Middlebury数据集 http://vision.middlebury.edu/stereo/data/

KITTI数据集简介与使用 https://blog.csdn.net/solomon1558/article/details/70173223


摘要: 一路走来,Matterport见证了3D数据集在深度学习多领域的巨大力量。我们在这个领域研究了很久,希望将一部分数据分享给研究者使用。令人兴奋的是,斯坦福、普林斯顿、TUM等的研究人员联手给大量的空间打了些标签,并 ...

工具 模型 深度学习 商业智能 ETL

本文作者为Matt Bell,是3D扫描解决方案提供商Matterport的联合创始人、首席战略官。在本文中,Bell亲述Matterport公开的这个数据集细节,我们随他去看看。
一路走来,Matterport见证了3D数据集在深度学习多领域的巨大力量。我们在这个领域研究了很久,希望将一部分数据分享给研究者使用。令人兴奋的是,斯坦福、普林斯顿、TUM等的研究人员联手给大量的空间打了些标签,并将标记数据以Matterport 3D数据集的形式公开出来。
数据集中包含了10800张尺寸相同的全景图(RGB+深度图像),这些图片是从90个建筑场景的194400张RGB色彩模式的深度图像中挑选出来的,图像均用Matterport的Pro 3D相机拍摄。
这些场景的3D模型已经用实例级对象分割做了标记,你可以在 https://matterport.com/gallery 网站中交互式探索不同的Matterport 3D重建模型。
比如,你想盘点办公室里所有家具,想比较建筑工地上的管道和CAD模型是否一致?也so easy。



3D Photography Dataset
Multiview stereo data sets: a set of images
Multi-view Visual Geometry group’s data set
Dinosaur, Model House, Corridor, Aerial views, Valbonne Church, Raglan Castle, Kapel sequence
Oxford reconstruction data set (building reconstruction)
Oxford colleges
Multi-View Stereo dataset (Vision Middlebury)
Temple, Dino
Multi-View Stereo for Community Photo Collections
Venus de Milo, Duomo in Pisa, Notre Dame de Paris
IS-3D Data
Dataset provided by Center for Machine Perception
CVLab dataset
CVLab dense multi-view stereo image database
3D Objects on Turntable
Objects viewed from 144 calibrated viewpoints under 3 different lighting conditions
Object Recognition in Probabilistic 3D Scenes
Images from 19 sites collected from a helicopter flying around Providence, RI. USA. The imagery contains approximately a full circle around each site.
Multiple cameras fall dataset
24 scenarios recorded with 8 IP video cameras. The first 22 first scenarios contain a fall and confounding events, the last 2 ones contain only confounding events.
CMP Extreme View Dataset
15 wide baseline stereo image pairs with large viewpoint change, provided ground truth homographies.
KTH Multiview Football Dataset II
This dataset consists of 8000+ images of professional footballers during a match of the Allsvenskan league. It consists of two parts: one with ground truth pose in 2D and one with ground truth pose in both 2D and 3D.
Disney Research light field datasets
This dataset includes: camera calibration information, raw input images we have captured, radially undistorted, rectified, and cropped images, depth maps resulting from our reconstruction and propagation algorithm, depth maps computed at each available view by the reconstruction algorithm without the propagation applied.
CMU Panoptic Studio Dataset
Multiple people social interaction dataset captured by 500+ synchronized video cameras, with 3D full body skeletons and calibration data.
4D Light Field Dataset
24 synthetic scenes. Available data per scene: 9x9 input images (512x512x3) , ground truth (disparity and depth), camera parameters, disparity ranges, evaluation masks.

RGB-D数据集汇总 List of RGBD datasets https://blog.csdn.net/aaronmorgan/article/details/78335436


This is an incomplete list of datasets which were captured using a Kinect or similar devices. I initially began it to keep track of semantically labelled datasets, but I have now also included some camera tracking and object pose estimation datasets. I ultimately aim to keep track of all Kinect-style datasets available for researchers to use.

Where possible links have been added to project or personal pages. Where I have not been able to find these I have used a direct link to the data

Please send suggestions for additions and corrections to me at m.firman <at> cs.ucl.ac.uk.

This page is automatically generated from a YAML file, and was last updated on 26 November, 2014.

Turntable data

These datasets capture objects under fairly controlled conditions. Bigbird is the most advanced in terms of quality of image data and camera poses, while the RGB-D object dataset is the most extensive.


