翻译 Improved Word Representation Learning with Sememes
翻译 Improved Word Representation Learning with Sememes
Improved Word Representation Learning with Sememes
摘要 Abstract
Sememes are minimum semantic units of word meanings, and the meaning of each word sense is typically composed by several sememes.
Since sememes are not explicit for each word, people manually annotate word sememes and form linguistic common-sense knowledge bases.
In this paper, we present that, word sememe information can improve word representation learning (WRL), which maps words into a low-dimensional semantic space and serves as a fundamental step for many NLP tasks.
本文提出了词语义原信息可以用来提升词表示学习(WRL)。词表示学习是把词语映射到一个低维的语义空间中,充当了很多 NLP 任务的基石。
The key idea is to utilize word sememes to capture exact meanings of a word within specific contexts accurately.
More specifically, we follow the frameworkofSkip-gramandpresentthree sememe-encoded models to learn representations of sememes, senses and words, where we apply the attention scheme to detect word senses in various contexts.
更具体地说,我们在继承 Skip-Gram 框架的基础上,提出了三种义原编码(sememe-encoded)模型来学习义原、意识和词语的表示,在各种各样的上下文中使用注意力机制来发现词语意识。
We conduct experiments on two tasks includingwordsimilarityandwordanalogy, and our models significantly outperform baselines.
The results indicate that WRL canbenefitfromsememesviatheattention scheme, and also confirm our models beingcapableofcorrectlymodelingsememe information.
1 引言 Introduction
Sememes are defined as minimum semantic units of word meanings, and there exists a limited close set of sememes to compose the semantic meanings of an open set of concepts (i.e. word sense).
However, sememes are not explicit for each word.
Hence people manually annotate wordsememesandbuildlinguisticcommon-sense knowledge bases.
HowNet (Dong and Dong, 2003) is one of such knowledge bases, which annotates each concept in Chinese with one or more relevant sememes.
Different from WordNet (Miller, 1995), the philosophy of HowNet emphasizes the significance of part and attribute represented by sememes.
与WordNet(Mulle,1995)不同,知网哲学强调了义原所代表的部分(part)和属性(attribute )的意义。
HowNet has been widely utilized in word similarity computation (Liu and Li, 2002) and sentiment analysis (Xianghuaetal.,2013), and in section 3.2 we will give a detailed introduction to sememes, senses and words in HowNet.
知网被广泛应用于词语相似度计算和语义分析当中,在 3.2节中我们将对知网中的义原(sememes)、语义(senses )和词语进行详细的介绍。
In this paper, we aim to incorporate word sememes into word representation learning (WRL) and learn improved word embeddings in a low dimensional semantic space.
WRL is a fundamental and critical step in many NLP tasks such as language modeling (Bengio et al., 2003) and neural machine translation (Sutskever et al., 2014).
There have been a lot of researches for learning word representations, among which word2vec (Mikolov et al., 2013) achieves a nice balance between effectiveness and efficiency.
曾经有许多词表示学习的研究,其中,word2vec 取得了有效性和效率之间的平衡。
In word2vec, each word corresponds to one single embedding, ignoring the polysemy of most words.
在 word2vec 中,每一个单词对应于一个单一的嵌入,忽略了大多数词的歧义。
To address this issue, (Huang et al., 2012) introduces a multi prototype model for WRL, conducting unsupervised word sense induction and embeddings according to context clusters.
为了解决这个问题,(Huang et al., 2012) 提出了一种面向词表示学习的多原型模型,根据上下文聚类进行无监督的词义归纳和嵌入。
(Chenetal.,2014) further utilizes the synset information in WordNet to instruct word sense representation learning.
(Chenetal.,2014) 更进一步利用 WordNet 中的同义词集(synset)信息来指导词语语义表示学习。
From these previous studies, we conclude that word sense disambiguation are critical for WRL, and we believe that the sememe annotation of word senses in HowNet can provide necessary semantic regularization for the both tasks.
To explore its feasibility, we propose a novel Sememe-Encoded Word Representation Learning
(SE-WRL) model, which detects word senses and learns representations simultaneously.
More specifically, this framework regards each word sense as a combination of its sememes, and iteratively performs word sense disambiguation according to their contexts and learn representations of sememes, senses and words by extending Skip-gram in word2vec (Mikolov et al., 2013).
更具体地说,该框架将每个词语词义视为其义原的组合,并根据其上下文迭代地执行词语词义消歧,并通过在 word2vec (Mikolov et al., 2013) 中扩展 Skip-Gram 来学习义原、词义和词的表示。
In this framework, an attention-based method is proposed to select appropriate word senses according to contexts automatically.
To take full advantages of sememes, we propose three different learning and attention strategies for SE-WRL.
为了充分发挥义原的优势,我们为 SE-WRL 提出了三种不同的学习和注意力策略。
In experiments, we evaluate our framework on two tasks including word similarity and word analogy, and further conduct case studies on sememe, sense and word representations.
The evaluation results show that our models outperform other baselines significantly, especially on word analogy.
This indicates that our models can build better knowledge representations with the help of sememe information, and also implies the potential of our models on word sense disambiguation.
The key contributions of this work are concluded as follows: (1) To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to utilize sememes in HowNet to improve word representation learning.
