"You're wrong." His voice was almost inaudible.
“你错了。” 他的声音几乎听不见

He looked down, stealing my bottle lid and then spinning it on its side between his fingers.

I stared at him, wondering why I didn't feel afraid. He meant what he was saying — that was obvious.

But I just felt anxious, on edge… and, more than anything else, fascinated. The same way I always felt when I was near him.

The silence lasted until I noticed that the cafeteria was almost empty.

I jumped to my feet. "We're going to be late."

"I'm not going to class today," he said, twirling the lid so fast it was just a blur.
“我今天不去上课,” 他说着,瓶盖在他的指间转得飞快,快得只剩下一个模糊的轮廓。

"Why not?"

"It's healthy to ditch class now and then." He smiled up at me, but his eyes were still troubled.
“时不时的翘课还是挺健康的。” 他笑着看着我,但是他的眼中还是有着不安。

"Well, I'm going," I told him. I was far too big a coward to risk getting caught.
“好吧,我要去上课,” 我告诉他。我确实是个胆小鬼,所以我不敢承担万一被抓的风险。

He turned his attention back to his makeshift top. "I'll see you later, then."

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