16.6 You are given a class with synchronized method A and a normal method B. If you have two threads in one instance of a program, can they both execute A at the same time? Can they execute A and B at the same time?



public class Foo {
private String name; public Foo(String nm) {
name = nm;
} public String getName() {
return name;
} public void pause() {
try {
Thread.sleep(1000 * 3);
} catch(InterruptedException e) {
} public synchronized void methodA (String threadName) {
System.out.println("thread" + threadName + " starting; " + name + ".methodA()");
System.out.println("thread" + threadName + " ending: " + name + ".methodA()");
} public void methodB(String threadName) {
System.out.println("thread " + threadName + " starting: " + name + ".methodB()");
System.out.println("thread " + threadName + " ending: " + name + ".methodB()");
} public class MyThread extends Thread {
private Foo foo;
public String name;
public String firstMethod;
public MyThread(Foo f, String nm, String fM) {
foo = f;
name = nm;
firstMethod = fM;
} public void run() {
if (firstMethod.equals("A")) {
} else {
} public class j {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Part 1 Demo with same instance.");
Foo fooA = new Foo("ObjectOne");
MyThread thread1a = new MyThread(fooA, "Dog", "A");
MyThread thread2a = new MyThread(fooA, "Cat", "A");
while (thread1a.isAlive() || thread2a.isAlive()) {}
System.out.println("\n\n"); System.out.println("Part 1 Demo with different instance.");
Foo fooB1 = new Foo("ObjectOne");
Foo fooB2 = new Foo("ObejctTwo");
MyThread thread1b = new MyThread(fooB1, "Dog", "A");
MyThread thread2b = new MyThread(fooB1, "Cat", "A");
while (thread1b.isAlive() || thread2b.isAlive()) {};
System.out.println("\n\n"); System.out.println("Part 2 Demo.");
Foo fooC = new Foo("ObjectOne");
MyThread thread1c = new MyThread(fooC, "Dog", "A");
MyThread thread2c = new MyThread(fooC, "Cat", "B");

CareerCup All in One 题目汇总

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