December 14th, Week 50th Saturday, 2019
If you have got a talent, protect it.
From Jim Carrey.
If you think you have a talent, please prove it by providing some unique outcomes.
If you don't think you have a talent, try to find it, or to forster one, don't stop waiting for it to appear.
Just as communicating with foreign colleagues, be brave to speak with them, even using your poor oral English, we will become more skilled if we practise more.
Maybe sometimes good can come from bad.
Everything happens for a reason, and sometimes good can come from bad because those bad things could have prevented something even worse from happening, and those bad thigns may provide us with some useful clues about what our shortcomings were, what we can do to correct or improve them, and then we can get the good results finally.
Bad, worse, or make it turn to good, that would depend on how we respond to it.
Actually, no matter how bad the thing is, as long as it hasn't come to the last minute, we still have the chance to make it right, at least, not so bad.
In my own case, the recent results of performance's evaluation were not so satisfying, sometimes I really wonder what the standards are, why some people can get a higher grade even thought they didn't produce better outcomes. Really upset.
But now I think the grade may reflect what kind of person the organization really needs and what skills I should obtain and how I can imporve my performance.
Not a bad thing? Isn't it? But I hope I can correct my shortcomings and get good results at the end of this year.
Please bear in mind that we all work for ourselves, even if the results are not so good, we must keep improving our professional skills to remain competitive in the market.
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