BZOJ 1054 题解
1054: [HAOI2008]移动玩具
Time Limit: 10 Sec Memory Limit: 162 MB
Submit: 1888 Solved: 1035
Sample Input
Sample Output
Problem: 1054
User: shadowland
Language: C++
Result: Accepted
Time:108 ms
Memory:16152 kb
****************************************************************/ #include "bits/stdc++.h" using namespace std;
struct Matrix { int M[ ][ ] , num ; } ;
const int maxN = ;
const int INF = ;
typedef long long QAQ ; Matrix Goal , Q[ maxN ] ;
int Find_Table[ maxN ] ;
bool vis[ ][ ] ;
int dx[ ] = { - , , , } , dy[ ] = { , , , - } ; QAQ ans , final ; int Condense ( Matrix tmp ) {
int ret = ;
for( int i= ; i<= ; ++i )
for( int j= ; j<= ; ++j )
ret = ( ret << ) + tmp.M[ i ][ j ] ;
return ret ;
} bool Judge( Matrix SHHHS ) {
int tmp = Condense( SHHHS ) ;
if ( tmp == ans ){ final = SHHHS.num ; return true ; }
bool key = true ;
if ( Find_Table[ tmp ] == true ) key = false ; if ( key == true ) Find_Table[ tmp ] = true ;
if ( key == true ) return true ;
else return false ;
} void BFS ( ) {
Find_Table[ Condense( Q[ ] ) ] = true ;
int head = , tail = ;
while( head <= tail ) {
Matrix t1 = Q[ head ] ;
for ( int i= ; i<= ; ++i ) {
for ( int j= ; j<= ; ++j ) {
if ( t1.M[ i ][ j ] == ) {
for ( int xi= ; xi< ; ++xi ) {
int xx = i + dx[ xi ] ;
int yy = j + dy[ xi ] ;
if( vis[ xx ][ yy ] ){
Matrix t2 = t1 ;
++ t2.num ;
t2.M[ xx ][ yy ] = t1.M[ i ][ j ] ;
t2.M[ i ][ j ] = t1.M[ xx ][ yy ] ;
if( Judge( t2 ) ) Q[ ++ tail ] = t2 ;
if( final ) return ;
++ head ;
} int main( ) { memset ( vis , true , sizeof ( vis ) ) ; for ( int i= ; i<= ; ++i ) {
for ( int j= ; j<= ; ++j ) {
char ch = getchar ( ) ;
Q[ ].M[ i ][ j ] = ch - '' ;
getchar ( ) ;
} getchar ( ) ; for ( int i= ; i<= ; ++i ){
for ( int j= ; j<= ; ++j ){
char ch = getchar ( ) ;
Goal.M[ i ][ j ] = ch - '' ;
getchar ( ) ;
} ans = Condense( Goal );
if ( ans == Condense ( Q[ ] ) ) { cout << '' << endl ; goto End ;}
BFS ( ) ;
printf( "%lld\n" , final );
End :
return ;
2016-10-14 23:41:11
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