Evernote Export

  • What is the fulfilled value of Promise.all()?
 A Promise     An object     An array
  • What is value of the argument that is passed to the onReject()?
let onFulfill = value => {console.log(value)}; 
let onReject = reason => {console.log(reason)}; 
const promise = new Promise( (resolve, reject) => { 
    if (false) { 
        resolve('success value'); 
    } else { 
promise.then(onFulfill, onReject);
 ‘success value’     reason     undefined
  • True or False: The .then() method returns a Promise.
 False     True
  • How many parameters does a Promise constructor take?
const example = new Promise( ? ? ? );
 2     1     3
  • What value is printed to the console?
const asyncHello = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { 
    setTimeout(resolve, 1000, 'Hello!'); 
console.log(typeof asyncHello);
 Promise     Object     Number     String
  • Which one of the following is NOT a state that a Promise resolves to?
 Rejected     Fulfilled     Undefined     Pending
  • What state will this promise be in after 0 seconds?
const examplePromise = () => { 
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { 
        if (true) { 
            setTimeout( () => resolve('success'), 3000); 
        } else { 
            setTimeout( () => resolve('failed'), 5000); 
 Fulfilled     Rejected     Pending
  • What will be printed to the console after running the code provided?
let link = state => { 
    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { 
        if (state) { 
        } else { 
let promiseChain = link(true); 
.then( data => {
    console.log(data + " 1"); 
    return link(true); 
.then( data => { 
    console.log(data+ " 2"); 
    return link(true); 
Your Answer: 
  • Which of the executor function’s parameter is called if the asynchronous task completes successfully?
const example = new Promise( (function1, function2) => { 
    . . . 
 function1     function2     function1 or function2
  • True or False: promise1 and promise2 both produce the same output.
const examplePromise1 = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const examplePromise2 = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { 
const onFulfill = value => {
const onReject = reason => {
const promise1 = examplePromise1.then(onFulfill, onReject); 
const promise2 = examplePromise2.then(onFulfill).catch(onReject);
 False     True

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  2. Javascript Promise 学习笔记

    1.     定义:Promise是抽象异步处理对象以及对其进行各种操作的组件,它把异步处理对象和异步处理规则采用统一的接口进行规范化. 2.     ES6 Promises 标准中定义的API: ...

  3. 【译】JavaScript Promise API

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  4. JavaScript Promise:去而复返

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  5. javaScript Promise 入门

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