

python 2 的用法:

super(Class, self).xxx  # class是子类的名称

class A(object):
pass class B(a):
def add(self, x):

python 3用法:


class A:
pass class B(A):
def add(self, x):
super().add(x) 实例:
# _*_ coding:utf-8 _*_

class FooParent:
def __init__(self):
self.parent = 'I\'m the parent'
print('parent') def bar(self, message):
print('%s from Parent' % message) class FooChild(FooParent):
def __init__(self):
super(FooChild, self).__init__() # 把FooChild对象转化成FooParent的对象,调用父类里的__init__(self),会输出‘parent'
self.child = 'this is child'
print('child') # 上一步调用结束后,打印‘child' def bar(self, message):
super(FooChild, self).bar(message) # 调用父类里的bar函数
print('child bar function')
print(self.parent) # 打印父类的属性parent
if __name__ == '__main__':
fooChild = FooChild()'HelloWorld') 输出结果

HelloWorld from Parent
child bar function
I'm the parent
this is child

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