I'm using Unity 3D in combination with Visual Studio 2008 on a Windows 7 64 bit system.

When saving a cs file in Visual Studio and returning to Unity 3D I always get the following warning:

There are inconsistent line endings in the 'someFileName.cs' script. Some are Mac OS X (UNIX) and some are Windows.

This might lead to incorrect line numbers in stacktraces and compiler errors. Unitron and other text editors can fix this using Convert Line Endings menu commands.

I've seen that more people have this problem but they all are using OS X.

How can I fix this problem on my Windows machine?


OK, I fixed the problem by replacing the NewBehaviourScript.cs that is located in Unity\Editor\Data\Resources

By creating a new script using Windows it contains only CrLf for new lines. So now when I create a new cs script in Unity and edit it in Visual Studio all the line endings are the same. So no more warnings

Create a new class in visual studio and set it up in the same way as the default NewBehaviourScript.cs.

Do not copy and paste as you will most likely copy the line endings too, thus undoing your efforts.

It is possible Unity does this so that other OS's & IDE's 'understand' the script too.

Line endings by the way are the characters that text editors interpret as a new line.

"/n" or "/r" for example.

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