(2) We successfully apply the attention scheme to detect word senses and learn representations according to contexts with the favor of the sememe annotation in HowNet.
(3) We conduct extensive experiments and verify the effectiveness of incorporating word sememes for improved WRL.
2 相关工作 Related Work
2.1 词表示 Word Representation
Recent years have witnessed the great thrive in word representation learning.
It is simple and straightforward to represent words using one-hot representations, but it usually struggles with the data sparsity issue and the neglect of semantic relations between words.
To address these issues, (Rumelhart et al., 1988) proposes the idea of distributed representation which projects all words into a continuous low-dimensional semantic space, considering each word as a vector.
为了解决上述问题,(Rumelhart et al., 1988) 提出了分布式表示这一想法,把所有词语投射到一个连续的低维语义空间中,把每一个词都考虑成一个向量。
Distributed word representations are powerful and have been widely utilized in many NLP tasks, including neural language models (Bengioetal.,2003; Mikolovetal.,2010), machine translation (Sutskeveretal.,2014; Bahdanau et al., 2015), parsing (Chen and Manning, 2014) and text classification (Zhang et al., 2015).
分布式词表示是强大的,并且被广泛应用于主要的 NLP 任务当中,包括:神经语言模型 (Bengioetal.,2003; Mikolovetal.,2010),机器翻译 (Sutskeveretal.,2014; Bahdanau et al., 2015), 分析器 (Chen and Manning, 2014) 和文本分类 (Zhang et al., 2015)。
Word distributed representations are capable of encoding semantic meanings in vector space, serving as the fundamental and essential inputs of many NLP tasks.
词语分布式表示能够在向量空间中对语义进行编码,然后在主要的 NLP 任务中作为基础的和基本的输入。
There are large amounts of efforts devoted to learning better word representations.
As the exponential growth of text corpora, model efficiency becomes an important issue.
(Mikolov et al., 2013) proposes two models, CBOW and Skip-gram, achieving a good balance between effectiveness and efficiency.
(Mikolov et al., 2013) 提出了 CBOW 和 Skip-Gram 两种模型,在效率和有效性上取得了很好的平衡。
These models assume that the meanings of words can be well reflected by their contexts, and learn word representations by maximizing the predictive probabilities between words and their contexts.
(Pennington et al., 2014) further utilizes matrix factorization on word affinity matrix to learn word representations.
(Pennington et al., 2014) 进一步地在词近似度矩阵(word affinity matrix)上,利用矩阵分解来学习词表示。
However, these models merely arrange only one vector for each word, regardless of the fact that many words have multiple senses.
(Huang et al., 2012; Tian et al., 2014) utilize multi-prototype vector models to learn word representations and build distinct vectors for each word sense.
(Huang et al., 2012; Tian et al., 2014) 利用多原型向量模型学习词表示,并为每个词义建立不同的向量。
(Neelakantan et al., 2015) presents an extension to Skip-gram model for learning non-parametric multiple embeddings per word.
(Neelakantan et al., 2015) 提出了一种对每个单词进行非参数多嵌入学习的 Skip-Gram 模型的扩展。
(Rothe and Sch¨utze, 2015) also utilizes an Autoencoder to jointly learn word, sense and synset representations in the same semantic space.
在同一个语义空间中,(Rothe and Sch¨utze, 2015) 也提出了一种用来联合学习词语、语义和近义词表示的自编码器。
This paper, for the first time, jointly learns representations of sememes, senses and words.
The sememe annotation in HowNet provides useful semantic regularization for WRL.
Moreover, the unified representations incorporated with sememes also provide us more explicit explanations of both word and sense embeddings.
2.2 词义消歧和表示学习 Word Sense Disambiguation and Representation Learning
Word sense disambiguation (WSD) aims to identify word senses or meanings in a certain context computationally
There are mainly two approaches for WSD, namely the supervised methods and the knowledge-based methods.
Supervised methods usually take the surrounding words or senses as features and use classifiers like SVM for word sense disambiguation (Leeetal.,2004), which are intensively limited to the time-consuming human annotation of training data.
有监督方法通常采用把周围词或周围词的词义当作特征,然后使用像是 SVM 这样的分类器来进行词义消歧。该方法严重受限于耗时的人工训练数据标注过程。
On contrary, knowledge-based methods utilize large external knowledge resources such as knowledge bases or dictionaries to suggest possible senses for a word.
(Banerjee and Pedersen, 2002) exploits the rich hierarchy of semantic relations in WordNet (Miller,1995) for an adapted dictionary based WSD algorithm.
(Banerjee and Pedersen, 2002) 利用 WordNet 丰富的层级语义关系来改进基于字典的词义消歧算法。
(Bordesetal.,2011) introduces synset information in WordNet to WRL.
为解决词义消歧,(Bordesetal.,2011) 引入同义词集信息到 WordNet。
(Chen et al., 2014) considers synsets in WordNet as different word senses, and jointly conducts word sense disambiguation and word / sense representation learning.
(Chen et al., 2014) 认为 WordNet 的同义词集与词语词义不同,并联合执行词语语义消歧和词语/词义表示学习。
(Guo et al., 2014) considers bilingual datasets to learn sense-specific word representations.
