TensorFlow Dev Summit 2017

From: Android Meets TensorFlow: How to Accelerate Your App with AI (Google I/O '17)

Start from 12:47 / 39:07




优化的几个角度:such as Inception v3, is 93MB --> 24MB




From: On-device machine learning: TensorFlow on Android (Google Cloud Next '17)

From: https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/tree/master/tensorflow/examples/android/


Mobile and Embedded TensorFlow (TensorFlow Dev Summit 2017)

  1. TF Classify: Uses the Google Inception model to classify camera frames in real-time, displaying the top results in an overlay on the camera image.
  2. TF Detect: Demonstrates an SSD-Mobilenet model trained using the Tensorflow Object Detection API introduced in Speed/accuracy trade-offs for modern convolutional object detectors to localize and track objects (from 80 categories) in the camera preview in real-time.
  3. TF Stylize: Uses a model based on A Learned Representation For Artistic Style to restyle the camera preview image to that of a number of different artists.
  4. TF Speech: Runs a simple speech recognition model built by the audio training tutorial. Listens for a small set of words, and highlights them in the UI when they are recognized.

高通芯片:Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 Processor featuring the Hexagon DSP

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