LeetCode——Binary Tree Postorder Traversal
Given a binary tree, return the postorder traversal of its nodes' values.
For example:
Given binary tree {1,#,2,3}
return [3,2,1]
Note: Recursive solution is trivial, could you do it iteratively?
public class BinaryTreePostorderTraversal {
public List<Integer> postorderTraversal(TreeNode root) {
List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>();
if(root == null)
return list;
return list;
// Definition for binary tree
public class TreeNode {
int val;
TreeNode left;
TreeNode right;
TreeNode(int x) { val = x; }
public List<Integer> postorderTraversal(TreeNode root){
List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>();
if(root == null)
return list;
Stack<TreeNode> stack = new Stack<TreeNode>();
TreeNode current = stack.peek();
if(current.left == null && current.right == null){
if(current.left != null){
current.left = null;
if(current.right != null){
current.right = null;
return list;
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