(Guo et al., 2014) 考虑双语数据集来学习词义特性(sense-specific)词表示。
(Pilehvar and Collier, 2016) utilizes personalized PageRank to learn de-conflated semantic representations of words.
(Pilehvar and Collier, 2016) 利用个性化的 PageRank 来学习去合并的(de-conflated)的词语语义表示。
In this paper, we follow the knowledge-based approach and automatically detect word senses according to the contexts with the favor of sememe information in HowNet.
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt to apply attention based models to encode sememe information for word representation learning.
3 方法 Methodology
In this section, we present our framework Sememe-Encoded WRL (SE-WRL) that considers sememe information for word sense disambiguation and representation learning.
Specifically, we learn our models on a large-scale text corpus with the semantic regularization of the sememe annotation in HowNet and obtain sememe, sense and word embeddings for evaluation tasks.
In the following sections, we first introduce HowNet and the structures of sememes, senses and words.
Then we discuss the conventional WRL model Skip-gram that we utilize for the sememe encoded framework.
Finally, we propose three sememe-encoded models in details.
3.1 知网中的义原、语义和词语 Sememes, Senses and Words in HowNet
In this section, we first introduce the arrangement of sememes, senses and words in HowNet.
HowNet annotates precise senses to each word, and for each sense, HowNet annotates the significance of parts and attributes represented by sememes.
Fig. 1gives an example of sememes, senses and words in HowNet.
图1 给出了知网中义原、语义和词语的一个例子。
The first layer represents the word “apple”.
The word “apple” actually has two main senses shown on the second layer : one is a sort of juicy fruit (apple), and another is a famous computer brand (Apple brand).
The third and following layers are those sememes explaining each sense.
For instance, the first sense Apple brand indicates a computer brand, and thus has sememes computer, bring and SpeBrand.
From Fig. 1 we can find that, sememes of many senses in HowNet are annotated with various relations, such as define and modifier, and form complicated hierarchical structures.
In this paper, for simplicity, we only consider all annotated sememes of each sense as a sememe set without considering their internal structure.
HowNet assumes the limited annotated sememes can well represent senses and words in the real-world scenario, and thus sememes are expected to be useful for both WSD and WRL.
We introduce the notions utilized in the following sections as follows.
We define the overall sememe, sense and word sets used in training as X, S and W respectively.
我们分别定义训练中所有的义原、语义和词语集合为 X, S 和 W。
For each \(w \in W\) , there are possible multiple senses \(s_i^{(w)} \in S^{(W)}\) where \(S^{(w)}\) represents the sense set of \(w\) .
\(S^{(w)}\) 代表 w 的语义的集合,对于每一个 \(w\in W\) ,存在一个或多个语义 \(s_i^{(w)} \in S^{(W)}\) 。
Each sense \(s_i^{(w)}\) consists of several sememes \(x_j^{(s_i)} \in X_i^{(w)}\) .
每一个语义 \(s_i^{(w)}\) 由几个义原 \(x_j^{(s_i)} \in X_i^{(w)}\) 组成。
For each target word \(w\) in a sequential plain text, \(C(w)\) represents its context word set.
对于每一条纯文本序列中的目标字 \(w\) , \(C(w)\) 代表它的上下文词语集合。
3.2 传统的 Skip-Gram 模型 Conventional Skip-Gram Model
We directly utilize the widely-used model Skip-Gram to implement our SE-WRL model, because Skip-Gram has well balanced effectiveness as well as efficiency (Mikolov et al., 2013).
由于 Skip-Gram 有着良好的有效性和良好的效率以及两者之间的良好的平衡 (Mikolov et al., 2013),我们直接利用广泛使用的 Skip-Gram 模型来实现我们的 SE-WRL 模型。
The standard skip-gram model assumes that word embeddings should relate to their context words.
标准的 skip-gram 模型假设词嵌入应与其上下文有关。
It aims at maximizing the predictive probability of context words conditioned on the target word w.
Formally, we utilize a sliding window to select the context word set \(C(w)\) .
形式上,我们利用一个滑动窗口来选择上下文词语集合 \(C(w)\) 。
For a word sequence \(H = \{w_1, ..., w_n\}\) ,Skip-Gram model intends to maximize:
L(H) = \sum_{i=K}^{n-K} \log \Pr (w_{i-K}, ...w_{i+K} | w_i),
where \(K\) is the size of sliding window.
对于一个词语序列 \(H = \{w_1, ..., w_n\}\) ,Skip-Gram 模型想要最大化
L(H) = \sum_{i=K}^{n-K} \log \Pr (w_{i-K}, ...w_{i+K} | w_i),
这里, \(K\) 是滑动窗口的大小。
\(\Pr (w_{i-K}, ...w_{i+K} | w_i)\) represents the predictive probability of context words conditional on the target word \(w_i\), formalized by the following softmax function:
\Pr (w_{i-K}, ...w_{i+K} | w_i) & = \prod_{w_c \in C(w_i)} \Pr(w_c | w_i) \\
& = \prod_{w_c \in C(w_i)} \frac{\exp(\textbf w_c^{\top} \cdot \textbf w_i) }{\sum_{w_c' \in W} \exp (\textbf w_c'^{\top} \cdot \textbf w_i)} ,
in which \(w_c\) and \(w_i\) stand for embeddings of context word \(w_c \in C(w_i)\) and target word \(w_i\) respectively.
