, except there are no ASC
and DESC
modifiers. That means that defining an index with ASC
modifiers should not affect pipelined group by
execution. The same is true for NULLS FIRST
. Nevertheless there are databases that cannot properly use an ASC
index for a pipelined group by
.order by
clause to make an index with NULLS LAST
sorting usable for a pipelined group by
. The Oracle database cannot read an index backwards in order to execute a pipelined group by
that is followed by an order by
. More details are available in the respective appendices: PostgreSQL, Oracle.If we extend the query to consider all sales since yesterday, as we did in the example for the pipelined order by
, it prevents the pipelined group by
for the same reason as before: the INDEX RANGE SCAN
does not deliver the rows ordered by the grouping key.
SELECT product_id, sum(eur_value)
FROM sales
WHERE sale_date >= TRUNC(sysdate) - INTERVAL '' DAY
GROUP BY product_id
|Id |Operation | Name | Rows | Cost |
| 0 |SELECT STATEMENT | | 24 | 356 |
| 1 | HASH GROUP BY | | 24 | 356 |
|*3 | INDEX RANGE SCAN | SALES_DT_PR | 596 | 4 |
Instead, the Oracle database uses the hash algorithm. The advantage of the hash algorithm is that it only needs to buffer the aggregated result, whereas the sort/group algorithm materializes the complete input set. In other words: the hash algorithm needs less memory.
As with pipelined order by
, a fast execution is not the most important aspect of the pipelined group by
execution. It is more important that the database executes it in a pipelined manner and delivers the first result before reading the entire input.
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