IDE spec for registry settings

Advanced customization of Visual Assist is possible with registry settings whose keys vary with version of IDE. Use this table to determine the correct branch of the registry to change.

You must close all instances of your IDE before changing the registry. If you make a change when your IDE is active, you will lose the change when your IDE exits.

If you use Visual Assist in multiple IDEs, you must change the respective registry setting for each IDE.

IDE IDE spec
Visual Studio 2019 VANet16
Visual Studio 2017 VANet15
Visual Studio 2015 VANet14
Visual Studio 2013 VANet12
Visual Studio 2012 VANet11
Visual Studio 2010 VANet10
Visual Studio 2008 VANet9
Visual Studio 2005 VANet8
Visual Studio 2003 VANet
Visual C++ 6.0 VA6

Most Visual Assist settings are stored in the registry at:

HKCU\Software\Whole Tomato\Visual Assist X\<IDE spec listed above>\

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