\(\Pr (w_{i-K}, ...w_{i+K} | w_i)\) 表示在当前词 \(w_i\) 的条件下,上下文的预测概率。由以下 softmax 函数形式化给出:
\Pr (w_{i-K}, ...w_{i+K} | w_i) & = \prod_{w_c \in C(w_i)} \Pr(w_c | w_i) \\
& = \prod_{w_c \in C(w_i)} \frac{\exp(\textbf w_c^{\top} \cdot \textbf w_i) }{\sum_{w_c' \in W} \exp (\textbf w_c'^{\top} \cdot \textbf w_i)} ,
其中, \(w_c\) 和 \(w_i\) 代表上下文 \(w_c\in C(w_i)\) 和当前词的词嵌入。
We can also follow the strategies of negative sampling proposed in (Mikolov et al., 2013) to accelerate the calculation of softmax.
我们也可以继承 (Mikolov et al., 2013) 提出的继承负采样策略,来加速 softmax 计算。
3.3 SE-WRL 模型 SE-WRL model
In this section, we introduce the SE-WRL models with three different strategies to utilize sememe information, including Simple Sememe Aggregation Model (SSA), Sememe Attention over Context Model (SAC) and Sememe Attention over Target Model (SAT).
在本节中,我们将会介绍 SE-WRL 模型的三种应用义原信息的不同策略。包括简单义原聚集模型 (SSA),基于上下文的义原注意力模型(SAC)和基于目标词的义原注意力模型(SAT)。
3.3.1 简单义原聚集模型 Simple Sememe Aggregation Model
The Simple Sememe Aggregation Model (SSA) is a straightforward idea based on Skip-gram model.
简单义原聚集模型是一个基于 Skip-Gram 模型的直截了当的想法。
For each word, SSA considers all sememes in all senses of the word together, and represents the target word using the average of all its sememe embeddings.
对于每一个词,SSA 把所有词语的语义的义原一同考虑进来,用目标词的所有上下文的义原嵌入(embedding)的平均值来表示当前词。
Formally, we have:
\textbf w = \frac{1}{m} \sum_{s_i^{(w)} \in S^{(w)}} \sum_{x_j ^{(s_i)} \in X_i^{(w)}} \textbf x_j^{(s_i)}
which means the word embedding of \(w\) is composed by the average of all its sememe embeddings.
\textbf w = \frac{1}{m} \sum_{s_i^{(w)} \in S^{(w)}} \sum_{x_j ^{(s_i)} \in X_i^{(w)}} \textbf x_j^{(s_i)}
Here, \(m\) stands for the overall number of sememes belonging to \(w\) .
其中,\(m\) 表示所有属于 \(w\) 的义原数量。
This model simply follows the assumption that, the semantic meaning of a word is composed of the semantic units, i.e., sememes.
As compared to the conventional Skip-gram model, since sememes are shared by multiple words, this model can utilize sememe information to encode latent semantic correlations between words.
与传统的 skip-gram 模型相比,因为义原被多个词共享,所以该模型可以利用义原信息来编码词语之间隐含的语义关联。
In this case, similar words that share the same sememes may finally obtain similar representations.
3.3.2 基于上下文的义原注意力模型 Sememe Attention over Context Model
The SSA Model replaces the target word embedding with the aggregated sememe embeddings to encode sememe information into word representation learning.
SSA 模型用聚集的义原嵌入来代替目标词词嵌入,用义原信息编码来进行词表示学习。
However, each word in SSA model still has only one single representation in different contexts, which cannot deal with polysemy of most words.
然而,在不同的上下文中,SSA 模型中的每一个词仍然只有一个单独的表示。它不能处理大多数词的多义词现象。
It is intuitive that we should construct distinct embeddings for a target word according to specific contexts, with the favor of word sense annotation in HowNet.
To address this issue, we come up with the Sememe Attention over Context Model (SAC).
SAC utilizes the attention scheme to automatically select appropriate senses for context words according to the target word.
SAC 利用注意力机制,根据当前词自动地选择上下文合适的语义。
That is, SAC conducts word sense disambiguation for context words to learn better representations of target words.
换句话说,为了学习更好的目标词词表示,SAC 为上下文执行词语语义消歧。
The structure of the SAC model is shown in Fig. 2.
SAC 模型的结构在图二中展示。
More specifically, we utilize the original word embedding for target word \(w\), but use sememe embeddings to represent context word \(w_c\) instead of original context word embeddings.
更确切地说,我们为目标词 \(w\) 使用原始的词嵌入,使用义原嵌入来表示上下文中的词 \(w_c\) ,而不是使用原始的上下文词嵌入。
Suppose a word typically demonstrates some specific senses in one sentence.
Here we employ the target word embedding as an attention to select the most appropriate senses to make up context word embeddings.
