C# get dictionary md5

 static string GetDicMD5(string dirFullName)
{ logBuilder = new StringBuilder();
Dictionary<string, string> folderMd5Dic = GetFolderFilesAndNameMD5Dic(dirFullName);
if (folderMd5Dic == null && folderMd5Dic.Any())
return null;
} using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
using (MD5 folderDicMd5 = MD5.Create())
StringBuilder folderDicBuilder = new StringBuilder();
BinaryFormatter binFormatter = new BinaryFormatter();
binFormatter.Serialize(ms, folderMd5Dic);
byte[] folderDicMd5Bytes = folderDicMd5.ComputeHash(ms);
if(folderDicMd5Bytes!=null && folderDicMd5Bytes.Any())
for(int i=;i<folderDicMd5Bytes.Length;i++)
return folderDicBuilder.ToString();
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary; namespace FolderMd5NS
class Program
static StringBuilder logBuilder=null;
static int fileMd5Num = ;
static int totalFilesNum = ;
static void Main(string[] args)
string dirFullName = @"D:\C";
string currentoFolderMd5 = GetFolderMD5(dirFullName);
{ } finally
using (StreamWriter logWriter = new StreamWriter($"{DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssffff")}log.txt", true))
logBuilder.AppendLine($"\n\n There are {totalFilesNum} files in {dirFullName},get md5 file number:{fileMd5Num}");
} Console.ReadLine();
} static string GetFolderMD5(string dirFullName)
fileMd5Num = ;
totalFilesNum = ;
logBuilder = new StringBuilder();
Dictionary<string, string> folderMd5Dic = GetFolderFilesAndNameMD5Dic(dirFullName);
if (folderMd5Dic == null && folderMd5Dic.Any())
return null;
} using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
using (MD5 folderDicMd5 = MD5.Create())
StringBuilder folderDicBuilder = new StringBuilder();
BinaryFormatter binFormatter = new BinaryFormatter();
binFormatter.Serialize(ms, folderMd5Dic);
byte[] folderDicMd5Bytes = folderDicMd5.ComputeHash(ms);
if(folderDicMd5Bytes!=null && folderDicMd5Bytes.Any())
for(int i=;i<folderDicMd5Bytes.Length;i++)
return folderDicBuilder.ToString();
} static Dictionary<string,string> GetFolderFilesAndNameMD5Dic(string dirFullName)
if (!Directory.Exists(dirFullName))
return null;
} string[] allFilesInFolder = Directory.GetFiles(dirFullName, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
totalFilesNum = allFilesInFolder.Count();
if (allFilesInFolder == null && !allFilesInFolder.Any())
return null;
} Dictionary<string, string> folderMd5CheckDic = new Dictionary<string, string>();
GetDirAllFilesMd5ToDic(allFilesInFolder, folderMd5CheckDic);
return folderMd5CheckDic;
} private static void GetDirAllFilesMd5ToDic(string[] allFilesInFolder, Dictionary<string, string> folderMd5CheckDic)
foreach (var file in allFilesInFolder)
string fileMd5 = GetSingleFileMD5(file);
string fileNameMd5 = GetFileNameMD5(file);
string dicKey = fileMd5 + fileNameMd5;
folderMd5CheckDic.Add(dicKey, file);
string msg = $"FileName:{file}, file md5:{fileMd5},num:{fileMd5Num++}";
} static string GetSingleFileMD5(string fileFullName)
if (!File.Exists(fileFullName))
return string.Empty;
StringBuilder md5Builder = new StringBuilder();
using (FileStream fs = File.Open(fileFullName, FileMode.Open))
using (MD5 md5 = MD5.Create())
byte[] md5Bytes = md5.ComputeHash(fs);
for (int i = ; i < md5Bytes.Length; i++)
return md5Builder?.ToString();
return string.Empty;
} static string GetFileNameMD5(string fileFullName)
if (!File.Exists(fileFullName) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileFullName))
return string.Empty;
StringBuilder fileNameMd5Builder = new StringBuilder();
byte[] fileNameBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(fileFullName);
using (MD5 fileNameMd5 = MD5.Create())
byte[] fileNameMd5Bytes = fileNameMd5.ComputeHash(fileNameBytes);
for (int i = ; i < fileNameMd5Bytes.Length; i++)
return fileNameMd5Builder?.ToString();
return string.Empty;

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