Options - IBM Documentation

List of options for the bsub command.

  • -a
    Specifies one or more application-specific esub or epsub executable files that you want LSF to associate with the job.
  • -alloc_flags
    Specifies the user level CSM allocation prologs and epilogs.
  • -app
    Submits the job to the specified application profile.
  • -ar
    Specifies that the job is autoresizable.
  • -B
    Sends mail to you when the job is dispatched and begins execution.
  • -b
    Dispatches the job for execution on or after the specified date and time.
  • -C
    Sets a per-process (soft) core file size limit for all the processes that belong to this job.
  • -c
    Limits the total CPU time the job can use.
  • -clusters
    LSF multicluster capability only. Specifies cluster names when submitting jobs.
  • -cn_cu
    Specifies the cu (compute unit) resource requirement string for the compute node for the CSM job.
  • -cn_mem
    Specifies the memory limit that is required on the compute node for the CSM job.
  • -core_isolation
    Disables or enables core isolation.
  • -csm
    Enables expert mode for the CSM job submission, which allows you to specify a full resource requirement string for CSM resources.
  • -cwd
    Specifies the current working directory for job execution.
  • -D
    Sets a per-process (soft) data segment size limit for each of the processes that belong to the job.
  • -data
    Specifies data requirements for a job.
  • -datachk
    For jobs with a data requirement, enables the bsub and bmod commands to perform a full sanity check on the files and folders, and to generate the hash for each file and folder.
  • -datagrp
    Specifies user group for job data requirements.
  • -E
    Runs the specified job-based pre-execution command on the execution host before actually running the job.
  • -Ep
    Runs the specified job-based post-execution command on the execution host after the job finishes.
  • -e
    Appends the standard error output of the job to the specified file path.
  • -env
    Controls the propagation of the specified job submission environment variables to the execution hosts.
  • -eo
    Overwrites the standard error output of the job to the specified file path.
  • -eptl
    Specifies the eligible pending time limit for the job.
  • -ext
    Specifies application-specific external scheduling options for the job.
  • -F
    Sets a per-process (soft) file size limit for each of the processes that belong to the job.
  • -f
    Copies a file between the local (submission) host and the remote (execution) host.
  • -freq
    Specifies a CPU frequency for a job.
  • -G
    For fairshare scheduling. Associates the job with the specified group or excludes the job from the specified groups.
  • -g
    Submits jobs in the specified job group.
  • -gpu
    Specifies properties of GPU resources required by the job.
  • -H
    Holds the job in the PSUSP state when the job is submitted.
  • -hl
    Enables job-level host-based memory and swap limit enforcement on systems that support Linux cgroups.
  • -hostfile
    Submits a job with a user-specified host file.
  • -I
    Submits an interactive job.
  • -Ip
    Submits an interactive job and creates a pseudo-terminal when the job starts.
  • -IS
    Submits an interactive job under a secure shell (ssh).
  • -ISp
    Submits an interactive job under a secure shell (ssh) and creates a pseudo-terminal when the job starts.
  • -ISs
    Submits an interactive job under a secure shell (ssh) and creates a pseudo-terminal with shell mode support when the job starts.
  • -Is
    Submits an interactive job and creates a pseudo-terminal with shell mode when the job starts.
  • -IX
    Submits an interactive X-Window job.
  • -i
    Gets the standard input for the job from specified file path.
  • -is
    Gets the standard input for the job from the specified file path, but allows you to modify or remove the input file before the job completes.
  • -J
    Assigns the specified name to the job, and, for job arrays, specifies the indices of the job array and optionally the maximum number of jobs that can run at any given time.
  • -Jd
    Assigns the specified description to the job; for job arrays, specifies the same job description for all elements in the job array.
  • -jobaff
    Specifies the affinity preferences for the job.
  • -jsdl
    Submits a job using a JSDL file that uses the LSF extension to specify job submission options.
  • -jsdl_strict
    Submits a job using a JSDL file that only uses the standard JSDL elements and POSIX extensions to specify job submission options.
  • -jsm
    Enables or disables the IBM Job Step Manager (JSM) daemon for the job.
  • -json
    Submits a job using a JSON file to specify job submission options.
  • -K
    Submits a job and waits for the job to complete. Sends job status messages to the terminal.
  • -k
    Makes a job checkpointable and specifies the checkpoint directory.
  • -L