We formalize the context word embedding \(w_c\) as follows:
\textbf w_c = \sum_{j=1}^{|S^{(w_c)}|} att( s_j^{(w_c)}) \cdot s_j^{(w_c)}
where \(s_j^{(w_c)}\) stands for the \(j\)-th sense embedding of \(w_c\) , and \(att(s_j^{(w_c)})\) represents the attention score of the \(j\)-th sense with respect to the target word \(w\), defined as follows:
att(s_j^{(w_c)}) = \frac{\exp(\textbf w \cdot \hat s_j^{(w_c)} )}{\sum_{k=1}^{|S^{(w_c)}|}\exp(\textbf w \cdot \hat s_j^{(w_c)} )}
我们用如下的式子来形式化上下文词嵌入 \(w_c\) :
\textbf w_c = \sum_{j=1}^{|S^{(w_c)}|} att( s_j^{(w_c)}) \cdot s_j^{(w_c)}
其中,\(s_j^{(w_c)}\) 代表 \(w_c\) 的第 \(j\) 个语义嵌入,\(att(s_j^{(w_c)})\) 代表关于目标词 \(w\) 的第 \(j\) 个语义的注意力得分。\(att(s_j^{(w_c)})\) 定义如下:
att(s_j^{(w_c)}) = \frac{\exp(\textbf w \cdot \hat s_j^{(w_c)} )}{\sum_{k=1}^{|S^{(w_c)}|}\exp(\textbf w \cdot \hat s_j^{(w_c)} )}
Note that, when calculating attention, we use the average of sememe embeddings to represent each sense \(s_j^{(w_c)}\) :
\hat s_j^{(w_c)} = \frac{1}{|X_j^{(w_c)}|}\sum_{k=1}^{|X_j^{(w_c)}|} \textbf x_k^{(s_j)}
请注意,当计算注意力的时候,我们使用语义嵌入的平均值来表示每一个语义 \(s_j^{(w_c)}\) .
The attention strategy assumes that the more relevant a context word sense embedding is to the target word \(\textbf w\), the more this sense should be considered when building context word embeddings.
在建立上下文词向量的时候,注意力策略假设:上下文的词语嵌入与当前词 \(\textbf w\) 越相关,那么越应该被考虑。
With the favor of attention scheme, we can represent each context word as a particular distribution over its sense.
This can be regarded as soft WSD.
这可以被认为是“软词语语义消歧”(soft WSD)。
As shown in experiments, it will help learn better word representations.
3.3.3 基于目标词的义原注意力模型 Sememe Attention over Target Model
The Sememe Attention over Context Model can flexibly select appropriate senses and sememes for context words according to the target word.
The process can also be applied to select appropriate senses for the target word, by taking context words as attention.
Hence, we propose the Sememe Attention over Target Model (SAT) as shown in Fig.3.
Different from SAC model, SAT learns the original word embeddings for context words, but sememe embeddings for target words.
与 SAC 模型不同,SAT 为上下文词语学习原始的词嵌入,但是为目标词学习义原嵌入。
We apply context words as attention over multiple senses of the target word \(w\) to build the embedding of \(w\), formalized as follows:
\textbf w = \sum_{j=1}^{|S^{(w)}|} att (s_j^{(w)}) \cdot s_j^{(w)}
where \(s_j^{(w)}\) stands for the \(j\)-th sense embedding of \(w\) , and the context-based attention is defined as follows:
att(s_j^{(w)}) = \frac{\exp(\textbf w_c' \cdot \hat s_j^{(w)} )}{\sum_{k=1}^{|S^{(w)}|}\exp(\textbf w_c' \cdot \hat s_k^{(w)} )}
where, similar to Eq. (6), we also use the average of sememe embedding to represent each sense \(s_j^{(w)}\).
我们在目标词 \(w\) 的多个语义上,应用上下文词语作为注意力,来建立 \(w\) 的嵌入,形式化给出:
\textbf w = \sum_{j=1}^{|S^{(w)}|} att (s_j^{(w)}) \cdot s_j^{(w)}
其中,\(s_j^{(w)}\) 代表 \(w\) 的第 \(j\) 个语义嵌入。基于上下文的注意力被定义如下:
att(s_j^{(w)}) = \frac{\exp(\textbf w_c' \cdot \hat s_j^{(w)} )}{\sum_{k=1}^{|S^{(w)}|}\exp(\textbf w_c' \cdot \hat s_k^{(w)} )}
与等式 (6) 相似。其中,我们同样使用义原嵌入的平均值来表示每一个语义 \(s_j^{(w)}\) 。
Here, \(w_c'\) is the context embedding, consisting of a constrained window of word embeddings in \(C(w_i)\).
这时,\(w_c'\) 是由 \(C(w_i)\) 中受限窗口内的词嵌入,组成的上下文嵌入。
we have:
\textbf w_c' = \frac{1}{2K'} \sum_{k=i-K'}^{k=i+K'} \textbf w_k, \quad k \not= i
\textbf w_c' = \frac{1}{2K'} \sum_{k=i-K'}^{k=i+K'} \textbf w_k, \quad k \not= i
Note that, since in experiment we find the sense selection of the target word only relies on more limitied context words for calculating attention, hence we select a smaller \(K'\) as compared to \(K\) .
请注意,因为在实验中我们发现,目标词语义的选取仅依赖于更为有限的上下文来计算注意力。因此我们选取了比 \(K\) 更小的 \(K'\) 。
Recall that, SAC only uses one target word as attention to select senses of context words, but SAT uses several context words together as attention to select appropriate senses of target words.
