Thread Objects

Each thread is associated with an instance of the class Thread. There are two basic strategies for using Thread objects to create a concurrent application.

  • To directly control thread creation and management, simply instantiate Thread each time the application needs to initiate an asynchronous task.
  • To abstract thread management from the rest of your application, pass the application's tasks to an executor.

This section documents the use of Thread objects. Executors are discussed with other high-level concurrency objects.

  • 为了直接控制和管理线程,可以在应用程序每次需要异步执行任务的时候简单的实现Threa对象即可。
  • 为了从应用程序的其他地方抽象的管理线程,可以传递应用程序的任务到executor。

这个课程描述了Thread对象的使用。关于executors的讨论放在了其他high-level concurrency 对象种。

Defining and Starting a Thread

An application that creates an instance of Thread must provide the code that will run in that thread. There are two ways to do this:

  • Provide a Runnable object. The Runnable interface defines a single method, run, meant to contain the code executed in the thread. The Runnable object is passed to the Thread constructor, as in the HelloRunnable example:

    public class HelloRunnable implements Runnable {
        public void run() {
    System.out.println("Hello from a thread!");
    } public static void main(String args[]) {
    (new Thread(new HelloRunnable())).start();
    } }
  • Subclass Thread. The Thread class itself implements Runnable, though its run method does nothing. An application can subclass Thread, providing its own implementation of run, as in the HelloThread example:
    public class HelloThread extends Thread {
        public void run() {
    System.out.println("Hello from a thread!");
    } public static void main(String args[]) {
    (new HelloThread()).start();
    } }

Notice that both examples invoke Thread.start in order to start the new thread.

Which of these idioms should you use? The first idiom, which employs a Runnable object, is more general, because theRunnable object can subclass a class other than Thread. The second idiom is easier to use in simple applications, but is limited by the fact that your task class must be a descendant of Thread. This lesson focuses on the first approach, which separates the Runnable task from the Thread object that executes the task. Not only is this approach more flexible, but it is applicable to the high-level thread management APIs covered later.

The Thread class defines a number of methods useful for thread management. These include static methods, which provide information about, or affect the status of, the thread invoking the method. The other methods are invoked from other threads involved in managing the thread and Thread object. We'll examine some of these methods in the following sections.




  • 提供一个Runnable对象,这个Runnable接口定义了单个方法,run方法,包含能够在线程中执行的代码。正如在HelloRunnable的实例中一样,这个Runnable对象通过Thread的构造方法传递。
 public class HelloRunnable implements Runnable {

     public void run() {
System.out.println("Hello from a thread!");
} public static void main(String args[]) {
(new Thread(new HelloRunnable())).start();
  • 实现Thread的子类。Thread类通过一个不包括任何东西的run方法实现了Runnable.如同HelloThread实例,一个应用程序可以继承自Thread,通过重写run方法来实现多线程。
 public class HelloThread extends Thread {

     public void run() {
System.out.println("Hello from a thread!");
} public static void main(String args[]) {
(new HelloThread()).start();





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