    Initializes the execution environment using the specified login shell.
  • -Lp
    Assigns the job to the specified LSF License Scheduler project.
  • -ln_mem
    Specifies the memory limit on the launch node (LN) host for the CSM job.
  • -ln_slots
    Specifies the number of slots to use on the launch node (LN) host for the CSM job.
  • -M
    Sets a memory limit for all the processes that belong to the job.
  • -m
    Submits a job to be run on specific hosts, host groups, or compute units.
  • -mig
    Specifies the migration threshold for checkpointable or rerunnable jobs, in minutes.
  • -N
    Sends the job report to you by mail when the job finishes.
  • -Ne
    Sends the job report to you by mail when the job exits (that is, when the job is in Exit status).
  • -n
    Submits a parallel job and specifies the number of tasks in the job.
  • -notify
    Requests that the user be notified when the job reaches any of the specified states.
  • -network
    For LSF IBM Parallel Environment (IBM PE) integration. Specifies the network resource requirements to enable network-aware scheduling for IBM PE jobs.
  • -nnodes
    Specifies the number of compute nodes that are required for the CSM job.
  • -o
    Appends the standard output of the job to the specified file path.
  • -oo
    Overwrites the standard output of the job to the specified file path.
  • -outdir
    Creates the job output directory.
  • -P
    Assigns the job to the specified project.
  • -p
    Sets the limit of the number of processes to the specified value for the whole job.
  • -pack
    Submits job packs instead of an individual job.
  • -ptl
    Specifies the pending time limit for the job.
  • -Q
    Specify automatic job requeue exit values.
  • -q
    Submits the job to one of the specified queues.
  • -R
    Runs the job on a host that meets the specified resource requirements.
  • -r
    Reruns a job if the execution host or the system fails; it does not rerun a job if the job itself fails.
  • -rcacct
    Assigns an account name (tag) to hosts that are borrowed through LSF resource connector, so that the hosts cannot be used by other user groups, users, or jobs.
  • -rn
    Specifies that the job is never rerunnable.
  • -rnc
    Specifies the full path of an executable to be invoked on the first execution host when the job allocation has been modified (both shrink and grow).
  • -S
    Sets a per-process (soft) stack segment size limit for each of the processes that belong to the job.
  • -s
    Sends the specified signal when a queue-level run window closes.
  • -sla
    Specifies the service class where the job is to run.
  • -smt
    Specifies the SMT mode for CSM jobs.
  • -sp
    Specifies user-assigned job priority that orders jobs in a queue.
  • -stage
    Specifies the options for direct data staging (for example, IBM CAST burst buffer).
  • -step_cgroup
    Enables the job to create a cgroup for each job step.
  • -T
    Sets the limit of the number of concurrent threads to the specified value for the whole job.
  • -t
    Specifies the job termination deadline.
  • -ti
    Enables automatic orphan job termination at the job level for a job with a dependency expression (set using -w).
  • -tty
    When submitting an interactive job, displays output/error messages on the screen (except pre-execution output/error messages).
  • -U
    If an advance reservation has been created with the brsvadd command, the job makes use of the reservation.
  • -u
    Sends mail to the specified email destination.
  • -ul
    Passes the current operating system user shell limits for the job submission user to the execution host.
  • -v
    Sets the total process virtual memory limit to the specified value for the whole job.
  • -W
    Sets the runtime limit of the job.
  • -We
    Specifies an estimated run time for the job.
  • -w
    LSF does not place your job unless the dependency expression evaluates to TRUE.
  • -wa
    Specifies the job action to be taken before a job control action occurs.
  • -wt
    Specifies the amount of time before a job control action occurs that a job warning action is to be taken.
  • -XF
    Submits a job using SSH X11 forwarding.
  • -x
    Puts the host running your job into exclusive execution mode.
  • -yaml
    Submits a job using a YAML file to specify job submission options.
  • -Zs
    Spools a job command file to the directory specified by the JOB_SPOOL_DIR parameter in lsb.params, and uses the spooled file as the command file for the job.
  • command
    Specifies the command and arguments used for the job submission.
  • job_script
    Specifies the job script for the bsub command to load, parse, and run from the command line.
    Submits a Docker job with a Docker entry point image, but no command.
  • -h
    Displays a description of the specified category, command option, or sub-option to stderr and exits.
  • -V
    Prints LSF release version to stderr and exits.

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