回想一下,SAC 只使用一个目标词作为注意力来选择上下文词语的语义,但是 SAT 同时使用一些上下文作为注意力来选择适合目标词的语义。
Hence SAT is expected to conduct more reliable WSD and result in more accurate word representations, which will be explored in experiments.
因此,接下来的实验将会证明: SAT 应该会在词语消歧(WSD)任务上更可靠,而且具有更准确的词语表示能力。
4 实验 Experiments
In this section, we evaluate the effectiveness of our SE-WRL models on two tasks including word similarity and word analogy, which are two classical evaluation tasks mainly focusing on evaluating the quality of learned word representations.
在本节中,我们将会评测我们的 SE-WRL 模型,在词语相似度和词语类推这两项任务上的有效性。这是两个经典的、聚焦在评价词语表示学习质量上的评测任务。
We also explore the potential of our models in word sense disambiguation with case study, showing the power of our attention-based models.
4.1 数据集 Dataset
We use the web pages in Sogou-T as the text corpus to learn WRL models.
我们使用 Sougou-T 中的网页作为文本语料来训练我们的词语表示学习(WRL)模型。
Sogou-T is provided by a Chinese commercial search engine, which contains 2.7 billion words in total.
Sougou-T 由中国商业搜索引擎公司提供,内含总计 27 亿词。
We also utilize the sememe annotation in HowNet.
The number of distinct sememes used in this paper is 1, 889.
论文中使用到的不同的义原有 1889 个。
The average senses for each word are about 2.4, while the average sememes for each sense are about 1.6.
每个词平均的语义大约有 2.4 个,每个语义平均的义原有 1.6 个。
Throughout the Sogou-T corpus, we find that 42.2% of words have multiple senses.
纵观整个 Sougou-T 语料,我们发现 42.2 % 的词语具有多个语义。
This indicates the significance of WSD.
For evaluation, we choose wordsim-240 and wordsim-297 to evaluate the performance of word similarity computation.
为了评测,我们选取了 wordsim-240 和 wordsim-297 来评测词语相似度计算的性能。
The two datasets both contain frequently-used Chinese word pairs with similarity scores annotated manually.
这两个数据集包括了常用的中文词语词对(word pair)和手工标记的相似度打分。
We choose the Chinese Word Analogy dataset proposed by (Chen et al., 2015) to evaluate the performance of word analogy inference, that is, w(“king”) − w(“man”) \(\approx\) w(“queen”) − w(“woman”) .
我们选取了 (Chen et al., 2015) 提出的中文词语类推数据集,来评价词语类推推断的性能,也即 w(“king”) − w(“man”) \(\approx\) w(“queen”) − w(“woman”) .
4.2 实验设置 Experimental Settings
We evaluate three SE-WRL models including SSA, SAC and SAT on all tasks.
我们在全部的任务中,评测 SSA, SAC 和 SAT 这三个 SE-WRL 模型。
As for baselines, we consider three conventional WRL models including Skip-gram, CBOW and GloVe.
对于基线系统,我们考虑了传统的 Skip-Gram, CBOW 和 GloVe 三种词语表示学习模型。
For Skip-Gram and CBOW, we directly use the code released by Google (Mikolov et al., 2013).
我们直接使用了 Google (Mikolov et al., 2013) 发布的 Skip-Gram 和 CBOW 的代码。
GloVe is proposed by (Pennington et al., 2014), which seeks the advantages of the WRL models based on statistics and those based on prediction.
GloVe 是由 (Pennington et al., 2014) 提出的,它寻求基于统计的词语表示学习模型和基于预测的词语表示学习模型的优势。
Moreover, we propose another model, Maximum Selection over Target Model (MST), for further comparison inspired by (Chen et al., 2014).
此外,在 (Chen et al., 2014) 的激发下,我们提出另一个模型——基于目标的最大选择模型(MST)——来进一步比较。
It represents the current word embeddings with only the most probable sense according to the contexts, instead of viewing a word as a particular distribution over all its senses similar to that of SAT.
它代表的是当前词的词嵌入只与上下文中最可能的语义相关,而不是把一个词看作在它所有的语义上的一个具体的分布,比如 SAT。
For a fair comparison, we train these models with the same experimental settings and with their best parameters.
As for the parameter settings, we set the context window size \(K = 8\) as the upper bound, and during training, the window size is dynamically selected ranging from 1 to 8 randomly.
在参数设置方面,我们设置上下文窗口大小的上界为 \(K\) = 8,然后在训练期间,窗口大小是自动地在 1 至 8 之间动态地调节。
We set the dimensions of word, sense and sememe embeddings to be the same 200.
我们把词语、语义和义原的嵌入维度都设置为 200。
For learning rate \(\alpha\) , its initial value is 0.025 and will descend through iterations.
初始学习率设置为 0.025 ,在迭代期间会自动下降。
We set the number of negative samples to be 25.
负采样数值设置为 25。
We also set a lower bound of word frequency as 50, and in the training set, those words less frequent than this bound will be filtered out.
我们也设置了词频的下界为 50,在训练期间,词频低于下界的词将会被滤掉。
For SAT, we set \(K'\) = 2.
对于 SAT, 我们设置 \(K'\) = 2 。
4.3 词语相似度 Word Similarity
The task of word similarity aims to evaluate the quality of word representations by comparing the similarity ranks of word pairs computed by WRL models with the ranks given by dataset.
