
(1)使用 union 和 多个order by 不加括号 报错

(2)order by 在 union 连接的子句不起作用


(1)order by 在 union 连接的子句的子句中使用

(2)先使用 union 后使用order by


我们举个例子进行说明,案例来自:SQL132 每个题目和每份试卷被作答的人数和次数


现有试卷作答记录表exam_record(uid用户ID, exam_id试卷ID, start_time开始作答时间, submit_time交卷时间, score得分):

id uid exam_id start_time submit_time score
1 1001 9001 2021-09-01 09:01:01 2021-09-01 09:41:01 81
2 1002 9002 2021-09-01 12:01:01 2021-09-01 12:31:01 70
3 1002 9001 2021-09-01 19:01:01 2021-09-01 19:40:01 80
4 1002 9002 2021-09-01 12:01:01 2021-09-01 12:31:01 70
5 1004 9001 2021-09-01 19:01:01 2021-09-01 19:40:01 85
6 1002 9002 2021-09-01 12:01:01 (NULL) (NULL)

题目练习表practice_record(uid用户ID, question_id题目ID, submit_time提交时间, score得分):

id uid question_id submit_time score
1 1001 8001 2021-08-02 11:41:01 60
2 1002 8001 2021-09-02 19:30:01 50
3 1002 8001 2021-09-02 19:20:01 70
4 1002 8002 2021-09-02 19:38:01 70
5 1003 8001 2021-08-02 19:38:01 70
6 1003 8001 2021-08-02 19:48:01 90
7 1003 8002 2021-08-01 19:38:01 80

请统计每个题目和每份试卷被作答的人数和次数,分别按照"试卷"和"题目"的uv & pv降序显示,示例数据结果输出如下:

tid uv pv
9001 3 3
9002 1 3
8001 3 5
8002 2 2





1.union 和 order by 同时使用需要注意的问题


  • [条件]:where score >= 85 and year(start_time) = 2021

  • [使用]:distinct。一定要去重


  • [条件]:where difficulty = 'hard' and score > 80 and year(start_time) = 2021 and timestampdiff(minute, start_time, submit_time) < duration / 2

  • [使用]:多表连接使用 join using( )

(3)合并两个表,分别按照"试卷"和"题目"的uv & pv降序显示

  • [使用]:union all 和union 都可以,因为列activity不会有重复。


select * from
select 查询结果 [试卷ID; 作答次数]
from 从哪张表中查询数据[试卷作答记录表]
group by 分组条件 [试卷ID]
order by 对查询结果排序 [按照"试卷"的uv & pv降序]
select * from
select 查询结果 [题目ID; 作答次数]
from 从哪张表中查询数据[题目练习表]
group by 分组条件 [题目ID]
order by 对查询结果排序 [按照"题目"的uv & pv降序]


(1)使用 union 和 多个order by 不加括号 【报错】

exam_id as tid,
count(distinct uid) as uv,
count(uid) as pv
from exam_record a
group by exam_id
order by uv desc, pv desc
question_id as tid,
count(distinct uid) as uv,
count(uid) as pv
from practice_record b
group by question_id
order by uv desc, pv desc


程序异常退出, 请检查代码"是否有数组越界等异常"或者"是否有语法错误"

SQL_ERROR_INFO: "You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'union all\n\nselect \n question_id as tid,\n count(distinct uid) as uv,\n co' at line 11"

这是因为union在没有括号的情况下只能有一个order by。为什么只能有一个order by 呢?

既然不加括号出错,那我就加上括号使用2个order by !

(2)order by 在 union 子句中不起作用

exam_id as tid,
count(distinct uid) as uv,
count(uid) as pv
from exam_record a
group by exam_id
order by uv desc, pv desc)
question_id as tid,
count(distinct uid) as uv,
count(uid) as pv
from practice_record b
group by question_id
order by uv desc, pv desc)

结果发现这样写order by在每个子表中不起作用!所以这种方法也不对。但是 union 可以在子句的子句中起作用,写成下面这样:



(1)order by 在 union 连接的子句的子句中使用

select * from
exam_id as tid,
count(distinct uid) as uv,
count(uid) as pv
from exam_record a
group by exam_id
order by uv desc, pv desc
) a
select * from
question_id as tid,
count(distinct uid) as uv,
count(uid) as pv
from practice_record b
group by question_id
order by uv desc, pv desc
) attr

那我是不是可以union两个子句之后再使用order by ,但是这个排序要对2个表分别进行降序,就需要写成下面这样:


(2)先使用 union 后使用order by


left(str,length) 函数: str左边开始的长度为 length 的子字符串,在本例中为‘9’和‘8’


exam_id as tid,
count(distinct uid) as uv,
count(*) as pv
from exam_record
group by exam_id
question_id as tid,
count(distinct uid) as uv,
count(*) as pv
from practice_record
group by question_id
#分别按照"试卷"和"题目"的uv & pv降序显示
order by left(tid,1) desc,uv desc,pv desc


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