Assessment Cover Sheet
Student ID Cohort
Student Name
Diploma in Information Technology Software Development (Level 6)
Course Code / Title ICT638 Mobile and App Development
Assessment Title Assessment 2 - Portfolio Assessment Type Theory
Level 6 Credit 15
Tutor Nidia Jackson Due Date 15/11/2019
Student Declaration
I declare that:
? I have read and understood the New Zealand School of Education Ltd (NZSE) policies and
regulations on assessments as laid out in the student handbook.
? I am aware of the penalties for cheating and plagiarism as laid out in the student handbook.
? This is an original assessment and is entirely my own work. Where I have quoted or made use of
the ideas of other writers, I have acknowledged the source.
? This assessment has been prepared exclusively for this course and has not been or will not be
submitted as assessed work in any other course.
? It has been explained to me that this assessment may be used by NZSE, for internal and/or
external moderation.
? I have advised the tutor of any special needs that I have upon enrolment or prior to this
assessment taking place.
Student Signature Date
Tutor to Complete
Assessment Result Total Marks /100
Assessor’s Comment
Assessor Name Signature
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Resources and/or equipment which may be used for this activity
? NZSE issued material. ? The Internet.
The required conditions relating to this activity
? This is an open-book assessment to be completed in an agreed environment. Resources for
this course may be used in the assessment.
? Acceptable format of this assessment word processed on A4 paper or as required
? Place your Name, Student ID number, Assessment and Task Number on all loose documents
you are submitting with the assessment.
? Any excerpt of legislations may be used with references referenced with accordance to APA
th Edition (e.g. internet, library, newspaper articles, reference books etc.), however, any
written report must be your own work with no assistance from any other party.
? You will need to write detailed paragraph(s) covering the required information for each Task
in your own words.
? Proofread and spell check all assessment work carefully.
Method of assessment
? Evidence requirements: Written assessment, or as per requirements of the Standard
Setting Body.
Moderation of assessment
To comply with the moderation process, assessors should ensure the following:
? Written evidence is provided.
? A videotape or audiotape of any oral testing is made if required.
? Student assessment samples may be used for internal / external moderation requirements.
Evidence Validity
Where any assessment, or part of any assessment, is carried out under “non-controlled” conditions,
students are required to sign a declaration stating that the work submitted is their own original work
and that any material that has been reproduced has been fully referenced.
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Plagiarism is a form of academic cheating. At New Zealand School of Education, plagiarism
is not tolerated and is a serious academic offence, which could lead to a student being
dismissed from their programme.
Plagiarism is defined as:
1. When students use or copy someone else’s work without giving proper credit –
failure to cite adequately.
2. Downloading sources from the internet and claiming it as student’s original work.
3. Assisting others to cheat by giving a copy of assessments to use for their advantage.
New Zealand School of Education expects all students to complete their own or group work
with integrity and honesty. Such integrity maintains the reputation and quality of our
certificates, and diplomas.
To maintain the quality of the standards of NZSE qualifications, all students and staff have a
responsibility to prevent, discourage and report cheating in coursework.
If plagiarism is found in any assessments, a disciplinary process will occur as per the
disciplinary procedures outlined in the New Zealand School of Education Student
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Assessment Information
1. This is an individual open book assessment worth 60% of your total course marks.
2. There are 3 tasks in this assessment. You have 3 weeks to complete this assessment.
3. Up to 15% of the content may be quoted or paraphrased from other sources provided you
acknowledge and cite the original source of the material you use. Use APA 6th referencing
on all quoted or paraphrased material.
4. Late assessments will incur a penalty of 5% per day (unless an extension is granted before
the due date). Any assessment received later than 7 days after the due date will not be
5. Unless otherwise specified, all documents are to be produced following NZSE standards.
These are: Normal font is Calibri, size 12 point for the body of all documents with the text
fully justified. Headings should not exceed 16 points in size except on a title page where
larger fonts are appropriate for the title of a report. Documents should use 1.15 spacing
within a paragraph and have a space between paragraphs. Footers should be created on the
report that includes a page number.
Assessment Outcomes
This assessment is mapped to the following learning outcomes for this course:
LO 1: Evaluate and implement features of client-server systems using Java Enterprise
edition and/or .NET
LO 3: Demonstrate mastery of distributed algorithms
LO 4: Research and apply contemporary remote technologies such as RMI, CORBA, .NET
remoting, and web services
LO 5: Apply standard design principles and algorithms in the construction of a distributed
A pdf file named with your student id followed by your first name should be submitted to Canvas
Turnitin by 15 Nov 2019, 5:00PM via a link which will be provided in the Assessment section of the
course on Canvas. For example, if your student id is i54321 and your full name is Raymund Lee then
the compressed file name should be i54321_Raymund_Lee.pdf.
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Summary Marking Schedule
Section Item Max Mark Student
Task 1
Evaluate the different client-server
systems and explain the feasibility
of using REST web services
Task 2 Describe distributed algorithms
and analyse why they are required.
Task 3 Design of the solution 60
Structure and organisation of ideas, English
writing, and APA Referencing 10
Total Marks 100
Assessment Tasks
Portfolio (Individual)
Case Study: Rent-a-go real-estate service provider scenario
Rent-a-go, a real-estate firm specializing in rental properties is looking at developing a mobile
application for its clients on Android platform.
The application shows all the available properties on a map in the application with a pointer.
Clicking the pointer will open a new page with details on that rental property that includes but not
limited to the weekly rent, the number of bedrooms, the number of bathrooms and a default
The application is to obtain the data from another web application that is accessible by the
1. Evaluate the different client-server systems that are applicable in the above scenario and
explain the feasibility of using REST web services in the above scenario. (LO 1 ,4)
2. Describe distributed algorithms and analyze why they are required in most applications
these days. (LO 3)
3. Based on the distributed system theory, design a solution applying design principles in the
construction of a distributed system using REST API. You must include a diagram that
outlines the basics of the system and a service flow diagram from backend to frontend. (LO
You must satisfy the below requirements:
1. apply design principles in constructing the distributed system;
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2. include a block diagram that outlines the basics of the system and explain the
different components; and
3. include a service flow diagram
The above will be in one submitted document.
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NZDITSWD6 ICT638 – Mobile and App Development
Assessment 2: Portfolio Marking Criteria
Criteria Excellent Good Acceptable Need Improvement Unacceptable

因为专业,所以值得信赖。如有需要,请加QQ:99515681 或 微信:codehelp

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