WRL models typically compute word similarities according to their distances in the semantic space.
4.3.1 评测草案 Evaluation Protocol
In experiments, we choose the cosine similarity between two word embeddings to rank word pairs.
For evaluation, we compute the Spearman correlation between the ranks of models and the ranks of human judgments.
在评测中,我们在模型排序和人工排序中计算斯皮尔曼相关度(Spearman correlation)。
Model | Wordsim-240 | Wordsim-297 |
CBOW | 57.7 | 61.1 |
GloVe | 59.8 | 58.7 |
Skip-Gram | 58.5 | 63.3 |
SSA | 58.9 | 64.0 |
MST | 59.2 | 62.8 |
SAC | 59.1 | 61.0 |
SAT | 61.2 | 63.3 |
4.3.2 实验结论 Experiment Results
Table 1 shows the results of these models for word similarity computation.
From the results we can observe that:
(1) Our models outperform all baselines on both two test sets.
This indicates that, by utilizing sememe annotation properly, our model can better capture the semantic relations of words, and learn more accurate word embeddings.
(2) The SSA model represents a word with the average of its sememe embeddings.
In general, SSA model performs slightly better than baselines, which tentatively proves that sememe information is helpful.
大体上,SSA 模型表现稍好于基线系统,这试初步证明了义原信息是有帮助的。
The reason is that words which share common sememe embeddings will benefit from each other.
Especially, those words with lower frequency, which cannot be learned sufficiently using conventional WRL models, in contrast, can obtain better word embeddings from SSA simply because their sememe embeddings can be trained sufficiently through other words.
特别地,低频词无法通过传统的词语表示学习模型来获得有效的训练。但与之相反的是,SSA 模型可以使低频词获得较好的嵌入,仅仅是因为低频词的义原可以通过其他单词而得到充分的训练。
(3) The SAT model performs better than baselines and SAC, especially on Wordsim-240.
(3)SAT 模型比 SAC 具有更好的表现,尤其是在 Wordsim-240 数据集上。
This indicates that SAT can obtain more precise sense distribution of a word.
这表明 SAT 可以习得更准确的词语语义分布。
The reason has been mentioned above that, different from SAC using only one target word as attention for WSD, SAT adopts richer contextual information as attention for WSD.
其原因已经在上面提到过了,不同于 SAC 在词语消歧上只使用一个目标词作为注意力,SAT 在词语消歧上选取了更丰富的上下文信息作为注意力。
(4) SAT works better than MST, and we can conclude that a soft disambiguation over senses prevents inevitable errors when selecting only one most-probable sense.
(4) SAT 比 MST 表现更好,并且我们可以得出结论:一个在语义上的软消歧(soft disambiguation)阻止了当选择只有一个最可能的语义时必然发生的错误。
The result makes sense because, for many words, their various senses are not always entirely different from each other, but share some common elements.
In some contexts, a single sense may not convey the exact meaning of this word.
4.4 词语类推 Word Analogy
Word analogy inference is another widely-used task to evaluate the quality of WRL models (Mikolov et al., 2013).
词语类比推理是另一个广泛被使用的,用来评价模型词语表示学习质量的任务 (Mikolov et al., 2013) 。
4.4.1 评测草案 Evaluation Protocol
The dataset proposed by (Chen et al., 2015) consists of 1, 124 analogies, which contains three analogy types: (1) capitals of countries (Capital), 677 groups; (2) states/provinces of cities (City), 175 groups; (3) family words (Relationship), 272 groups.
该数据集由 (Chen et al., 2015) 提出,由 1,124 个类比实体组成(analogy),其包括 3 种实体类型:(1)677 组国家的首都;(2) 175 组城市的州或省份;(3)272 组家庭(关系)词。
Given an analogy group of words \((w1, w2, w3, w4)\) , WRL models usually get \(w_2−w_1+w_3\) equal to \(w_4\).
给出类比词组 \((w1, w2, w3, w4)\) ,词语表示学习模型通常会给出 \(w_2−w_1+w_3\) 等于 \(w_4\) 。
Hence for word analogy inference, we suppose \(w_4\) is missing, and WRL models will rank all candidate words according to their scores as follows:
\(R(w) = \cos (\textbf w_2 - \textbf w_1 + \textbf w_3, \textbf w)\)
and select the top-ranked word as the answer
因此对于词语类比推理,我们假设 \(w_4\) 不存在,然后词语表示学习模型会给出所有候选词的得分:
\(R(w) = \cos (\textbf w_2 - \textbf w_1 + \textbf w_3, \textbf w)\)
For word analogy inference, we consider two evaluation metrics: (1) Accuracy.
在词语类比推理上,我们考虑两个主要的指标 (1) 准确率。
For each analogy group, a WRL model selects the top-ranked word \(w = \arg \max_w R(w)\) , which is judged as positive if \(w = w_4\).
对于每一组类比,一个词语表示学习模型选取 \(w = \arg \max_w R(w)\) 排在前面的词语, 如果 \(w = w_4\) 则判断为阳性。
The percentage of positive samples is regarded as the accuracy score for this WRL model.
(2) Mean Rank.
For each analogy group, a WRL model will assign a rank for the gold standard word w4 according to the scores computed by Eq. (10).
