In this lesson, you will learn how to add the Analysis functionality to your application. For this purpose, you will add the Analysis business class and the Pivot Chart Module to your application.


  • Add the Analysis business class to your MySolution.Module project using the Module Designer. If you are using Entity Framework as your ORM, register the Analysis type in DbContext. Edit the BusinessObjects\MySolutionDbContext.cs (MySolutionDbContext.vb) as follows and then rebuild the solution.

  • 使用模块设计器将分析业务类添加到 MySolution.模块项目。如果使用实体框架作为 ORM,请在 DbContext 中注册分析类型。编辑业务对象_MySolutionDbContext.cs (MySolutionDbContext.vb),如下所示,然后重建解决方案。

    1. public class MySolutionDbContext : DbContext {
    2. //..
    3. public DbSet<Analysis> Analysis { get; set; }
    4. }
  • Invoke it by double-clicking the Module.cs (Module.vb) file within the MySolution.Module project displayed in the Solution Explorer. In the Exported Types section, locate the Referenced Assemblies | DevExpress.Persistent.BaseImpl.v19.2 (DevExpress.Persistent.BaseImpl.EF.v19.2) | Analysis node. Select it and press the Spacebar, or right-click it and choose Use Type in Application in the invoked menu. The node will be marked in bold. This means that the Analysis business class will be added to the Application Model, and this class will take part in the UI construction process.

  • 通过双击 MySolution.模块项目中显示的 MySolution.模块项目中的Module.cs(Module.vb)文件来调用它。在"导出的类型"部分中,找到引用的程序集 |DevExpress.持久.BaseImpl.v19.2 (DevExpress.持久.BaseImpl.v19.2) |分析节点。选择它并按空格键,或右键单击它,并在调用的菜单中选择"在应用程序中使用类型"。节点将以粗体标记。这意味着分析业务类将添加到应用程序模型中,此类将参与 UI 构造过程。

  • Rebuild your solution so that the changes made in the Designer are loaded to the Application Model.
  • 重新生成解决方案,以便将设计器中所做的更改加载到应用程序模型。
  • The eXpressApp Framework provides the Pivot Chart Module. When this module is referenced, the Self property of the Analysis Detail View is displayed via a special Property Editor. In WinForms applications, this Property Editor uses the PivotGridControl supplied by the Pivot Grid library and the ChartControl from the Chart Control library. In ASP.NET applications, this Property Editor uses the ASP.NET Pivot Grid that is supplied by the ASP.NET Pivot Grid library, and the WebChartControl from the Chart Control library. These controls allow end-users to build summarized reports to analyze large quantities of data quickly and easily. Features like filtering, top value display, hierarchical value arrangement on the axes, and grand and group totals give end-users a wide range of tools to control the data level in detail.

  • eXpressApp 框架提供数据透视图模块。引用此模块时,分析详细信息视图的 Self 属性将通过特殊的属性编辑器显示。在 WinForms 应用程序中,此属性编辑器使用数据透视网格库提供的透视网格控件和来自图表控件库的 ChartControl。在ASP.NET应用程序中,此属性编辑器使用由ASP.NET透视网格库提供的ASP.NET透视网格,以及图表控制库中的 WebChart 控件。这些控件允许最终用户生成汇总报告,以便快速轻松地分析大量数据。筛选、最高值显示、轴上的分层值排列以及宏和组总计等功能为最终用户提供了各种工具,以详细控制数据级别。

  • To use the Pivot Chart Module in a WinForms application, add it to the WinForms module project. For this purpose, find the WinModule.cs (WinModule.vb) file in the MySolution.Module.Win project displayed in the Solution Explorer. Double-click this file. The Module Designer will be invoked. In the Toolbox, navigate to the DX.19.2: XAF Modules page. Drag the PivotChartWindowsFormsModule item to the Designer's Required Modules section. Build the project.

