Unit 11 Transport

1. Model1题目分析

Some countries attempt to solve the problem of traffic congestion by limiting the use of cars in inner city areas. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this approach to urban planning?


Model 1

In the past twenty years, the amount of traffic on the roads has greatly increased, and this has led to many problems with traffic jams and pollution in inner city areas. Some countries have limited the use of cars in the inner city by charging fees or restricting the days on which people can drive into the city. This approach has some disadvantages but, on the whole, it is a good solution to the problem of inner city traffic.

Restricting car traffic in the city can make it very difficult for some people to do their daily work. For example, moving quickly to meetings is very important for businessmen, and if they have no car, this could create problems for them. In addition, it is important for disabled people or for families with young children to access city services and they should be able to drive their cars to the places where they need to go. Limiting the use of cars could create real inconvenience for some citizens.

However, there are many advantages to this idea. Firstly, it greatly reduces inner city pollution, both by reducing the number of cars and by encouraging the use of public transport. This reduction in pollution benefits everyone who lives and works in the city. Secondly, it decreases traffic congestion and actually makes it easier to move around the city. Thus, businessmen may find it quicker to get to their meetings and to visit other locations either by taxi, by bus or by rail transport.

3. model2题目分析

One solution to the problem of inner city traffic congestion is to build underground or elevated motorway networks. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this approach to urban planning?


Model 2

Recently, there has been a huge increase in the number of cars on the roads. This has caused many problems with traffic congestion in inner city areas. Some cities have tried to solve this problem by building motorways underground or above street level. This approach has some advantages but, in general, it is not the best solution to the problems of inner city traffic.

Elevated or underground motorway networks can reduce congestion by removing a lot of traffic from city streets. Thus it is much easier to travel around the city, and quicker to get from one place to another. In addition, these new networks do not need to follow existing streets so they can take a more direct route from one place to another, and this also makes it easier to travel from place to place.

However, this approach has a lot of disadvantages. Firstly, it does nothing to reduce

the number of cars in the city, and this means that it does not reduce pollution. In addition, it is difficult to build motorway networks in an existing city. Consequently, it takes a long time and creates a lot of congestion while the new motorways are being built. Finally, the cars that come into the city on these new networks have to come back to street level once they reach their destination. This means that there will still be a lot of cars in the city.



In the past twenty years, the amount of traffic on the roads has greatly increased, and this has led to many problems with traffic jams and pollution in inner city areas. Some countries have limited the use of cars in the inner city by charging fees or restricting the days on which people can drive into the city. This approach has some disadvantages but, on the whole, it is a good solution to the problem of inner city traffic.

Restricting car traffic in the city can make it very difficult for some people to do their daily work. For example, moving quickly to meetings is very important for businessmen, and if they have no car, this could create problems for them. In addition, it is important for disabled people or for families with young children to access city services and they should be able to drive their cars to the places where they need to go. Limiting the use of cars could create real inconvenience for some citizens.

However, there are many advantages to this idea. Firstly, it greatly reduces inner city pollution, both by reducing the number of cars and by encouraging the use of public transport. This reduction in pollution benefits everyone who lives and works in the city. Secondly, it decreases traffic congestion and actually makes it easier to move around the city. Thus, businessmen may find it quicker to get to their meetings and to visit other locations either by taxi, by bus or by rail transport.


Recently, there has been a huge increase in the number of cars on the roads. This has caused many problems with traffic congestion in inner city areas. Some cities have tried to solve this problem by building motorways underground or above street level. This approach has some advantages but, in general, it is not the best solution to the problems of inner city traffic.

Elevated or underground motorway networks can reduce congestion by removing a lot of traffic from city streets. Thus it is much easier to travel around the city, and quicker to get from one place to another. In addition, these new networks do not need to follow existing streets so they can take a more direct route from one place to another, and this also makes it easier to travel from place to place.

However, this approach has a lot of disadvantages. Firstly, it does nothing to reduce the number of cars in the city, and this means that it does not reduce pollution. In addition, it is difficult to build motorway networks in an existing city. Consequently, it takes a long time and creates a lot of congestion while the new motorways are being built. Finally, the cars that come into the city on these new networks have to come back to street level once they reach their destination. This means that there will still be a lot of cars in the city.

6. Writing practice 分析

One way to solve the problem of parking in inner city areas is to have large car parks around the city centre and a public transport network to take people around the inner city. Inner city parking would then be limited and very expensive. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this approach to urban planning?

7. Unit11课后练习


Look at the short paragraphs below. For each verb in brackets, decide if the verb tense should be present perfect, or present simple, and then write in the correct tense. Remember, present simple tense is used to talk about facts and opinions.

a. The number of international students coming to Western countries (increase) greatly in recent years. There (be) currently around 35,000 international students in New Zealand alone. This (lead to) many changes in education systems around the world. Chinese education (begin) to become more westernized, and, in turn, Western education (be force) to change to some extent to meet the needs of Asian students.

b. Air pollution (become) an increasingly serious problem around the world. Asthma and other respiratory problems (be caused) by this form of pollution. The problem (worsen) because the number of cars in developed countries (grow), and also there (be) an increase in industrial air pollution from factories and other sources.

c. In the past thirty years, China (become) an increasingly industrialised country. There (be) now many more factories in China and industrial cities (grow) fast. This (result in) an increase in living standards for many Chinese people. For example, more Chinese people (own) cars, and (live) in mode buildings in big cities. The use of technology (also increase) and now millions of Chinese (have) access to the Internet and cell phones.


Look at the introductions below. Can you order the sentences to make a clear introduction? Write a number beside each sentence.


___Some of these programmes show violence which may not be suitable for young children.

___Nowadays movies and TV programmes are popular with people of all ages.

___Some parents allow their children to see violent TV programmes, while others restrict what their children can watch.


___Because of this, there is a greater demand for food production, and as a result, world food prices have soared.

___It is now at around 6 billion people.

___World population has grown very quickly in the past twenty years.


___In some countries, all high school children attend co-ed schools.

___Every country has a different education system.

___In others, they have the choice of attending a single sex school because some people think this is a better option.


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