对于每一组类比,一个词语表示学习模型将会根据公式(10)计算出的打分,给词 \(w_4\) 一个正确等级的排名。
We use the mean rank of all gold standard words as the evaluation metric.
4.4.2 实验结果 Experiment Results
Table 2 shows the evaluation results of these models for word analogy inference.
From the table, we can observe that:
(1) The SAT model performs best among all models, and the superiority is more significant than that on word similarity computation.
(1)SAT 模型在所有模型中的表现是最好的,相比于词语相似计算具有更突出的优势。
This indicates that SAT will enhance the modeling of implicit relations between word embeddings in the semantic space.
这表明 SAT 将会加强语义空间中词嵌入间隐式关系的建模。
The reason is that sememes annotated to word senses have encoded these word relations.
For example, capital and Cuba are two sememes of the word “Havana”, which provide explicit semantic relations between the words “Cuba” and “Havana”.
(2) The SAT model does well on both classes of Capital and City, because some words in these classes have low frequencies, while their sememes occur so many times that sememe embeddings can be learned sufficiently.
(2)SAT 模型在首都和城市两类上的表现都很好,这是因为这些类中一些词的词频不高,但是它们蕴含的义原却出现了很多次,那些义原嵌入可以得到有效的学习。
With these sememe embeddings, these low-frequent words can be learned more efficiently by SAT.
在那些义原嵌入的帮助下,这些低频词可以被 SAT 有效的学习。
(3) It seems that CBOW works better than SAT on Relationship class.
结果表明, CBOW 似乎在关系类上比 SAT 表现的更好。
Whereas for the mean rank, CBOW gets the worst results, which indicates the performance of CBOW is unstable.
然而 CBOW 在平均排序上得到了不尽如人意的结果,这表明 CBOW 的表现是不稳定的。
On the contrary, although the accuracy of SAT is a bit lower than that of CBOW, SAT seldom gives an outrageous prediction.
与之相反,尽管 SAT 的准确率只比 CBOW 低了一点,但是 SAT 很少给出差强人意的预测。
In most wrong cases, SAT predicts the word “grandfather” instead of “grandmother”, which is not completely nonsense, because in HowNet the words “grandmother”, “grandfather”, “grandma” and some other similar words share four common sememes while only one sememe of them are different.
在大多数的错误的例子中,SAT 应该预测出 “祖父” 而不是 “祖母”,但这并不是完全没有道理的,因为知网中 "祖母"、“祖父” 和其他相似的词语共享着四个共同的义原,只有一个义原不同。
These similar sememes make the attention process less discriminative with each other.
But for the wrong cases of CBOW, we find that many mistakes are about words with low frequencies, such as “stepdaughter” which occurs merely for 358 times.
但是对于 CBOW 的错误例子,我们发现很多的错误是关于低频词的,例如仅仅出现了 358 次的“继女”一词。
Considering sememes may relieve this problem.
4.5 个例研究 Case study
The above experiments verify the effectiveness of our models for WRL.
Here we show some examples of sememes, senses and words for case study.
4.5.1 Word Sense Disambiguation
To demonstrate the validity of Sememe Attention, we select three attention results in training set, as shown in Table 3.
In this table, the first rows of three examples are word-sense-sememe structures of each word.
For instance, in the third example, the word has two senses, contingent and troops; contingent has one sememe community, while troops has one sememe army.
The three examples all indicate that our models can estimate appropriate distributions of senses for a word given a context.
4.5.2 上下文词语对注意力的影响 Effect of Context Words for Attention
We demonstrate the effect of context words for attention in Table. 4.
The word “Havana” consists of four sememes, among which two sememes capital and Cuba describe distinct attributes of the word from different aspects.
Here, we list three different context words “Cuba”, “Russia” and “cigar”.
Given the context word “Cuba”, both sememes get high weights, indicating their contributions to the meaning of “Havana” in this context.
给定上下文 ”古巴“,两个义原都得到了较高的权重,这表明它们在这个上下文中对 ”哈瓦那“ 一词有意义上的贡献。
The context word “Russia” is more relevant to the sememe capital.
上下文 ”俄罗斯“ 与首都这个义原更有关联。
When the context word is “cigar”, the sememe Cuba has more influence, because cigar is a famous specialty of Cuba.
当上下文是 ”雪茄“ 的时候,义原古巴给予了更多的影响,因为雪茄是古巴著名的特产。
From these examples, we can conclude that our Sememe Attention can accurately capture the word meanings in complicated contexts.
5 结论和未来的工作
In this paper, we propose a novel method to model sememe information for learning better word representations.
Specifically, we utilize sememe information to represent various senses of each word and propose Sememe Attention to select appropriate senses in contexts automatically.
We evaluate our models on word similarity and word analogy, and results show the advantages of our Sememe-Encoded WRL models.
We also analyze several cases in WSD and WRL, which confirms our models are capable of selecting appropriate word senses with the favor of sememe attention.
We will explore the following research directions in future: (1) The sememe information in HowNet is annotated with hierarchical structure and relations, which have not been considered in our framework.
We will explore to utilize these annotations for better WRL.
(2) We believe the idea of sememes is universal and could be wellfunctioned beyond languages.
we will explore the effectiveness of sememe information for WRL in other languages.
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