


using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using Elsa.Extensions;
using Elsa.Workflows.Activities.Flowchart.Contracts;
using Elsa.Workflows.Activities.Flowchart.Extensions;
using Elsa.Workflows.Activities.Flowchart.Models;
using Elsa.Workflows.Attributes;
using Elsa.Workflows.Contracts;
using Elsa.Workflows.Options;
using Elsa.Workflows.Signals;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; namespace Elsa.Workflows.Activities.Flowchart.Activities; /// <summary>
/// A flowchart consists of a collection of activities and connections between them.
/// </summary>
[Activity("Elsa", "Flow", "A flowchart is a collection of activities and connections between them.")]
public class Flowchart : Container
internal const string ScopeProperty = "Scope"; /// <inheritdoc />
public Flowchart([CallerFilePath] string? source = default, [CallerLineNumber] int? line = default) : base(source, line)
} /// <summary>
/// The activity to execute when the flowchart starts.
/// </summary>
public IActivity? Start { get; set; } /// <summary>
/// A list of connections between activities.
/// </summary>
public ICollection<Connection> Connections { get; set; } = new List<Connection>(); /// <inheritdoc />
protected override async ValueTask ScheduleChildrenAsync(ActivityExecutionContext context)
var startActivity = GetStartActivity(context); if (startActivity == null)
// Nothing else to execute.
await context.CompleteActivityAsync();
} // Schedule the start activity.
await context.ScheduleActivityAsync(startActivity, OnChildCompletedAsync);
} private IActivity? GetStartActivity(ActivityExecutionContext context)
// If there's a trigger that triggered this workflow, use that.
var triggerActivityId = context.WorkflowExecutionContext.TriggerActivityId;
var triggerActivity = triggerActivityId != null ? Activities.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == triggerActivityId) : default; if (triggerActivity != null)
return triggerActivity; // If an explicit Start activity was provided, use that.
if (Start != null)
return Start; // If there is a Start activity on the flowchart, use that.
var startActivity = Activities.FirstOrDefault(x => x is Start); if (startActivity != null)
return startActivity; // If there's an activity marked as "Can Start Workflow", use that.
var canStartWorkflowActivity = Activities.FirstOrDefault(x => x.GetCanStartWorkflow()); if (canStartWorkflowActivity != null)
return canStartWorkflowActivity; // If there is a single activity that has no inbound connections, use that.
var root = GetRootActivity(); if (root != null)
return root; // If no start activity found, return the first activity.
return Activities.FirstOrDefault();
} /// <summary>
/// Checks if there is any pending work for the flowchart.
/// </summary>
private bool HasPendingWork(ActivityExecutionContext context)
var workflowExecutionContext = context.WorkflowExecutionContext;
var activityIds = Activities.Select(x => x.Id).ToList();
var descendantContexts = context.GetDescendents().Where(x => x.ParentActivityExecutionContext == context).ToList();
var activityExecutionContexts = descendantContexts.Where(x => activityIds.Contains(x.Activity.Id)).ToList(); var hasPendingWork = workflowExecutionContext.Scheduler.List().Any(workItem =>
var ownerInstanceId = workItem.Owner?.Id; if (ownerInstanceId == null)
return false; if (ownerInstanceId == context.Id)
return true; var ownerContext = context.WorkflowExecutionContext.ActivityExecutionContexts.First(x => x.Id == ownerInstanceId);
var ancestors = ownerContext.GetAncestors().ToList(); return ancestors.Any(x => x == context);
}); var hasRunningActivityInstances = activityExecutionContexts.Any(x => x.Status == ActivityStatus.Running); return hasRunningActivityInstances || hasPendingWork;
} private IActivity? GetRootActivity()
// Get the first activity that has no inbound connections.
var query =
from activity in Activities
let inboundConnections = Connections.Any(x => x.Target.Activity == activity)
where !inboundConnections
select activity; var rootActivity = query.FirstOrDefault();
return rootActivity;
} private async ValueTask OnChildCompletedAsync(ActivityCompletedContext context)
var logger = context.GetRequiredService<ILogger<Flowchart>>();
var flowchartContext = context.TargetContext;
var completedActivityContext = context.ChildContext;
var completedActivity = completedActivityContext.Activity;
var result = context.Result; // If the complete activity's status is anything but "Completed", do not schedule its outbound activities.
var scheduleChildren = completedActivityContext.Status == ActivityStatus.Completed;
var outcomeNames = result is Outcomes outcomes
? outcomes.Names
