关于linux的一点好奇心(四):tail -f文件跟踪实现
1. 自己实现的文件跟踪
那么,如果是系统实现呢?如题,tail -f 的文件跟踪,是否也是这样实现呢?想想感觉应该不会这么简单,毕竟操作系统肯定会比自己厉害此的。
2. tail -f的源码位置
我们知道,每个linux系统安装之后,都会有很多的基础命令可用,比如cat/vi/sh/top/tail... 那么,是否这些命令就是内核提供的东西呢?实际上不是的,linux kernel 部分,并未提供相应的实现,即这些工具类的都不是在kernel中实现的,而是作为外部核心工具包组件实现。即 coreutils 。 这也是我们想分析一些工具类实现时需要注意的,因为它可能在你找不到的地方。
源码访问路径: http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/coreutils.git/tree/src/tail.c
3. tail -f 实现
tail -f 作为核心工具,虽与操作系统一起出现,但毕竟是独立实现,所以还是需要考虑具体的操作系统环境,所以它的实现往往需要分情况进行处理。
main (int argc, char **argv)
enum header_mode header_mode = multiple_files;
bool ok = true;
/* If from_start, the number of items to skip before printing; otherwise,
the number of items at the end of the file to print. Although the type
is signed, the value is never negative. */
uintmax_t n_units = DEFAULT_N_LINES;
size_t n_files;
char **file;
struct File_spec *F;
size_t i;
bool obsolete_option; /* The number of seconds to sleep between iterations.
During one iteration, every file name or descriptor is checked to
see if it has changed. */
double sleep_interval = 1.0; initialize_main (&argc, &argv);
set_program_name (argv[0]);
setlocale (LC_ALL, "");
bindtextdomain (PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR);
textdomain (PACKAGE); atexit (close_stdout); have_read_stdin = false; count_lines = true;
forever = from_start = print_headers = false;
line_end = '\n';
obsolete_option = parse_obsolete_option (argc, argv, &n_units);
argc -= obsolete_option;
argv += obsolete_option;
parse_options (argc, argv, &n_units, &header_mode, &sleep_interval); /* To start printing with item N_UNITS from the start of the file, skip
N_UNITS - 1 items. 'tail -n +0' is actually meaningless, but for Unix
compatibility it's treated the same as 'tail -n +1'. */
if (from_start)
if (n_units)
} if (optind < argc)
n_files = argc - optind;
file = argv + optind;
static char *dummy_stdin = (char *) "-";
n_files = 1;
file = &dummy_stdin;
} {
bool found_hyphen = false; for (i = 0; i < n_files; i++)
if (STREQ (file[i], "-"))
found_hyphen = true; /* When following by name, there must be a name. */
if (found_hyphen && follow_mode == Follow_name)
die (EXIT_FAILURE, 0, _("cannot follow %s by name"), quoteaf ("-")); /* When following forever, and not using simple blocking, warn if
any file is '-' as the stats() used to check for input are ineffective.
This is only a warning, since tail's output (before a failing seek,
and that from any non-stdin files) might still be useful. */
if (forever && found_hyphen)
struct stat in_stat;
bool blocking_stdin;
blocking_stdin = (pid == 0 && follow_mode == Follow_descriptor
&& n_files == 1 && ! fstat (STDIN_FILENO, &in_stat)
&& ! S_ISREG (in_stat.st_mode)); if (! blocking_stdin && isatty (STDIN_FILENO))
error (0, 0, _("warning: following standard input"
" indefinitely is ineffective"));
} /* Don't read anything if we'll never output anything. */
if (! n_units && ! forever && ! from_start)
return EXIT_SUCCESS; F = xnmalloc (n_files, sizeof *F);
for (i = 0; i < n_files; i++)
F[i].name = file[i]; if (header_mode == always
|| (header_mode == multiple_files && n_files > 1))
print_headers = true; xset_binary_mode (STDOUT_FILENO, O_BINARY); for (i = 0; i < n_files; i++)
ok &= tail_file (&F[i], n_units); if (forever && ignore_fifo_and_pipe (F, n_files))
/* If stdout is a fifo or pipe, then monitor it
so that we exit if the reader goes away. */
struct stat out_stat;
if (fstat (STDOUT_FILENO, &out_stat) < 0)
die (EXIT_FAILURE, errno, _("standard output"));
monitor_output = (S_ISFIFO (out_stat.st_mode)
/* tailable_stdin() checks if the user specifies stdin via "-",
or implicitly by providing no arguments. If so, we won't use inotify.
