11月30日-12月3日,由msup主办的第七届全球软件案例研究峰会(以下简称为TOP100Summit)将在北京国家会议中心举办。本届峰会以“释放AI生产力,让组织向智能化演进”作为开幕式主题, 4天的干货分享,18个主题方向,100+精选案例,旨在帮助高端IT从业者,解决平时无法解决的技术问题和疑惑,提升工作效率,实现技术认知上的提升,掌握本年度最前沿的科技。




12月1日 13:30-14:30


Many companies are focused on creating or transitioning to a microservice architecture. I will explain how this journey went for a top-tier video service & also a major games studio, and show the many advantages we found. In one company we successfully created 800+ services optimized around functionality, delivery speed and organizational structure. We won the microservices war!
However, getting there was only half the battle. Operating and evolving such significant systems reveals many challenges we hadn’t fully prepared for: monitoring and root cause analysis, cascading failures and scaling for major events are just some. We explain how you can use our learnings to avoid common pitfalls when working with microservices, and reveal what we would do differently if we could wind back the clock.


12月2日 13:30-14:30


In this talk, I will introduce how Google is able to integrate open-sourced data processing frameworks such as Hadoop and Spark within the entire cloud platform. We will go through details of service components and ways to best integrate the frameworks into cloud ecosystem. We will also discuss improvements and features that would bring the best of Hadoop/Spark and cloud to achieve optimal performance.


12月3日 10:00-11:00


As we transform LinkedIn to a place where members form communities around the things that matter most them, hashtags are foundational in enabling members to express what they want to talk about and find others who share the same interests. Hence it becomes imperative for us to improve LinkedIn’s Hashtag infrastructure by heavily investing in relevant domains such as personalization and recommendation, search vertical, feed serving stack, content filtering and SPAM/ Low-quality detection.


12月1日 15:50-16:50




12月1日 10:00-11:00


Effective communication is one of key skills for any leaders. No matter what your role is, you are consistently communicating with the key stakeholders around you. Every communication is different depending on the goal and audience. It’s really important to get the communication right to get the right outcome. In this talk, we’ll discuss how we can make effective communication with storytelling.


12月3日 11:00-12:00


This talk tries to give an insider’s perspective on how Slack became the fastest-growing business application in history. 
●What is unique about Slack’s growth model that enabled this hyper growth? How has this model changed over time? 
●How does Slack organize growth teams? What kind of people do we hire? 
●What kind of growth strategies and tactics did Slack focus on at different stages of the company? What are the lessons learned?


12月1日 15:50-16:50


The talk intends to:
1.Share the benefit of building for diverse customer segments
2.Discuss principles to apply in different stages of the product development and real-life examples: 
a.In product definition/design phase – how you should frame the customer problem with inclusiveness in mind to provide best solution
b.In development phase – how to incorporate inclusiveness thinking into process and coding practices
c.In general – how we should think about user research and how to incorporate user feedback 
3.Share learnings on how to embrace diversity helps foster a healthy team dynamics.


12月2日 9:00-10:00


We have built a Conversational AI that understands the business metrics a users asks, fetches the data from different databases, join multiple sources together if needed, generates meaningful visualizations to help the user navigate insights from the data, and all of these processes happen on the fly instantaneously. This largely reduces the time we spent on finding the right data sources, learning the join keys, understanding the exact formulas needed to calculate a KPI, etc. All of this was realized using different types of Microsoft products and can be applied to any company, or any different domains.
We have been building a platform where any team can onboard their own data into the system, define the business scenarios they have, and the platform will take care of the rest: generating synthetic data to train the NLP model, generating scripts for visualization, getting connected to the UI/application that the user wants to use to ask questions.


12月1日 11:00-12:00


GitLab is an application for the entire DevOps lifecycle. We entered the portfolio management market in late 2017 with a new product category. By leveraging a unique process of having customers embedded in our DevOps lifecycle, we were able to ship the feature in one month with a small team, and attract customers to this new offering in our new highest tier offering at over 1000 USD per user.


12月2日 10:00-11:00


Traditionally, web applications have been developed in a single programming language and code that is built, deployed and scaled as one (probably large) “monolithic” unit. More recently, engineering teams are moving away from monolithic applications and turning to microservices. Microservice architectures allow teams to independently develop and deploy smaller software services (even in different programming languages) that are easier to understand and safer to modify. These smaller services integrate with each other not by code compilation but rather by sending remote procedure calls (using, for example, REST or gRPC) at runtime. As a result, microservice architectures have many more runtime dependencies and interconnections. These interconnections present new challenges for software testing. In this talk, we will discuss various techniques for unit and integration testing when using microservice architectures. Instead of making extensive use of interfaces and mock or stub objects.


12月3日 14:30-15:30


From determining the most convenient rider pickup points to predicting the fastest routes, Uber uses machine learning and data-driven analytics to create seamless trip experiences.
Inside Uber, big data and machine learning are spread everywhere. Analysts and Engineers would like to run real time analytics with deep learning models. While, copy data from one source to another is pretty expensive. It is challenging to support real time analytics with deep learning.
This talk will share Uber’s engineering effort, supporting real time analytics with deep learning on the fly, without any data copy. We will start with our big data and deep learning infrastructure, specifically Tensorflow, Hadoop, and Presto. Then we will talk about how Uber used Tensorflow as deep learning engine, and Presto as the interactive SQL engine. We will focus on how Uber built Presto Tensorflow Connector from scratch, to support real time analytics on deep learning. Finally, we will share our production experien.


12月1日 16:50-17:50


亚马逊作为一个靠电商起家,经过二十多年发展成为一个背靠电商,AWS,Alexa的综合创新型公司。正是亚马逊核心文化中的领导力原则(Leadership principle)让亚马逊保持着持续创新的动力,拥有较高的用户满意度,撑起了将近万亿的市值。我将会结合Alexa团队以及自身的故事,逐一剖析拆解亚马逊的14条领导力原则。是怎样的运转机制,让亚马逊从上到下每一个团队如同一个个小的创业公司,高效的前行。


12月1日 10:00-11:00




12月2日 10:00-11:00


Spotify 作为世界用户量最多的的付费音乐流媒体公司, 这几年一直转型通过运用大数据+小数据的方法提升产品和体验。在2017如何改版免费用户端产品提升歌单,个性化推荐取得巨大的留存率提升的。如何通过不断的设计和AB测试改造电脑客户端产品、设计系统和品牌的提升来drive其他平台的使用的。


12月1日 9:00-10:00


如何从0到1实现一个高可用的系统,解决实际的Uber for Business业务问题。通过具体的项目需求和系统架构,包括支付系统,账单系统, Policy系统来分析如何end to end完成这些系统。


12月2日 14:30-15:30




12月1日 11:00-12:00







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  5. 亚马逊,谷歌,Facebook,IBM和微软:为了AI,是的,我们在一起了

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  6. python os详解

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  9. Tensorflow学习笔记——安装和运行

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