How to Compute The Derivatives (如何求导数)(TBC)
A video by 3Blue1Brown in Bilibili\text{A video by 3Blue1Brown in Bilibili}A video by 3Blue1Brown in Bilibili
I don’t have a systematic face to Derivatives before, but now I do.\text{I don't have a systematic face to Derivatives before, but now I do.}I don’t have a systematic face to Derivatives before, but now I do.
The Derivative of a function is a function which equals to the slope of that\text{The Derivative of a function is a function which equals to the slope of that}The Derivative of a function is a function which equals to the slope of thatfunction’s graph.\text{function's graph.}function’s graph.
1. The Derivative of Power Functions\text{1. The Derivative of Power Functions}1. The Derivative of Power Functions
Let’s look at some simples.\text{Let's look at some simples.}Let’s look at some simples.
We can treat y=x2 to a square with side length x.\text{We can treat }y=x^2\text{ to a square with side length }x.We can treat y=x2 to a square with side length x.
Let the side length becomes to (x+dx) so that the area increases (2x⋅dx+dx2).\text{Let the side length becomes to }(x+dx)\text{ so that the area increases }(2x·dx+dx^2).Let the side length becomes to (x+dx) so that the area increases (2x⋅dx+dx2).
Because of the increment dx should be much smaller than x, so it’s safe to ignore the\text{Because of the increment }dx\text{ should be much smaller than }x,\text{ so it's safe to ignore the}Because of the increment dx should be much smaller than x, so it’s safe to ignore theterms those have dx2 or high power of dx.\text{terms those have }dx^2\text{ or high power of }dx.terms those have dx2 or high power of dx.
Therefore, ΔS=2x⋅dx. When dx→0,ΔS→2x.\text{Therefore, }\Delta S=2x·dx.\text{ When }dx\rightarrow0,\Delta S\rightarrow 2x.Therefore, ΔS=2x⋅dx. When dx→0,ΔS→2x.
And the same, consider the function y=x3.\text{And the same, consider the function }y=x^3.And the same, consider the function y=x3.
We can treat it to a cube with a side length x.\text{We can treat it to a cube with a side length }x.We can treat it to a cube with a side length x.
Let the side length becomes to (x+dx) so that the volume increases (3x2⋅dx+3x⋅dx2+dx3).\text{Let the side length becomes to }(x+dx)\text{ so that the volume increases }(3x^2·dx+3x·dx^2+dx^3).Let the side length becomes to (x+dx) so that the volume increases (3x2⋅dx+3x⋅dx2+dx3).
As the same, we also let it be 3x2.\text{As the same, we also let it be }3x^2.As the same, we also let it be 3x2.
Actually, for a power function f(x)=xn, it goes\text{Actually, for a power function }f(x)=x^n,\text{ it goes}Actually, for a power function f(x)=xn, it goes
f'=\Delta f&=f(x+dx)-f(x)\\
Therefore, its dericatives f′=nxn−1.\text{Therefore, its dericatives }f'=nx^{n-1}.Therefore, its dericatives f′=nxn−1.
To be continued.\text{To be continued.}To be continued.
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