Technically, on systems with a working /dev/stdin, we *could*,
but would it be worth it? Verifying that it's a real device
and hooked up to stdin is not trivial, while reverting to
non-inotify-based tail_forever is easy and portable. any_remote_file() checks if the user has specified any
files that reside on remote file systems. inotify is not used
in this case because it would miss any updates to the file
that were not initiated from the local system. any_non_remote_file() checks if the user has specified any
files that don't reside on remote file systems. inotify is not used
if there are no open files, as we can't determine if those file
will be on a remote file system. any_symlinks() checks if the user has specified any symbolic links.
inotify is not used in this case because it returns updated _targets_
which would not match the specified names. If we tried to always
use the target names, then we would miss changes to the symlink itself. ok is false when one of the files specified could not be opened for
reading. In this case and when following by descriptor,
tail_forever_inotify() cannot be used (in its current implementation). FIXME: inotify doesn't give any notification when a new
(remote) file or directory is mounted on top a watched file.
When follow_mode == Follow_name we would ideally like to detect that.
Note if there is a change to the original file then we'll
recheck it and follow the new file, or ignore it if the
file has changed to being remote. FIXME-maybe: inotify has a watch descriptor per inode, and hence with
our current hash implementation will only --follow data for one
of the names when multiple hardlinked files are specified, or
for one name when a name is specified multiple times. */
if (!disable_inotify && (tailable_stdin (F, n_files)
|| any_remote_file (F, n_files)
|| ! any_non_remote_file (F, n_files)
|| any_symlinks (F, n_files)
|| any_non_regular_fifo (F, n_files)
|| (!ok && follow_mode == Follow_descriptor)))
disable_inotify = true; if (!disable_inotify)
int wd = inotify_init ();
if (0 <= wd)
/* Flush any output from tail_file, now, since
tail_forever_inotify flushes only after writing,
not before reading. */
if (fflush (stdout) != 0)
die (EXIT_FAILURE, errno, _("write error")); Hash_table *ht;
tail_forever_inotify (wd, F, n_files, sleep_interval, &ht);
hash_free (ht);
close (wd);
errno = 0;
error (0, errno, _("inotify cannot be used, reverting to polling"));
disable_inotify = true;
tail_forever (F, n_files, sleep_interval);
} if (have_read_stdin && close (STDIN_FILENO) < 0)
die (EXIT_FAILURE, errno, "-");
main_exit (ok ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE);
简单地说两种实现就是: tail_forever 轮询式跟踪; tail_forever_inotify 更新时通知; 下面我们就简单瞅瞅两个具体实现吧。
3.1. 定时扫描跟踪实现
/* Tail N_FILES files forever, or until killed.
The pertinent information for each file is stored in an entry of F.
Loop over each of them, doing an fstat to see if they have changed size,
and an occasional open/fstat to see if any dev/ino pair has changed.