: [null!, "Done"]; // Only query the outbound connections if the completed activity wasn't already completed.
var outboundConnections = Connections.Where(connection => connection.Source.Activity == completedActivity && outcomeNames.Contains(connection.Source.Port)).ToList();
var children = outboundConnections.Select(x => x.Target.Activity).ToList();
var scope = flowchartContext.GetProperty(ScopeProperty, () => new FlowScope()); scope.RegisterActivityExecution(completedActivity); // If the complete activity is a terminal node, complete the flowchart immediately.
if (completedActivity is ITerminalNode)
await flowchartContext.CompleteActivityAsync();
else if (scheduleChildren)
if (children.Any())
// Schedule each child, but only if all of its left inbound activities have already executed.
foreach (var activity in children)
var existingActivity = scope.ContainsActivity(activity);
scope.AddActivity(activity); var inboundActivities = Connections.LeftInboundActivities(activity).ToList(); // If the completed activity is not part of the left inbound path, always allow its children to be scheduled.
if (!inboundActivities.Contains(completedActivity))
await flowchartContext.ScheduleActivityAsync(activity, OnChildCompletedAsync);
} // If the activity is anything but a join activity, only schedule it if all of its left-inbound activities have executed, effectively implementing a "wait all" join.
if (activity is not IJoinNode)
var executionCount = scope.GetExecutionCount(activity);
var haveInboundActivitiesExecuted = inboundActivities.All(x => scope.GetExecutionCount(x) > executionCount); if (haveInboundActivitiesExecuted)
await flowchartContext.ScheduleActivityAsync(activity, OnChildCompletedAsync);
// Select an existing activity execution context for this activity, if any.
var joinContext = flowchartContext.WorkflowExecutionContext.ActivityExecutionContexts.FirstOrDefault(x =>
x.ParentActivityExecutionContext == flowchartContext && x.Activity == activity);
var scheduleWorkOptions = new ScheduleWorkOptions
CompletionCallback = OnChildCompletedAsync,
ExistingActivityExecutionContext = joinContext,
PreventDuplicateScheduling = true
}; if (joinContext != null)
logger.LogDebug("Next activity {ChildActivityId} is a join activity. Attaching to existing join context {JoinContext}", activity.Id, joinContext.Id);
else if (!existingActivity)
logger.LogDebug("Next activity {ChildActivityId} is a join activity. Creating new join context", activity.Id);
logger.LogDebug("Next activity {ChildActivityId} is a join activity. Join context was not found, but activity is already being created", activity.Id);
} await flowchartContext.ScheduleActivityAsync(activity, scheduleWorkOptions);
} if (!children.Any())
await CompleteIfNoPendingWorkAsync(flowchartContext);
} flowchartContext.SetProperty(ScopeProperty, scope);
} private async Task CompleteIfNoPendingWorkAsync(ActivityExecutionContext context)
var hasPendingWork = HasPendingWork(context); if (!hasPendingWork)
var hasFaultedActivities = context.GetActiveChildren().Any(x => x.Status == ActivityStatus.Faulted); if (!hasFaultedActivities)
await context.CompleteActivityAsync();
} private async ValueTask OnScheduleOutcomesAsync(ScheduleActivityOutcomes signal, SignalContext context)
var flowchartContext = context.ReceiverActivityExecutionContext;
var schedulingActivityContext = context.SenderActivityExecutionContext;
var schedulingActivity = schedulingActivityContext.Activity;
var outcomes = signal.Outcomes;
var outboundConnections = Connections.Where(connection => connection.Source.Activity == schedulingActivity && outcomes.Contains(connection.Source.Port!)).ToList();
var outboundActivities = outboundConnections.Select(x => x.Target.Activity).ToList(); if (outboundActivities.Any())
// Schedule each child.
foreach (var activity in outboundActivities) await flowchartContext.ScheduleActivityAsync(activity, OnChildCompletedAsync);
} private async ValueTask OnScheduleChildActivityAsync(ScheduleChildActivity signal, SignalContext context)
var flowchartContext = context.ReceiverActivityExecutionContext;
var activity = signal.Activity;
var activityExecutionContext = signal.ActivityExecutionContext; if (activityExecutionContext != null)
await flowchartContext.ScheduleActivityAsync(activityExecutionContext.Activity, new ScheduleWorkOptions
ExistingActivityExecutionContext = activityExecutionContext,
CompletionCallback = OnChildCompletedAsync,
Input = signal.Input
await flowchartContext.ScheduleActivityAsync(activity, new ScheduleWorkOptions
CompletionCallback = OnChildCompletedAsync,
Input = signal.Input
} private async ValueTask OnActivityCanceledAsync(CancelSignal signal, SignalContext context)
await CompleteIfNoPendingWorkAsync(context.ReceiverActivityExecutionContext);

