




Horizontal mirror process.


name="src">Source image.</param>


MirrorXProcess(WriteableBitmap src)////19水平镜像




w = src.PixelWidth;

h = src.PixelHeight;

mirrorImage =newWriteableBitmap(w,h);

temp = src.PixelBuffer.ToArray();

tempMask =newbyte[w
* h * 4];

(int j = 0; j < h; j++)


(int i = 0; i < w; i++)


                   tempMask[i * 4 + j * w * 4] = temp[(w - 1 - i) * 4 + j * w * 4];

                   tempMask[i * 4 + 1 + j * w * 4] = temp[(w - 1 - i) * 4 + 1 + j * w *

                   tempMask[i * 4 + 2 + j * w * 4] = temp[(w - 1 - i) * 4 + 2 + j * w *

                   tempMask[i * 4 + 3 + j * w * 4] = temp[(w - 1 - i) * 4 + 3 + j * w *



sTemp = mirrorImage.PixelBuffer.AsStream();


           sTemp.Write(tempMask, 0, w * 4 * h);










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