If none of them have changed size in one iteration, sleep for a
while and try again. Continue until the user interrupts us. */ static void
tail_forever (struct File_spec *f, size_t n_files, double sleep_interval)
/* Use blocking I/O as an optimization, when it's easy. */
bool blocking = (pid == 0 && follow_mode == Follow_descriptor
&& n_files == 1 && f[0].fd != -1 && ! S_ISREG (f[0].mode));
size_t last;
bool writer_is_dead = false; last = n_files - 1;
// 一直循环检测,直到用户主动终止进程
while (true)
size_t i;
bool any_input = false; for (i = 0; i < n_files; i++)
int fd;
char const *name;
mode_t mode;
struct stat stats;
uintmax_t bytes_read; if (f[i].ignore)
continue; if (f[i].fd < 0)
recheck (&f[i], blocking);
} fd = f[i].fd;
name = pretty_name (&f[i]);
mode = f[i].mode; if (f[i].blocking != blocking)
int old_flags = fcntl (fd, F_GETFL);
int new_flags = old_flags | (blocking ? 0 : O_NONBLOCK);
if (old_flags < 0
|| (new_flags != old_flags
&& fcntl (fd, F_SETFL, new_flags) == -1))
/* Don't update f[i].blocking if fcntl fails. */
if (S_ISREG (f[i].mode) && errno == EPERM)
/* This happens when using tail -f on a file with
the append-only attribute. */
die (EXIT_FAILURE, errno,
_("%s: cannot change nonblocking mode"),
quotef (name));
f[i].blocking = blocking;
} if (!f[i].blocking)
// 使用 fstat 进行文件变更检测,结果存入 stats 变量中
if (fstat (fd, &stats) != 0)
f[i].fd = -1;
f[i].errnum = errno;
error (0, errno, "%s", quotef (name));
close (fd); /* ignore failure */
// 通过比较 mtime 判断文件是否发生变化
if (f[i].mode == stats.st_mode
&& (! S_ISREG (stats.st_mode) || f[i].size == stats.st_size)
&& timespec_cmp (f[i].mtime, get_stat_mtime (&stats)) == 0)
if ((max_n_unchanged_stats_between_opens
<= f[i].n_unchanged_stats++)
&& follow_mode == Follow_name)
recheck (&f[i], f[i].blocking);
f[i].n_unchanged_stats = 0;
} /* This file has changed. Print out what we can, and
then keep looping. */
// 记录最后一次变更情况
f[i].mtime = get_stat_mtime (&stats);
f[i].mode = stats.st_mode; /* reset counter */
f[i].n_unchanged_stats = 0; /* XXX: This is only a heuristic, as the file may have also
been truncated and written to if st_size >= size
(in which case we ignore new data <= size). */
if (S_ISREG (mode) && stats.st_size < f[i].size)
error (0, 0, _("%s: file truncated"), quotef (name));
/* Assume the file was truncated to 0,
and therefore output all "new" data. */
xlseek (fd, 0, SEEK_SET, name);
f[i].size = 0;
} if (i != last)
if (print_headers)
write_header (name);
last = i;
} /* Don't read more than st_size on networked file systems
because it was seen on glusterfs at least, that st_size
may be smaller than the data read on a _subsequent_ stat call. */
uintmax_t bytes_to_read;
if (f[i].blocking)
bytes_to_read = COPY_A_BUFFER;
else if (S_ISREG (mode) && f[i].remote)
bytes_to_read = stats.st_size - f[i].size;
bytes_to_read = COPY_TO_EOF;
// 输出变更内容到控制台
bytes_read = dump_remainder (false, name, fd, bytes_to_read); any_input |= (bytes_read != 0);
f[i].size += bytes_read;
} if (! any_live_files (f, n_files))
error (0, 0, _("no files remaining"));
} if ((!any_input || blocking) && fflush (stdout) != 0)
die (EXIT_FAILURE, errno, _("write error")); check_output_alive (); /* If nothing was read, sleep and/or check for dead writers. */
if (!any_input)
if (writer_is_dead)
break; /* Once the writer is dead, read the files once more to
avoid a race condition. */
writer_is_dead = (pid != 0
&& kill (pid, 0) != 0
/* Handle the case in which you cannot send a
signal to the writer, so kill fails and sets
errno to EPERM. */
&& errno != EPERM);
// 等待下一次轮询
if (!writer_is_dead && xnanosleep (sleep_interval))
die (EXIT_FAILURE, errno, _("cannot read realtime clock")); }
我们运行tail -f 命令时,就是控制台会一直停留在输出界面,等待跟踪结果,也就是说这时的tail进程,会一直在前台运行。这时这个进程交独占用户界面,如果用户不想跟踪了,那么就必须主动终止进程,即ctrl+c 或其他进程终止方式。所以,实现还是比较简单的,如表面意思,就是不停地检测文件,输出内容,如果其中一些文件失效,则跳过即可。
检测主要依赖于函数: fstat (fd, &stats) , 通过比较 mtime 进行文件是否变化判定。大致不出意料。
3.2. 基于异步通知的跟踪实现
它会先进行 inotify_init(); 然后再进行 tail_forever_inotify;
/* Attempt to tail N_FILES files forever, or until killed.