首先我们从Activity特性中的描述参数中可以看到介绍flowchart作用的一句话:A flowchart is a collection of activities and connections between them.显而易见,flowchart是一个存储了多个Activity和他们连接关系的集合。有了这些数据,flowchart就可以根据connections中的连接关系对activity按照顺序执行了。





protected override async ValueTask ExecuteAsync(ActivityExecutionContext context)
// Ensure variables have names.
EnsureNames(Variables); // Register variables.
context.ExpressionExecutionContext.Memory.Declare(Variables); // Schedule children.
await ScheduleChildrenAsync(context);


protected virtual ValueTask ScheduleChildrenAsync(ActivityExecutionContext context)
return ValueTask.CompletedTask;




protected override async ValueTask ScheduleChildrenAsync(ActivityExecutionContext context)
var startActivity = GetStartActivity(context); if (startActivity == null)
// Nothing else to execute.
await context.CompleteActivityAsync();
} // Schedule the start activity.
await context.ScheduleActivityAsync(startActivity, OnChildCompletedAsync);





private IActivity? GetStartActivity(ActivityExecutionContext context)
// If there's a trigger that triggered this workflow, use that.
var triggerActivityId = context.WorkflowExecutionContext.TriggerActivityId;
var triggerActivity = triggerActivityId != null ? Activities.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == triggerActivityId) : default; if (triggerActivity != null)
return triggerActivity; // If an explicit Start activity was provided, use that.
if (Start != null)
return Start; // If there is a Start activity on the flowchart, use that.
var startActivity = Activities.FirstOrDefault(x => x is Start); if (startActivity != null)
return startActivity; // If there's an activity marked as "Can Start Workflow", use that.
var canStartWorkflowActivity = Activities.FirstOrDefault(x => x.GetCanStartWorkflow()); if (canStartWorkflowActivity != null)
return canStartWorkflowActivity; // If there is a single activity that has no inbound connections, use that.
var root = GetRootActivity(); if (root != null)
return root; // If no start activity found, return the first activity.
return Activities.FirstOrDefault();

这里从开头可以看到,优先级最高的StartActivity竟然不是Star,而是先获取TriggerActivity,那么什么是TriggerActivity呢,就比如我们的HTTP Endpoint, Event, Cron这些,当我们拖到画布当中时,默认会勾选Trigger workflow这个选项,如下图中间最下方所示。至于他的触发原理后续再深入探讨,这里就稍微过一下就好了。



若在Activities中也没有Start节点,则再判断一下是否有节点勾选了Start Of Workflow选项,若是勾选了,则获取第一个勾选的Activity作为起始节点。


 private IActivity? GetRootActivity()
// Get the first activity that has no inbound connections.
var query =
from activity in Activities
let inboundConnections = Connections.Any(x => x.Target.Activity == activity)
where !inboundConnections
select activity; var rootActivity = query.FirstOrDefault();
return rootActivity;







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