


public enum Color {
RED("红色", 1), GREEN("绿色", 2), BLANK("白色", 3), YELLO("黄色", 4);
// 成员变量
private String name;
private int index; // 构造方法
private Color(String name, int index) {
this.name = name;
this.index = index;
} public static String getName(int index) {
for (Color c : Color.values()) {
if (c.getIndex() == index) {
return c.name;
return null;
} public String getName() {
return name;
} public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;


OFType t = OFType.HELLO;


以下是Floodlight controller中相关知识点的体现

public enum OFType {
HELLO (0, OFHello.class, new Instantiable<OFMessage>() {
public OFMessage instantiate() {
return new OFHello();
ERROR (1, OFError.class, new Instantiable<OFMessage>() {
public OFMessage instantiate() {
return new OFError();
}}), PACKET_IN (10, OFPacketIn.class, new Instantiable<OFMessage>() {
public OFMessage instantiate() {
return new OFPacketIn();
}}), PACKET_OUT (13, OFPacketOut.class, new Instantiable<OFMessage>() {
public OFMessage instantiate() {
return new OFPacketOut();
FLOW_MOD (14, OFFlowMod.class, new Instantiable<OFMessage>() {
public OFMessage instantiate() {
return new OFFlowMod();
}}); static OFType[] mapping; //每一个消息类型,都须要相应的详细实现类
protected Class<? extends OFMessage> clazz; //每一个消息类的无參构造器
protected Constructor<? extends OFMessage> constructor; //接口 Instantiable 有一个初始化实例的方法。创建详细的OFMessage
protected Instantiable<OFMessage> instantiable; //消息类型的值
protected byte type; /**构造方法
* Store some information about the OpenFlow type, including wire protocol
* type number, length, and derived class
* @param type Wire protocol number associated with this OFType
* @param requestClass The Java class corresponding to this type of OpenFlow message
* @param instantiator An Instantiator<OFMessage> implementation that creates an
* instance of the specified OFMessage
OFType(int type, Class<? extends OFMessage> clazz, Instantiable<OFMessage> instantiator) {
this.type = (byte) type;
this.clazz = clazz;
this.instantiable = instantiator;
try {
this.constructor = clazz.getConstructor(new Class[]{});
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failure getting constructor for class: " + clazz, e);
OFType.addMapping(this.type, this); //值到枚举类的映射
} /**
* Adds a mapping from type value to OFType enum
* @param i OpenFlow wire protocol type
* @param t type
static public void addMapping(byte i, OFType t) {
if (mapping == null)
mapping = new OFType[32];
OFType.mapping[i] = t;
} /**
* Remove a mapping from type value to OFType enum
* @param i OpenFlow wire protocol type
static public void removeMapping(byte i) {
OFType.mapping[i] = null;
} /**
* Given a wire protocol OpenFlow type number, return the OFType associated
* with it
* @param i wire protocol number
* @return OFType enum type
*/ static public OFType valueOf(Byte i) {
return OFType.mapping[i];
} /**
* @return Returns the wire protocol value corresponding to this OFType
public byte getTypeValue() {
return this.type;
} /**
* @return return the OFMessage subclass corresponding to this OFType
public Class<? extends OFMessage> toClass() {
return clazz;
} /**
* Returns the no-argument Constructor of the implementation class for
* this OFType
* @return the constructor
public Constructor<? extends OFMessage> getConstructor() {
return constructor;
} /**
* Returns a new instance of the OFMessage represented by this OFType
* @return the new object
public OFMessage newInstance() {
return instantiable.instantiate();
} /**
* @return the instantiable
public Instantiable<OFMessage> getInstantiable() {
return instantiable;
} /**
* @param instantiable the instantiable to set
public void setInstantiable(Instantiable<OFMessage> instantiable) {
this.instantiable = instantiable;


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