
My name is Donggongdechen. I am ** years old. I was born in XuChang, HeNan province, the capital of Wei in three Kingdoms. And I have a brother, who is three years younger than me and is a college student also in our province, majoring in civil engineering.

My father and mother are peasants. Our home is in the countryside. My grandfather has four sons and three daughters, making a living from the soil. And my father is my grandfather’s third son. When I was in primary school, my grandmother passed away. Also my grandpa has many children, that is to say, I have three uncles and two aunts. Influenced by my grandpa, they all went to school when they were young. It is not easy at that time, because most of their peers didn’t go to school unless their parents did care about it. So my mother inherited the excellent concept that her children must be sent to school to learn science and technology. And they should accept modern education and go to college if they want to. So when I was less than 5 years, I had went to school. The teacher was not willing to accept me, but after a period of time, she found I had the ability to keep up with what she said on the class. So she had to let me go to school.

When I was in primary school, we were all very industrious and hardworking. We had to get up early to go to school to read and to recite Chinese articles, and after our supper we also went to school to do math homework deep into the night. Sometimes our school has not electricity, so we had to light a candle to study. Like this, I finished my primary education. In the north of China, winter is very cold. Now I don’t know how I did it, and I feel I was too little that time. Compared with today’s children, we did more than they do. Also at weekend, my brother and I had to help our mother to do some farm work, which was too heavy to us to do that time. In summer, the weather was very hot. In a word, I think my childhood was not full of fun. Most time of my childhood was spent on studying. But I never regret to have a childhood like this. If another chance were given to me, I would do the same.

Then came the year of my middle school, which was spent in our small town. I think this is a kind of typical education experience, which represents most students coming from rural areas. Most of them have the same experience as mine, whose primary school education was finished in their own village and middle school education their own small town and high school country town. And when the time of college comes, they can have a chance to go out of their own province. Most people coming from rural areas go to big city to have a job like this. For me, the chance came until my graduate education. The choice of my college school, which was decided by my uncle. Today I think the choice is very unsuccessful. So when my graduate education started, I decided it myself, following my own heart. Because I like GuangZhou, also I want to have my career here. So I choose South China University of Technology. I think the future belongs to the brave, not the faint.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Mar 2014


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