Top 10 Online Compilers

Online compilers are one type of tools that allows to compile the source code and execute it. Online compilers execute in a various programming language. We use different compilers to run our codes like Dev C++, Visual Studio, Turbo C++ etc. But now it so easy we just require to connect through the internet and enter our code and run it. An online compiler has the same basic functionality as a conventional compiler.

Top 10 online compiler site name:

1.) | Online IDE & Debugging Tool >> C/C++, Java, PHP, Python, Perl, and 40+ compilers and interpreters

Online IDE & Debugging Tool
  • Ideone is an online compiler and debugging tool which allows you to compile the source code and execute it online in more than 60 programming languages.
  • Ideone is a standard online IDE that allows to edit, compile, execute and share single C++ files.
  • Ideone is easy to use an online compiler.

2.) Codepad

  • is an online compiler/interpreter and a simple collaboration tool.
  • Codepad was created by Steven Hazel, one of the founders of Sauce Labs.
  • It’s a paste bin that executes code for you. You paste your code, and Codepad runs it and gives you a short URL you can use to share it. Paste the URL into chat or email to get help or to show someone how to do something. Or just try things out when you don’t have an interpreter handy.
  • It works well on many phones.
  • Codepad works like a compiler or interpreter, not like the read-eval-print loop of an interactive interpreter prompt.
  • If you want to print the value of an expression, you need to use your language’s print command. If your language requires a “main” function, your program won’t work in Codepad without one.
  • Codepad is a powerful IDE with a compiler for 10+ languages.
  • It is Completely anonymous to use.

3.) Hackerearth Online Compiler

  • Compiles in the background, after every few keystrokes.
  • The error lines are highlighted within a second after typing the code.
  • An editor has syntax highlighting and autocomplete.

4.) Codechef

  • It supports C, C++, and Java, very close to real desktop IDE.
  • It is super fast and easy to use.
  • Suitable for students in the classroom and assignments, practicing interview problems. It is a competitive programming website.
  • It is one of the best options for running programs online.
  • It is a non-profit educational initiative of Directi, aimed at providing a platform for student.

5.) Fiddle – jsFiddle – Online Editor for the Web

Fiddle – jsFiddle
  • Test your JavaScript, CSS, HTML or CoffeeScript online with JSFiddle code editor. (JavaScript, MooTools, jQuery, Prototype, YUI, Glow, and Dojo)
  • Lots of people and companies use JSFiddle for online examples of their JavaScript libraries/products.
  • JSFiddle has the notion of panels there are 4 panels, 3 where you can enter a code(HTML, CSS, JavaScript), and 1 to see the result.
  • You can save your code and update your existing code.

6.) JDoodle – Online IDE

  • Supports collaborative code.
  • It just starts with a simple text area where you can paste code, and click run.
  • You can change the command line parameters and set the stdin before running the program. Best suited for many old languages that are not supported by new online editors, and you don’t want to install and configure each compiler for those languages.
  • It supports 68 Languages.
  • It executes directly from your website/blog.
  • JDoodle Save the program and share as URL with others.

7.) OnlineGDB | Online C, C++, Java, PHP Compiler

Online GDB
  • Its great online IDE powered with the code editor, compiler and debugger.
  • It supports C, C++, PHP and Java Compilers.
  • The unique feature of OnlineGDB is, you can debug your code step by step.
  • Once the code is written, it can easily be formatted to make it look nice.
  • This is a very handy web app for coders who love coding in online IDE but faces unexpected crashes and tricky bugs in their code.

8.) GCC Explorer

  • An intuitive web-based tool targeted at C++ programmers and useful for researching, debugging and optimizing code has been made available.
  • GCC Explorer is an interactive compiler.
  • The left-hand pane shows editable C/C++ code. The right, the assembly output of having compiled the code with a given compiler and settings.
  • One of the things I spend a fair amount of time doing at work is compiling my C/C++ code and looking at the disassembly output.
  • Call me old-fashioned, but I think sometimes the only way to really grok your code is to see what the processor will actually execute.
  • Particularly with some of the newer features of C++11 — lambdas, move constructors, threading primitives etc — it’s nice to be able to see how your elegant code becomes beautiful (and maybe even fairly optimal) machine code.0
  • Having crafted a web-based tool for exploring the output of the compiler under small tweaks of the code, compiler version, and compiler flags, Matt was given permission by his company to open source it.

9.) DJGPP Public Access Cross-Compiler

DJGPP public access cross compiler
  • This service is being provided as a convenience to users who need to be able to produce a small DOS program and do not have access to a DOS machine with a compiler on it.
  • There is currently a limit of 1000 source bytes and 200,000 executable bytes.
  • Only C programs are allowed.
  • The math library will be linked in.
  • If compilation is successful, all you will get is the binary (exe format), else you will see the results of your compilation.

10.) Test Drive Comeau C/C++ Online

  • Comeau C/C++ is a compiler for C and C++.Comeau Computing offers a C++ front-end (v4.3.10.1 as of July 2008) which converts C++ to C, which is then compiled by a separate back-end.
  • The interactive Comeau C++ compiler is running under the NetBSD UNIX-like OS on an x86 platform, although it should be considered a faux platform.
  • The compiler is based upon the Edison Design Group C++ frontend.
  • The compiler is available for both Unix and Microsoft Windows platforms.
  • Comeau also offers custom ports to other platforms.

See More: 10 Best Java IDE



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