RGBD Object dataset

Introduced: ICRA 2011

Device: Kinect v1

Description: 300 instances of household objects, in 51 categories. 250,000 frames in total

Labelling: Category and instance labelling. Includes auto-generated masks, but no exact 6DOF pose information.

Download: Project page


Bigbird dataset

Introduced: ICRA 2014

Device: Kinect v1 and DSLR

Description: 100 household objects

Labelling: Instance labelling. Masks, ground truth poses, registered mesh.

Download: Project page

Segmentation and pose estimation under controlled conditions

These datasets include objects arranged in controlled conditions. Clutter may be present. CAD or meshed models of the objects may or may not be provided. Most provide 6DOF ground truth pose for each object.


Object segmentation dataset

Introduced: IROS 2012

Device: Kinect v1

Description: 111 RGBD images of stacked and occluding objects on table.

Labelling: Per-pixel segmentation into objects.

Download: Project page


Willow Garage Dataset

Introduced: 2011

Device: Kinect v1

Description: Around 160 frames of household objects on a board in controlled environment.

Labelling: 6DOF pose for each object, taken from board calibration. Per-pixel labelling.

Download: Project page


'3D Model-based Object Recognition and Segmentation in Cluttered Scenes'

Introduced: IJCV 2009

Device: Minolta Vivid 910 (only depth, no RGB!)

Description: 50 frames depicting five objects in various occluding poses. No background clutter in any image.

Labelling: Pose and per-point labelling information. 3D mesh models of each of the 5 objects.

Download: Project page


'A Global Hypotheses Verifcation Method for 3D Object Recognition'

Introduced: ECCV 2012

Device: Kinect v1

Description: 50 Kinect frames, library of 35 objects

Labelling: 6DOF GT of each object (unsure how this was gathered). No per-pixel labelling.

Download: Direct link


'Model Based Training, Detection and Pose Estimation of Texture-Less 3D Objects in Heavily Cluttered Scenes'

Introduced: ACCV 2012

Device: Kinect v1

Description: 18,000 Kinect images, library of 15 objects.

Labelling: 6DOF pose for each object in each image. No per-pixel labelling.

Download: Project page

Kinect data from the real world


RGBD Scenes dataset

Introduced: ICRA 2011

Device: Kinect v1

Description: Real indoor scenes, featuring objects from the RGBD object dataset 'arranged' on tables, countertops etc. Video sequences of 8 scenes.

Labelling: Per-frame bounding boxes for objects from RGBD object dataset. Other objects not labelled.

Download: Project page


RGBD Scenes dataset v2

Introduced: ICRA 2014

Device: Kinect v1

Description: A second set of real indoor scenes featuring objects from the RGBD object dataset. Video sequences of 14 scenes, together with stitched point clouds and camera pose estimations.

Labelling: Labelling of points in stitched cloud into one of 9 classes (objects and furniture), plus background.

Download: Project page


'Object Disappearance for Object Discovery'

Introduced: IROS 2012

Device: Kinect v1

Description: Three datasets: Small, with still images. Medium, video data from an office environement. Large, video over several rooms. Large dataset has 7 unique objects seen in 397 frames. Data is in ROS bag format.

Labelling: Ground truth object segmentations.

Download: Project page


'Object Discovery in 3D scenes via Shape Analysis'

Introduced: ICRA 2014

Device: Kinect v1

Description: KinFu meshes of 58 very cluttered indoor scenes.

Labelling: Ground truth binary labelling (object/not object) performed on segments proposed by the algorithm, with no labelling on the mesh.

Download: Project page



Introduced: NIPS 2011

Device: Kinect v1

Description: Multiple RGBD frames from 52 indoor scenes. Stitched point clouds (using RGBDSLAM).

Labelling: Per-point object-level labelling on the stitched clouds.

Download: Project page


NYU Dataset v1

Introduced: ICCV 2011 Workshop on 3D Representation and Recognition

Device: Kinect v1

Description: Around 51,000 RGBD frames from indoor scenes such as bedrooms and living rooms. Note that the updated NYU v2 dataset is typically used instead of this earlier version.

Labelling: Dense multi-class labelling for 2283 frames.

Download: Project page


NYU Dataset v2

Introduced: ECCV 2012

Device: Kinect v1

Description: ~408,000 RGBD images from 464 indoor scenes, of a somewhat larger diversity than NYU v1. Per-frame accelerometer data.