Check modifications using the inotify events system.
Exit if finished or on fatal error; return to revert to polling. */
static void
tail_forever_inotify (int wd, struct File_spec *f, size_t n_files,
double sleep_interval, Hash_table **wd_to_namep)
/* Delay between open() and inotify_add_watch()
to help trigger different cases. */
xnanosleep (1000000);
# endif
unsigned int max_realloc = 3; /* Map an inotify watch descriptor to the name of the file it's watching. */
Hash_table *wd_to_name; bool found_watchable_file = false;
bool tailed_but_unwatchable = false;
bool found_unwatchable_dir = false;
bool no_inotify_resources = false;
bool writer_is_dead = false;
struct File_spec *prev_fspec;
size_t evlen = 0;
char *evbuf;
size_t evbuf_off = 0;
size_t len = 0; wd_to_name = hash_initialize (n_files, NULL, wd_hasher, wd_comparator, NULL);
if (! wd_to_name)
xalloc_die ();
*wd_to_namep = wd_to_name; /* The events mask used with inotify on files (not directories). */
uint32_t inotify_wd_mask = IN_MODIFY;
/* TODO: Perhaps monitor these events in Follow_descriptor mode also,
to tag reported file names with "deleted", "moved" etc. */
if (follow_mode == Follow_name)
inotify_wd_mask |= (IN_ATTRIB | IN_DELETE_SELF | IN_MOVE_SELF); /* Add an inotify watch for each watched file. If -F is specified then watch
its parent directory too, in this way when they re-appear we can add them
again to the watch list. */
size_t i;
// 依次设置跟踪标识到文件的通知列表中
for (i = 0; i < n_files; i++)
if (!f[i].ignore)
size_t fnlen = strlen (f[i].name);
if (evlen < fnlen)
evlen = fnlen; f[i].wd = -1; if (follow_mode == Follow_name)
size_t dirlen = dir_len (f[i].name);
char prev = f[i].name[dirlen];
f[i].basename_start = last_component (f[i].name) - f[i].name; f[i].name[dirlen] = '\0'; /* It's fine to add the same directory more than once.
In that case the same watch descriptor is returned. */
f[i].parent_wd = inotify_add_watch (wd, dirlen ? f[i].name : ".",
| IN_DELETE_SELF)); f[i].name[dirlen] = prev; if (f[i].parent_wd < 0)
if (errno != ENOSPC) /* suppress confusing error. */
error (0, errno, _("cannot watch parent directory of %s"),
quoteaf (f[i].name));
error (0, 0, _("inotify resources exhausted"));
found_unwatchable_dir = true;
/* We revert to polling below. Note invalid uses
of the inotify API will still be diagnosed. */
// 注意回调到全局
f[i].wd = inotify_add_watch (wd, f[i].name, inotify_wd_mask); if (f[i].wd < 0)
if (f[i].fd != -1) /* already tailed. */
tailed_but_unwatchable = true;
if (errno == ENOSPC || errno == ENOMEM)
no_inotify_resources = true;
error (0, 0, _("inotify resources exhausted"));
else if (errno != f[i].errnum)
error (0, errno, _("cannot watch %s"), quoteaf (f[i].name));
} if (hash_insert (wd_to_name, &(f[i])) == NULL)
xalloc_die ();
// 只要有一个文件需要处理,就需要保持进程的跟踪状态
found_watchable_file = true;
} /* Linux kernel 2.6.24 at least has a bug where eventually, ENOSPC is always
returned by inotify_add_watch. In any case we should revert to polling
when there are no inotify resources. Also a specified directory may not
be currently present or accessible, so revert to polling. Also an already
tailed but unwatchable due rename/unlink race, should also revert. */
if (no_inotify_resources || found_unwatchable_dir
|| (follow_mode == Follow_descriptor && tailed_but_unwatchable))
if (follow_mode == Follow_descriptor && !found_watchable_file)
exit (EXIT_FAILURE); prev_fspec = &(f[n_files - 1]); /* Check files again. New files or data can be available since last time we
checked and before they are watched by inotify. */
for (i = 0; i < n_files; i++)
if (! f[i].ignore)
/* check for new files. */
if (follow_mode == Follow_name)
recheck (&(f[i]), false);
else if (f[i].fd != -1)
/* If the file was replaced in the small window since we tailed,
then assume the watch is on the wrong item (different to
that we've already produced output for), and so revert to
polling the original descriptor. */
struct stat stats; if (stat (f[i].name, &stats) == 0
&& (f[i].dev != stats.st_dev || f[i].ino != stats.st_ino))
error (0, errno, _("%s was replaced"),
quoteaf (pretty_name (&(f[i]))));
} /* check for new data. */
check_fspec (&f[i], &prev_fspec);
} evlen += sizeof (struct inotify_event) + 1;
evbuf = xmalloc (evlen); /* Wait for inotify events and handle them. Events on directories
ensure that watched files can be re-added when following by name.