  • 要在 WinForms 应用程序中使用透视图模块,请将其添加到 WinForms 模块项目中。为此,在 项目中查找WinModule.cs (WinModule.vb) 文件。双击此文件。将调用模块设计器。在工具箱中,导航到 DX.19.2:XAF 模块页面。将透视图表窗口窗体模块项目拖动到设计器的"必需模块"部分。生成项目。

  • To use the Pivot Chart Module in the ASP.NET application, add it to the ASP.NET module project. For this purpose, double-click the WebModule.cs (WebModule.vb) file, located in the MySolution.Module.Web application project. The Module Designer will be invoked. In the Toolbox, navigate to the DX.19.2: XAF Modules tab, and drag the PivotChartAspNetModule item to the Designer's Required Modules section. Build the project.
  • 要在ASP.NET应用程序中使用透视图模块,请将其添加到ASP.NET模块项目中。为此,双击位于 MySolution.module.Web 应用程序项目中的WebModule.cs (WebModule.vb) 文件。将调用模块设计器。在工具箱中,导航到 DX.19.2:XAF 模块选项卡,并将"透视查特"AspNet 模块项目拖动到"设计器所需的模块"部分。生成项目。

  • Run the WinForms or ASP.NET application. In the navigation control, select the Reports | Analysis item. An empty Analysis object list will be displayed (called Analysis List View). Create a new Analysis object by clicking the New button. In the invoked Detail View, specify a name for the new Analysis object and the type of objects to be analyzed via a pivot grid and chart control. For instance, assign the "Tasks" value to the Name property and choose "Task" in the Data Type drop-down menu. Click Bind Analysis Data (). Task objects will be loaded as the data source for the pivot grid.

  • 运行 WinForms 或ASP.NET应用程序。在导航控件中,选择"报告 |分析项。将显示一个空分析对象列表(称为分析列表视图)。单击"新建"按钮创建新的"分析"对象。在调用的详细视图中,指定新"分析"对象的名称以及要通过透视网格和图表控件分析的对象类型。例如,在"数据类型"下拉菜单中为 Name 属性分配"任务"值并选择"任务"。单击绑定分析数据(绑定分析数据)。任务对象将作为枢轴网格的数据源加载。

  • Drag the required fields to the row, column and data areas.

  • 将所需字段拖动到行、列和数据区域。

  • The following configuration demonstrates how to find out how many tasks are assigned to a contact.
  • 以下配置演示如何找出分配给联系人的任务数。

  • Switch to the Chart tab. It displays the data configured in the pivot grid via a chart.

  • 切换到"图表"选项卡。它通过图表显示在枢轴网格中配置的数据。

  • In WinForms applications, you can specify the chart's settings using the ChartWizard Action invoked by right-clicking the chart image and choosing ChartWizard.

  • 在 WinForms 应用程序中,您可以使用右键单击图表图像并选择 ChartWizard 调用的"图表向导"操作来指定图表的设置。

    In ASP.NET applications, you can only set the chart type using the ChartType combo box.

  • 在ASP.NET应用程序中,您只能使用 ChartType 组合框设置图表类型。

The following configurations demonstrate how fields in the pivot grid can be reconfigured based on what you are trying to analyze.

How many tasks of a particular priority are completed.


How many tasks of a particular priority are assigned to a contact.


How many estimated and actual hours each contact has spent on implementing all tasks assigned to that contact.


How many hours of work are planned for a contact and how many hours a contact has already spent on the completed tasks.


The previous analysis is extended by showing the distribution based on task priority.


Note 注意
The images above illustrate how to build an analysis in a WinForms application, but you can follow the same steps in an ASP.NET application.

上面的图像说明了如何在 WinForms 应用程序中构建分析,但您可以在ASP.NET应用程序中执行相同的步骤。

When an Analysis object is displayed in a Detail View, the Export button can be used to export the Pivot Grid or Chart to a number of formats.


The Export Action is available in both WinForms and ASP.NET applications.

导出操作在 WinForms 和ASP.NET应用程序中都有。

The Print PivotGrid () and Print Chart () actions can be used to print the Pivot Grid and the Chart. These Actions are not available in an ASP.NET application.

打印透视网格 (btn_pivot_print) 和打印图表 (btn_chart_print) 操作可用于打印数据透视网格和图表。这些操作在ASP.NET应用程序中不可用。

You can see the analysis demonstrated above in the Main Demo. The MainDemo application is installed in %PUBLIC%\Documents\DevExpress Demos 19.2\Components\eXpressApp Framework\MainDemo by default. The ASP.NET version is available online at

您可以在主演示中看到上面演示的分析。主演示应用程序安装在%PUBLIC%\Documents\DevExpress Demos 19.2\Components\eXpressApp Framework\MainDemo by default. The ASP.NET version is available online at


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