Labelling: Dense labelling of objects at a class and instance level for 1449 frames. Instance labelling is not carried across scenes. This 1449 subset is the dataset typically used in experiments.

Download: Project page


'Object Detection and Classification from Large-Scale Cluttered Indoor Scans'

Introduced: Eurographics 2014

Device: Faro Lidar scanner

Description: Faro lidar scans of ~40 academic offices, with 2-3 scans per office. Each scan is 0.25GB-2GB. Scans include depth and RGB.

Labelling: No labelling present. The labelling shown in the exemplar image is their algorithm output.

Download: Project page



Introduced: ICCV 2013

Device: Kinect v1

Description: Videos of indoor scenes, registered into point clouds.

Labelling: Polygons of semantic class and instance labels on frames propagated through video.

Download: Project page


B3DO: Berkeley 3-D Object Dataset

Introduced: ICCV Workshop on Consumer Depth Cameras in Computer Vision 2011

Device: Kinect v1

Description: Aim is to crowdsource collection of Kinect data, to be included in future releases. Version 1 has 849 images, from 75 scenes.

Labelling: Bounding box labelling at a class level.

Download: Project page

SLAM, registration and camera pose estimation


TUM Benchmark Dataset

Introduced: IROS 2012

Device: Kinect v1

Description: Many different scenes and scenarios for tracking and mapping, including reconstruction, robot kidnap etc.

Labelling: 6DOF ground truth from motion capture system with 10 cameras.

Download: Project page


Microsoft 7-scenes dataset

Introduced: CVPR 2013

Device: Kinect v1

Description: Kinect video from 7 indoor scenes.

Labelling: 6DOF 'ground truth' from Kinect Fusion.

Download: Project page


IROS 2011 Paper Kinect Dataset

Introduced: IROS 2011

Device: Kinect v1

Description: Lab-based setup. The aim seems to be to track the motion of camera.

Labelling: 6DOF ground truth from Vicon system

Download: Project page


'When Can We Use KinectFusion for Ground Truth Acquisition?'

Introduced: Workshop on Color-Depth Camera Fusion in Robotics, IROS 2012

Device: Kinect v1

Description: A set of 57 scenes, captured from natural environments and from artificial shapes. Each scene has a 3D mesh, volumetric data and registered depth maps.

Labelling: Frame-to-frame transformations as computed from KinectFusion. The 'office' and 'statue' scenes have LiDAR ground truth.

Download: Project page


DAFT Dataset

Introduced: ICPR 2012

Device: Kinect v1

Description: A few short sequences of different planar scenes captured under various camera motions. Used to demonstrate repeatability of feature points under transformations.

Labelling: Camera motion type. 2D homographies between the planar scene in different images.

Download: Project page


ICL-NUIM Dataset

Introduced: ICRA 2014

Device: Kinect v1 (synthesised)

Description: Eight synthetic RGBD video sequences: four from a office scene and four from a living room scene. Simulated camera trajectories are taken from a Kintinuous output from a sensor being moved around a real-world room.

Labelling: Camera trajectories for each video. Geometry of the living room scene as an .obj file.

Download: Project page


'Automatic Registration of RGB-D Scans via Salient Directions'

Introduced: ICCV 2013

Device: RGBD Laser scanner

Description: Several laser scans taken from each of a European church, city and castle scenes.

Labelling: Results of the authors' registration algorithm.

Download: Project page


Stanford 3D Scene Dataset

Introduced: SIGGRAPH 2013

Device: Xtion Pro Live (Kinect v1 equivalent)

Description: RGBD videos of six indoor and outdoor scenes, together with a dense reconstruction of each scene.

Labelling: Estimated camera pose for each frame. No ground truth pose, so not ideal for quantitative evaluation.

Download: Project page


See also some of the human datasets for body and face tracking.


Princeton Tracking Benchmark

Introduced: ICCV 2013

Device: Kinect v1

Description: 100 RGBD videos of moving objects such as humans, balls and cars.

Labelling: Per-frame bounding box covering target object only.

Download: Project page

Datasets involving humans: Body and hands


Cornell Activity Datasets: CAD-60 and CAD-120

Introduced: PAIR 2011/IJRR 2013

Device: Kinect v1

Description: Videos of humans performing activities

Labelling: Each video given at least one label, such as eating, opening or working on computer. Skeleton joint position and orientation labelled on each frame.