This loop blocks on the 'safe_read' call until a new event is notified.
But when --pid=P is specified, tail usually waits via poll. */
while (true)
struct File_spec *fspec;
struct inotify_event *ev;
void *void_ev; /* When following by name without --retry, and the last file has
been unlinked or renamed-away, diagnose it and return. */
if (follow_mode == Follow_name
&& ! reopen_inaccessible_files
&& hash_get_n_entries (wd_to_name) == 0)
die (EXIT_FAILURE, 0, _("no files remaining")); if (len <= evbuf_off)
/* Poll for inotify events. When watching a PID, ensure
that a read from WD will not block indefinitely.
If MONITOR_OUTPUT, also poll for a broken output pipe. */ int file_change;
struct pollfd pfd[2];
/* How many ms to wait for changes. -1 means wait forever. */
int delay = -1; if (pid)
if (writer_is_dead)
exit (EXIT_SUCCESS); writer_is_dead = (kill (pid, 0) != 0 && errno != EPERM); if (writer_is_dead || sleep_interval <= 0)
delay = 0;
else if (sleep_interval < INT_MAX / 1000 - 1)
/* delay = ceil (sleep_interval * 1000), sans libm. */
double ddelay = sleep_interval * 1000;
delay = ddelay;
delay += delay < ddelay;
} pfd[0].fd = wd;
pfd[0].events = POLLIN;
pfd[1].fd = STDOUT_FILENO;
pfd[1].events = pfd[1].revents = 0;
// 读取文件变更事件,当然还是会有超时处理,不然发生意外就不好了
file_change = poll (pfd, monitor_output + 1, delay);
while (file_change == 0); if (file_change < 0)
die (EXIT_FAILURE, errno,
_("error waiting for inotify and output events"));
if (pfd[1].revents)
die_pipe (); len = safe_read (wd, evbuf, evlen);
evbuf_off = 0; /* For kernels prior to 2.6.21, read returns 0 when the buffer
is too small. */
if ((len == 0 || (len == SAFE_READ_ERROR && errno == EINVAL))
&& max_realloc--)
len = 0;
evlen *= 2;
evbuf = xrealloc (evbuf, evlen);
} if (len == 0 || len == SAFE_READ_ERROR)
die (EXIT_FAILURE, errno, _("error reading inotify event"));
} void_ev = evbuf + evbuf_off;
ev = void_ev;
evbuf_off += sizeof (*ev) + ev->len; /* If a directory is deleted, IN_DELETE_SELF is emitted
with ev->name of length 0.
