June 03rd, 2019. Week 23rd, Monday
There is no shame in hard work.
Stop complaining about the current work arrangements, just concentrate on doing the assignments well.
Actually, to many of us, there is no job that is better than another job. It might pay better, it might have better benefits, it might look better on the resume and on paper.
But, it is not better, every job is worthwhile and valuable, if only we could do our best to make our outputs perfect.
And there is no shame in hard work, we could only feel ashamed if we fail to do our job well.
I am willing to take chances, I am willing to work hard, and I am willing to find joy in what I do every day.
I know that I am valuable, I know the path I have taken is worthwhile.
I realize that no matter how far up the ladder I may go, what I do then will never be “better” than what I’m doing now, because my attitude will never change.
Future positions might pay more…they might come with better benefits…but I will always make an effort to remember that I’m never too good to complete any task.
Coming to this realization also reminds me of the fact that real leaders are never afraid of working in the trenches with their followers.
If I aspire to be a great leader, whether it be at the forefront or in the background, I must always remember that my organization is only as strong as its weakest link.
I must never let pride interfere with my ability to work hard in the face of adversity.
More importantly, my journey is unique to me, and I have come to realize that I have no shame in that.
Because I know that my desire to learn and work hard is where my value lies, not my title.
A title doesn’t deem us successful…nor does it guarantee us peace of mind.
But hard work can provide us those things, and it will open doors to opportunities that will change our life.
So, work hard, and work harder, always strive for becoming better and stronger.
I just wanna be myself, and I want you to love me for who I am.
From Lady Gaga, "Hair".
Honestly, I want to be the one that can bring benefits to others, the one that can attract others to work together with him.
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