The headers are just buttons. Like any button, you can register to the Click event
to capture those clicks. Just set a style targeting DataGridColumnHeader and
add a Click event
handler. Then within the handler, you have access to the header directly via the sender.
You could then get the Columnassociated
with that header and other information associated with it.

<Style TargetType="DataGridColumnHeader">
<EventSetter Event="Click" Handler="columnHeader_Click" />

Then in the code:

private void columnHeader_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var columnHeader = sender as DataGridColumnHeader;
if (columnHeader != null)
// do stuff

Looking further into the DataGrid,
I noticed that there's a ColumnHeaderStyle property.
I think it would be a better idea to apply the style through this property instead.

<Style TargetType="DataGridColumnHeader">
<EventSetter Event="Click" Handler="columnHeader_Click" />
answered May 5 '11 at 10:51

Thank you very much Jeff, I had never used EventSetter before,
very handy. I have a followup question, do you know if it's possible to get the style behaviour when CanUserSortColumns="False" so
the headers respond to mouse hover and show the sort direction, or will I need to restyle these myself? –  Brett
6 '11 at 3:05
@Brett: Sorry, could you rephrase that? I'm not sure I understand what you are asking. It sounds to
me like you want to get the templates associated with these headers when sorting is disabled? –  Jeff
6 '11 at 3:32
1 upvote
Thanks Jeff, Sorry for the ambiguity. What I'm trying to do is provide my own sorting logic, with from
your help I have now achieved this, however I of course have to set CanUserSortColumns to False otherwise
the control will try to perform the sort false, however I want the nice "hover" affect when moving the cursor over the column header, and would like the "up/down" arrow indicating sort direction (though the latter is less important). Your help is very much
appreciated. –  Brett
6 '11 at 4:04
@Brett: I'm pretty sure you can, I just don't remember how to be honest. Though I will be investigating.
You might want to post that as another question. –  Jeff
6 '11 at 5:10
np Jeff, thank you once again for your help. –  Brett
6 '11 at 8:37

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