We need to catch it, otherwise it would wait forever,
as wd for directory becomes inactive. Revert to polling now. */
if ((ev->mask & IN_DELETE_SELF) && ! ev->len)
for (i = 0; i < n_files; i++)
if (ev->wd == f[i].parent_wd)
error (0, 0,
_("directory containing watched file was removed"));
// 遍历找出变化的文件
if (ev->len) /* event on ev->name in watched directory. */
size_t j;
for (j = 0; j < n_files; j++)
/* With N=hundreds of frequently-changing files, this O(N^2)
process might be a problem. FIXME: use a hash table? */
if (f[j].parent_wd == ev->wd
&& STREQ (ev->name, f[j].name + f[j].basename_start))
} /* It is not a watched file. */
if (j == n_files)
continue; fspec = &(f[j]); int new_wd = -1;
bool deleting = !! (ev->mask & IN_DELETE); if (! deleting)
/* Adding the same inode again will look up any existing wd. */
new_wd = inotify_add_watch (wd, f[j].name, inotify_wd_mask);
} if (! deleting && new_wd < 0)
if (errno == ENOSPC || errno == ENOMEM)
error (0, 0, _("inotify resources exhausted"));
return; /* revert to polling. */
/* Can get ENOENT for a dangling symlink for example. */
error (0, errno, _("cannot watch %s"), quoteaf (f[j].name));
/* We'll continue below after removing the existing watch. */
} /* This will be false if only attributes of file change. */
bool new_watch;
new_watch = (! deleting) && (fspec->wd < 0 || new_wd != fspec->wd); if (new_watch)
if (0 <= fspec->wd)
inotify_rm_watch (wd, fspec->wd);
hash_remove (wd_to_name, fspec);
} fspec->wd = new_wd; if (new_wd == -1)
continue; /* If the file was moved then inotify will use the source file wd
for the destination file. Make sure the key is not present in
the table. */
struct File_spec *prev = hash_remove (wd_to_name, fspec);
if (prev && prev != fspec)
if (follow_mode == Follow_name)
recheck (prev, false);
prev->wd = -1;
close_fd (prev->fd, pretty_name (prev));
} if (hash_insert (wd_to_name, fspec) == NULL)
xalloc_die ();
} if (follow_mode == Follow_name)
recheck (fspec, false);
struct File_spec key;
key.wd = ev->wd;
fspec = hash_lookup (wd_to_name, &key);
} if (! fspec)
continue; if (ev->mask & (IN_ATTRIB | IN_DELETE | IN_DELETE_SELF | IN_MOVE_SELF))
/* Note for IN_MOVE_SELF (the file we're watching has
been clobbered via a rename) we leave the watch
in place since it may still be part of the set
of watched names. */
if (ev->mask & IN_DELETE_SELF)
inotify_rm_watch (wd, fspec->wd);
hash_remove (wd_to_name, fspec);
} /* Note we get IN_ATTRIB for unlink() as st_nlink decrements.
The usual path is a close() done in recheck() triggers
an IN_DELETE_SELF event as the inode is removed.
However sometimes open() will succeed as even though
st_nlink is decremented, the dentry (cache) is not updated.
Thus we depend on the IN_DELETE event on the directory
to trigger processing for the removed file. */ recheck (fspec, false); continue;
// 输出变化的内容
check_fspec (fspec, &prev_fspec);
} /* Output (new) data for FSPEC->fd.
PREV_FSPEC records the last File_spec for which we output. */
static void
check_fspec (struct File_spec *fspec, struct File_spec **prev_fspec)
struct stat stats;
char const *name; if (fspec->fd == -1)
return; name = pretty_name (fspec); if (fstat (fspec->fd, &stats) != 0)
fspec->errnum = errno;
close_fd (fspec->fd, name);
fspec->fd = -1;
} /* XXX: This is only a heuristic, as the file may have also
been truncated and written to if st_size >= size
(in which case we ignore new data <= size).
Though in the inotify case it's more likely we'll get
separate events for truncate() and write(). */
if (S_ISREG (fspec->mode) && stats.st_size < fspec->size)
error (0, 0, _("%s: file truncated"), quotef (name));
xlseek (fspec->fd, 0, SEEK_SET, name);
fspec->size = 0;
else if (S_ISREG (fspec->mode) && stats.st_size == fspec->size
&& timespec_cmp (fspec->mtime, get_stat_mtime (&stats)) == 0)
return; bool want_header = print_headers && (fspec != *prev_fspec); uintmax_t bytes_read = dump_remainder (want_header, name, fspec->fd,
fspec->size += bytes_read; if (bytes_read)
*prev_fspec = fspec;
if (fflush (stdout) != 0)
die (EXIT_FAILURE, errno, _("write error"));
比如我们的io实现方式就有:阻塞io, select/poll io, 异步io, ... 异步总是实现复杂,但是收益也是比较可观的一种方法。
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