Download: Project page


RGB-D Person Re-identification Dataset

Introduced: First International Workshop on Re-Identification 2012

Device: Kinect v1

Description: Front and back poses of 79 people walking forward in different poses.

Labelling: In addition to the per-person label, the dataset provides foreground masks, skeletons, 3D meshes and an estimate of the floor.

Download: Project page


Sheffield KInect Gesture (SKIG) Dataset

Introduced: IJCAI 2013

Device: Kinect v1

Description: Total of 1080 Kinect videos of six people performing one of 10 hand gesture sequences, such as 'triangle' or 'comehere'. Sequences captured under a variety of illumination and background conditions.

Labelling: The gesture being performed in each sequence.

Download: Project page


RGB-D People Dataset

Introduced: IROS 2011

Device: Kinect v1

Description: 3000+ frames of people walking and standing in a university hallway, captured from three Kinects.

Labelling: Per-frame bounding box annotations of individual people, together with a `visibility' measure.

Download: Project page


50 Salads

Introduced: UbiComp 2013

Device: Kinect v1

Description: Over 4 hours of video of 25 people preparing 2 mixed salads each

Labelling: Accelerometer data from sensors attached to cooking utensils, and labelling of steps in the recipes.

Download: Project page


Microsoft Research Cambridge-12 Kinect gesture data set

Introduced: CHI 2012

Device: Kinect v1

Description: 594 sequences and 719,359 frames of 30 people performing 12 gestures.

Labelling: Gesture performed in each video sequence, plus motion tracking of human joint locations.

Download: Project page


UR Fall Detection Dataset

Introduced: Computer Vision Theory and Applications 2014

Device: Kinect v1

Description: Videos of people falling over. Consists of 60 sequences recorded with two Kinects.

Labelling: Accelerometer data from device attached to subject.

Download: Project page



Introduced: ICCV Workshops 2011

Device: Kinect v1

Description: 30 different humans each performing the same 12 activities, e.g. 'eat a meal'. Also include a random 'background' activity. All performed in a lab environment. Around 5,000,000 frames in total.

Labelling: Which activity being performed in each sequence.

Download: Project page



Introduced: PAMI 2014

Device: SwissRanger time-of-flight (+ 2D cameras)

Description: 11 different humans performing 17 different activities. Data comes from four calibrated video cameras, 1 time-of-flight camera and (static) 3D laser scans of the actors.

Labelling: 2D and 3D human joint positions, obtained from a Vicon motion capture system.

Download: Project page

Datasets involving humans: Head and face


Biwi Kinect Head Pose Database

Introduced: IJCV 2013

Device: Kinect v1

Description: 15K images of 20 different people moving their heads in different directions.

Labelling: 3D position of the head and its rotation, acquired using 'faceshift' software.

Download: Project page


Eurecom Kinect Face Dataset

Introduced: ACCV Workshop on Computer Vision with Local Binary Pattern Variants 2012

Device: Kinect v1

Description: Images of faces captured under laboritory conditions, with different levels of occlusion and illumination, and with different facial expressions.

Labelling: In addition to occlusion and expression type, each image is manually labelled with the position of six facial landmarks.

Download: Project page


3D Mask Attack Dataset

Introduced: Biometrics: Theory, Applications and Systems 2013

Device: Kinect v1

Description: 76500 frames of 17 different people, facing the camera against a plain background. Two sets of the data are captured on the real subjects two weeks apart, while the final set consists of a single person wearing a fake face mask of the 17 different people.

Labelling: Which user is in each frame. Which images are real and which are spoofed. Manually labelled eye positions.

Download: Project page


Biwi 3D Audiovisual Corpus of Affective Communication - B3D(AC)^2

Introduced: IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 2010

Device: Custom active stereo setup

Description: Simultaneous audio and visual recordings of 1109 sentences spoken by 14 different people. Each sentence spoken neutrally and with an emotion. Depth images converted to 3D mesh.

Labelling: Perceived emotions for each recording. Audio labelled with phonemes.

Download: Project page


ETH Face Pose Range Image Data Set

Introduced: CVPR 2008

Device: Custom active stereo setup

Description: 10,545 images of 20 different people turning their head.

Labelling: Nose potition and coordinate frame at the nose.

Download: Project page


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