Architecture Principles
- Architecture Principles - Completed
- Components
- Name
- Statement
- Rationale
- Implications
- TOGAF Principles
- Business Principles
- Primacy of Principles
- Maximize Benefit to the Enterprise
- Information Management is Everybody's Business
- Business Continuity
- Common Use Applications
- Compliance with Law - Can Use
- IT Responsibility
- Protection of Intellectual Property
- Data Principles
- Data is an Asset
- Data is Shared
- Data is Accessible
- Data Trustee
- Common Vocabulary and Data Definitions
- Data Security
- Application Principles
- Technology Independence
- Ease-of-Use
- Technology Principles
- Requirements-Based Change
- Responsive Change Management
- Control Technical Diversity
- Interoperability
- Business Principles
- 8 TOGAF Principles
- 7 Architecture Principles Every Enterprise Architect Should Know
- Don't Mess With Success
- Focus On Excellence
- Why Not One?
- Data is an Asset
- Systems Work Where We Work
- Painless User Experience
- Self-Service
- Principles
- Business Principles
- Compliance with Statutory Obligations
- Data Principles
- Data will be Analysable
- Application Principles
- Purchase rather than Develop
- Business Principles
- Principles
- Separation of concerns
- Encapsulation
- Dependency inversion
- Explicit dependencies
- Single responsibility
- Don't repeat yourself (DRY)
- Persistence ignorance
- Bounded contexts
- Principles
- Align IS to the Business Strategy and purpose
- Simplicity - Can Use
- Limit End User Impact
- Stakeholder Satisfaction
- SMART projects
- Security
- Redundancy, HA
- Non-Functional Requirements
- Ownership
- Components
- Technical Requirements - illities - Completed
- Technical Requirements (With Definition and List of Examples)
- 25 Examples of Technical Requirements
- 4.2 Technical Requirements Definition
- Business vs. Functional vs. Technical Requirements
- Technical (Non-Functional) Requirements: An Agile Introduction
- API Response Time (Performance): Golden ratio is under 100 milliseconds – that is the ideal response time. In reality response time might be slower. In that case response time below 1 second is still considered very good. Even time below 3 seconds is still acceptable.
- Availability: Use CI/CD pipeline to implement rapid deploy a new App Engine service and switch all ingress to the new one; Cloud Functions are cloud native service which support high availability naturally.
- Authentication & Authorization: Leverage Azure Active Directory OAuth v2 authentication for RESTful APIs.
- Traceability: Log all incoming event messages from REBAR messaging and store in EventReceivedLog collection (GCP Firestore).
- Security: HTTPS protocol, API authentication, parameter validation, service account based access between compute service and data storage.
- data base backup/recovery - In Progress
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