poj 1003:Hangover(水题,数学模拟)
Time Limit: 1000MS | Memory Limit: 10000K | |
Total Submissions: 99450 | Accepted: 48213 |
How far can you make a stack of cards overhang a table? If you have one card, you can create a maximum overhang of half a card length. (We're assuming that the cards must be perpendicular to the table.) With two cards you can make the top card overhang the bottom one by half a card length, and the bottom one overhang the table by a third of a card length, for a total maximum overhang of 1/2 + 1/3 = 5/6 card lengths. In general you can make n cards overhang by 1/2 + 1/3 + 1/4 + ... + 1/(n + 1) card lengths, where the top card overhangs the second by 1/2, the second overhangs tha third by 1/3, the third overhangs the fourth by 1/4, etc., and the bottom card overhangs the table by 1/(n + 1). This is illustrated in the figure below.
Sample Input
Sample Output
3 card(s)
61 card(s)
1 card(s)
273 card(s)
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main()
double c,sum;
int n,card;
if(int(c*)==) break;
sum = ;
while(sum<=c){ //循环模拟。直到超过
cout<<n-<<" card(s)"<<endl;
return ;
Freecode : www.cnblogs.com/yym2013
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